13. Punishment

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I could not sleep. How can I?
My people whom I thought was taken by a hideous beast—were actually taken by my father and his cohorts and delivered into the hands of those who do not mean us well.
And the man I thought would hurt me, probably was saving my life, and he has a vendetta against my father.
And the last thing Anyanwu said, about my mother. What happened?

Sleep was a distant word which I had intention of getting. A few hours later, the door was opened and the man, Nigel came inside with a gun in his hand. "Out, now!" He ordered. I obeyed.

I stepped into the sitting to room to find my father, Anyanwu, Mr Atkinson, five men dressed as chiefs from other villages, and other unfamiliar faces. My father stood facing the rest of them. "This is Amara, my successor."

The men exchanged looks among themselves. "One of them spoke up. "A girl? Your successor is a girl?"

"Yes," Answeed my father. "She has the heart of a lioness, she can take our business to greater heights"

"No! We all have our sons succeed us, don't you have many sons, Chief Izogu? Why then do you bring a woman to lead our sons?"

"The choice is mine". Replied my father.

"Has she agreed?" Asked another.

"She will" Stated my father rather confidently. I am about to shatter your confidence, dear papa. He turned to me, "Right, my child?"

I folded my hand on my chest. "I will not sell my people for money, no!"

The chiefs screamed abomination. "Chief Izogu" Called one of them. "Your daughter has insulted you by rejecting your offer. You know her punishment"

"What punishment?" I asked.

"If you refuse to be part of us, then you will become a slave, sold to the highest bidder". Anyanwu answered.  "Please, Ami, say Yes to your father's offer and you will begin to see things change for good"

"First of all, don't ever call me Ami, that is what my mother used to call me when she was alive. Secondly, how can my life change for good if I sell my own people to outsiders? I'd rather die". I could hear the murmuring around me but I did not care.

She sighed and thought for a moment, then she grabbed my hand and led me out to the cages where  there were people begging for mercy, my heart sunk as I watched them. She made me stand in front of the table filled with blood. "Listen to me, Amarachi, if you do not accept this position, it will be given to Nnanna your stepbrother, and you know how heartless he is. This is why the sun chose you for this"

"The sun doesn't even shine in the dark forest, how did he speak to you, Anyanwu?" I challenged.

Her eyes softened and she placed her hands on my cheeks. "Amara, please, for your mother's sake, accept"

I grew more confused. "What are you saying? My mother died years ago".

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