18. Second shot

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"Dinta is your son?" I asked skeptically.

Just then, the door was flung open and Anyanwu rushed in. "You are not supposed to be here! Come now, the sacrifice awaits, don't ruin it this time!"

She gripped my hand but I pulled out from her hold. "Anyanwu, you evil witch! Why kind of a woman are you?! You are a liar!" The next thing I felt was a slap on my right cheek. The pain made me hold that side of my face.

"How dare you call an oracle of the sun a liar, who do you think you are?! Amara, i will warn for one last time, never you talk back at me or insult me, else, I will kill this useless woman you call a mother! Am I clear!"

"Y-Yes" I bowed my head.

"Then go straight to the alter!" She ordered and I did as she said. It took her a while before she joined me, I hope mama is fine in there.

I stood before this new sacrificial lamb, a woman in her twenties,,, she looked familiar but I could not get my hands on where I had seen her before. Anyanwu began her incantations and handed me the knife. She repeated her words and gave the go ahead to slay the lady on the table.

"Now!!" Anyanwu barked, causing me to jerk at her loud voice. My hands were unsteady as I held the knife, my body was shaking profusely as I lifted the weapon. I prayed for some miracle to rescue me from committing this sin. I brought down the knife, but instead of stabbing the innocent lady on the table, I maneuvered the blade and swung it down to my stomach with the intention of sacrificing myself instead.

The nerved wrecking sound of a gunshot stopped me from my heroic act. I looked at the source.

Standing at the entrance with a gun resting comfortably in his arms was Nnanna. The mouth of the gun still had smoke coming of it.

Anyanwu fell to the floor with her hands holding her side. Gushing out of her side was blood. My father raised his hand in surrender. "Son, please bring down the gun"

Nnanna pointed the weapon at my father. "You lies to me, papa, Why should I trust you?! You chose my stepsister instead of me, why? Because she is the product of your affair with this worthless witch, Anyanwu! I don't even want to be your successor, I want to take your place this instant!"

My father pleaded. "Son, no-" But before he could complete his sentence, Nnanna fired the gun and killed him.

There was commotion around me, the chiefs began pleading for their lives. Mr. Atkinson came to stand beside Nnanna. "Fear not, old men, all ya need to do is go back home and provide double the amount of people you had been giving us. If ya would promise me this instant— that you will double the number of slaves per year, I shall spare your life, but if not, my friend Nnanna here, will take down every last bit of ya"

"We promise. we promise" They chorused.

"Perfect." He turned to Nnanna. "Kill them"

Nnanna obeyed and killed all the chiefs.

"We already have what we need. Men, we march to their villages first thing tomorrow".

"Aye aye, sir Peter" The other white men chorused.

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