21. Rescue mission

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"Dinta?" I rather whispered.

He smiled and continued unlocking the chains. When he was done, he lifted me up.

I stared into his eyes—so captivating. No! I stopped myself mentally. He is your step brother, same father, different mothers. I reprimanded my innermost self. "Uhm, how is your wound?" I asked him, hoping it would divert my attention for my foolishness.

He showed me his side, in the dim light, it didn't appear as bad as it was the first time. I didn't know when my eyes darted to his broad chest. Why do I feel this strongly about someone I should be taking as a brother? Is it because I feel pity for him? Or because I feel guilty for living the life he should have had?

"Princess Amara" Someone called, yanking me out from my thoughts.

I turned to see who it was. "Oh, Agumbata" I called the name of the young man. He was a few inches shorter than Dinta, he and I had never spoken to each other before.

He went on his knees. "I am sorry for being among those who insulted and said harsh words to you, please forgive me, my Princess"

The rest of the young men went on their knees. "Forgive us" They chorused.

I was overwhelmed. Never in my wildest dreams did I see that a moment like this would come. "Please, rise up, all of you. I bare no grudges against my own family, you are my family. We have common enemies, the slave masters and their accomplices. We must work together and fight them".

They obeyed and rose to their feet. "Please, Take us to where the rest of our people are held captive". Said another man, Obinnaya.

"I will, Obi" Said I, "But someone needs to take these weak ones back home. Please send two men to help them return to the village". I spoke, referring to the prisoners I was chained along with.

As I suggested, two young men took led the former prisoners away, but not before making sure they took some fire to light their path. The rest of us including Dinta—took holds of the weapons in the white men's possessions. And off we matched— back to the "monster's" den. The hell hole I had been kept in against my wish, then, made to crawl out of— just to be sold off to some lord. Thank heavens we were rescued.

"Oi! Intruders!!" The first one to see us shouted. He pointed his gun at us and started to shoot, but we hid behind a rock which served as a pillar for this underground lair.

Other two ran out into sight, took their guns and began firing at us too. At this rate, we'd be dead before we can rescue our people who are kept as slaves.

"Amara! Dinta!" Familiar voices called out from behind them. Dinta and I paid close attention, but made vertain to keep our heads low in case it is a trap.

"Mama, are you feeling better now?!" I asked in a loud voice from my hiding place.

"Yes, nne m. Dinta, my son" She said with a broken voice. It hurt me that those despicable pigs would use a sick woman to get Dinta and I into their hands.

Dinta only made a sound with the rocks to signify that he was listening.

"My son, I am sorry I never had the chance to show you love. But I am thankful to the gods for reuniting us now, better late than never. I will always love you, run away, save yourself—" Her voice became muffled before she could finish her last sentence.

"Shut up, old woman!" Mr. Atkinson's voice reverberated, accompanied by Mama's cry. I felt Dinta's muscle twitch and vibrate, his anger matched mine. Mr. Atkinson continued; "Listen up, mute boy, if you don't want your mother to be killed, then advise your friends to surrender to me and my men this instant."

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