7. My strange host

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Figures were moving along a path far from where I was, they all were on white except for the one taking the lead. The first ten figures moved voluntarily, but the rest which was too many to count seemed like they were in chains, made to follow the ones who seemed like the masters. What is this?
They did not see me, but in a bid to hide, I stepped on some leaves on the ground which made a rustling sound.
The leader in black stopped abruptly.

I stood still as it surveyed the dark forest for the source of the noise which was me. I was too afraid to move.
Suddenly, I felt a hand cover my mouth and pulled me back into the cave.
I was brought back into the familiar place inside the cave. Wait!
I turned around to see who brought me back. The monster did!
With my eyes wide open, I stared at the man who just saved me. I did not know whether to fear or be happy.
Did he save me so he can eat me? Or is he not going to kill me?
"Th th th thank you Ssssir". I stuttered.
His big eyes glared at me, then he grunted and walked away. What a bitter man. He went back to what he was doing before I escaped. I gathered enough courage to go look.
He was making a bed, maybe. I watched him place soft, nonpoisonous leaves on the wooden bed he was making.
A few minutes later, he was done with it. He got up and walked back to the inside and returned with a basket containing fruits and placed them beside the fire. He went back inside there and came back out with a folded clothing in his hand which he dropped on the bed he created. Then he sat before the fire, next to the basket of fruits.
I assumed he wanted me to wear the clothing, so I picked it up and put them on. It was a two-piece animal skin, the first smaller piece covered my chest and I tied the second one around my hip. I wondered if there was a place to bathe, but I dared not ask.

I took a seat opposite him on the other side of the fire. It was cold inside the cave just like on the outside, but the fire made me feel warm.
After I sat down, he pushed the basket towards me, I was surprised at how kind he is. I took a mango and began to eat, I did not realize how hungry I was until that point. He also took a fruit, a red berry I had not seen before but appeared tasty. We ate in silence, he had his eyes on the flames the whole time, he seemed to always be in a bad mood because there is a constant scowl on his face.
I mustered the courage to start a conversation, so I cleared my throat to get his attention. But that seemed to worsen his deadly facial expression. Anyone can be a monster with that kind of frown.

His eyes suddenly met my brown ones, catching me unaware as I had been staring at him for a long time but I refused to back down from this staring contest we both started. He was first to look away, and I smiled.
"Thank you". I finally said. Hoping for a reply, but all I got back was a grunt.
" Can you talk?". A foolish question maybe. "My bam

He did not reply, rather he stood up and headed for the direction of the exit.
I stayed up long waiting for him, there were so many questions I wanted to ask him about this place, about those moving figures I saw in the forest, there is something strange going on around here, and I must find out and save my people.

While I wistfully awaited his return, my body grew tired and I fell into a deep sleep.

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