Love & Lust&Pain

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                              Hardin Castillo
It has been three days now and Hazel was still the same way to me , cold and unfriendly and I was left wondering what I did wrong
I tried talking things with her but her reaction was way out of it , she pushed me away and walked to her room banging the door shut at me and I was left with no other option than to let her be ...
but the pain I felt was something I could not explain, it was as if my heart was before torn apart and I found myself going back to the "old Hardin ",the one who is always alone , the one who lives in pain , the one who indulges in  self- injury just to feel more pain!
Dragging myself out of bed , I walked lazily to the bathroom to freshen up and on returning to the room I was surprised to see Hazel seated on my bed
  What is she doing here! or is she tired of ignoring me?
   "Good morning sir". She greeted and I nodded ,drying my hair with a towel
    "I am sorry for barging into your room but there was no response when I knocked". She said , swallowing hard as she stared at my bare chest..
I scoffed , she is really so strange! Ignoring me yet drooling over me!
"Why exactly are you here?"I asked , already getting pissed with her polite manners
"I erm came over to ask you what you want to eat this morning". She stated with her thin British accent which always got me curious as to where she is from
    "And how many times will I tell you food is not my thing in the morning". I retorted , sitting on the bed beside her and as expected, she stood up in a huff
Oh right! she doesn't even want me close to her
"Okay! I will be going then". She simply said as she made for the door ;but stopped all of a sudden turning to face me
"uhm... I heard your screams last night , is it the night mare again?"She asked but her voice sounded so far-off as I was lost studying her face with a puzzled expression
her eye lids were loosed , her lip corner pulled down, the mild swelling under her eyes , all which clearly shows she not getting enough sleep but why , is she worried about something?
"Hazel". I called softly , standing up from the bed
She opened the door wider , trying to leave but I rushed to her and made her face me
"What is wrong with you?" I stared into an uneasy eyes
"What are you trying to do Hard... erm I mean Sir Hardin?"
I scoffed . "Hardin! Sir Hardin! What exactly Is wrong with you? Did someone hurt you?did someone say something mean to you? Is it my mum?". I asked in a rush and saw a flicker of fear crossed her face
Dang it! Why didn't I think of this!
"What did my mum say to you?"I continued and was at the same time trying to control the anger boiling down inside of me .
"What are you talking about! Your mum didn't say anything to me". She answered trying not to meet my gaze and I smirked knowing she was lying.
"All this was my own decision so please do not involve your mum in this". She quickly added
I stared at her for a while and then nodded
"You can leave"
she shook her head. "promise me you won't question your mother about this". She pleaded , searching my eyes as if looking for answers
"I won't". I promised and she heaved a sigh
"Thanks Hardin".She muttered before leaving the room......
I stood transfixed at the spot for a moment trying to think but couldn't as my head was all foggy
This is so damn confusing!

Pulling out an all black outfit , I hurriedly dressed up in it : then sling my backpack across my shoulders, picked up the car keys along with my phone and left the room feeling so down.
    I climbed down the stairs into the sitting room and met my mom seated on the sofa ,
reading a novel.
I marched towards her about to lash out my fury at her but quickly composed myself when I remembered the promise I made to Hazel
Damn! This is so fucked up
"Off to school". I simply said when her gaze met mine and she smiled
"Not before telling me how you want your birthday to be celebrated tomorrow, do you want a parlour party or a big one?"She asked and I scoffed
My birthday! I completely forgot about it
   "Do as you wish". I drawled and walked out
   "It will be a pool party then". She called after me
"Whatever". I muttered
Entering the noisy class , I made a quick stop at Steve desk to collect a novel before going over to my seat
I exchanged greetings with Richard and then sat down
"So what novel is that?"Richard started
"Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen". I answered, flipping the pages of the book
"C'mon Hardin, When did you start reading love novels?"he asked, laughing
"Well! Just today". I shrugged and he put on a serious face
"But why!Don't tell me someone finally caught your attention?"he jeered but I ignored him
"Omoo! I got it right !so who is it ? or is it .......Kimberly? he nudged at me to raise my head and when I did , I saw Kimberly walking towards me
What the fuck!! I dropped the novel on the desk as my eyes roam all over her body in the sexy skimpy gown
"Hi Castillo". She greeted with a smile and before I could respond, she sat down on my laps and rubbed her ass on my d**k
"Damn"I cursed silently and she chuckled
"Do you like it! I will make sure I enjoy every bit of you tonight". She said in whispers and only then did I remember she will be all mine tonight ....
Mehn, I really can't wait!
With that , she stood up and walked away to her seat
"What just happened?" Richard asked . "Are you both dating?"
"No". I replied trying to fix the bulge on my trousers and he smirked
"I think you will be needing this". he handed me a condom and I huffed
"You are crazy man"

Hazel Dakota
The sound of a car honking disrupted my thought and I looked out of the window to see the security man open the gate
Oh my gawd! Hardin is already home
Wiping off the tears on my face , i jolted out of the bed , dashed out of the room , scurried down the stairs and got outside just in time to see Hardin alight from his car along with a  girl
   Who is she ? I wondered, staring at her
  She was so damn beautiful and I felt intimidated by her
    I walked slowly towards them and seeing me , Hardin handed me his backpack without even smiling at me
      I steadied my breathe and tried to calm the panic
    "Is she your maid?"the girl asked , clinging unto him and I held my breathe waiting for his response but there was none ; he simply ignored the question and walked past me to the sitting room with the girl following behind him
  What Just happened? Is that his girlfriend?
My heart beat so violently that I grew pale and had to lean on the car to stop myself from falling
I was so confused!
A part of me wanted to go in and question Hardin , another part wanted to go drag the girl by her hair but no I couldn't because I meant nothing to him and she is his girlfriend.....
I walked slowly to the sitting room and what I saw almost made me yell out in anger , Hardin mum was welcoming the girl by hugging her warmly
I scoffed , so this is it! she wants a rich girl for her son and not a maid like me ..
And as if hearing my thoughts, she turned to face me
"Meet Kimberly Hardin,s ........"
"Girlfriend". The girl completed and I shifted my gaze to Hardin to see his reaction but found none because there was no emotion on his face ....
"We will be going upstairs ma". he told his mum and then turned to face me
"Haz! Please get me something to eat , I am so famished"
"Me too". the girl butted in and I nodded slowly
With a heavy heart, I walked slowly to the kitchen and saw Rebecca already dishing out the food
"What of the cook?"I asked as my voice quavered and she raised her head to look at me
"And why are you asking?"she retorted and I looked away to hide my tears from her but it was already late , she saw the tears
  She laughed out loudly. "don't tell me you are crying because Sir Hardin brought his girlfriend to the house..... wait a minute! were you thinking he will end up with a maid like you , is that the reason you gave him your body?"
  "I didn't give him my body". I half yelled
  "Whatever". She rolled her eyes and then handed me a huge tray containing a covered plate of food and two bottled water
  "But why is there only a plate of food here?"
  "That is because they will eat together as couples"She stated mockingly and my heart churned in pain .

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