What happened to love?

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                           Hardin Castillo

Staring at the man in front of me , my stomach clenched as I tried to suppress the panic swelling with in me .
   My mother! Why must he always bring her into our conversation? why must he always use her in threatening me?
He continued . "And so you should know Jayden, I don't make threats , I make promises that I always keep"
I raised my hands in defeat , he sure knows how to get me.
   "Fine! I won't dare go against you Mr Austin"
     "It is Mike". he corrected , gritting his teeth and I faked a chuckle
  "Oh yeah! I am sure you are ashamed of your name". I mumbled , under my breathe and  he knitted his eyebrow
  "What did you say?"
  "Nothing". I bend over to pick up Hazel's hand bag and  her .......where the hell is her undies?" I half yelled
   "Over here". Mike pulled the yellow out of the sofa  and held it for me to see.
  "She really looked Sexy in this"
  "Motherfucker". I dragged it out of his hand then turned around to leave
     "We can be friends again Jayden". i heard him slurred
   "Never!". I muttered and open the door wide, storming out of the house .
                                Hazel Dakota
      Restlessly, I shifted uneasily on the car seat as I waited for Hardin
    Why is he taking so long? What are they talking about? ..... or wait! Is Mike dead? no it can't be , Hardin wouldn't be in there if he was dead..
     heaving a sigh, I looked out of the window and tried to imagine what would have happen if Mike had succeeded in raping me
     My life could have been messed up , I could have loose Hardin
  "And what if you have already loosed him?"my subconsciousness asked
No way ,rather than that to happen, I will kill myself .
      Just then, the door to Mike's apartment open and Hardin stormed out , anger clearly written on his face .
     I quickly adjusted myself as I was scared of this "angry Hardin"
    Opening the car door, he tossed my hand bag and undies to the back seat , then hopped in closing the door behind him and without sparing me a glance , he started the car and drove off ..

   The drive back to the mansion was a long and tiring one as  I just sat there playing with my hands nervously
    Hardin refused to talk to me and even when I tried starting a conversation, he completely ignored me.
    This is not what I expected! Is this going to be the end of us?
  By the time we arrived at the mansion, it was already late .
    Hardin drove into the compound and parked out in front , switching off the ignition ; then pulled off his shirt and tossed it on my lap
     "Wear this". he merely said .
     I looked at the shirt and then at his bare chest
       "Will you go in like that?"
   "Just put on the fucking shirt". he barked and i hurriedly did .
      "We are good to go"
  With that , he alighted from the car and walked straight to the sitting room.
     Tears rolled down my eyes and I got down, walking as slowly as I could to the sitting room.
  Entering , I found Mrs Castillo pacing up and down the sitting room and on seeing me , she collapsed on the sofa ,holding her chest ...
    I rushed to her . "Ma! What is wrong? I stared down at her face worriedly
     "It is Hardin , his anger is back again". She answered, beating at her chest and I exhaled deeply in relief
   Thank goodness! It is nothing serious!!!!
"What happened Hazel?" She continued. "Did you hurt him? I mean ever since you both .. erm .....you know .. became close friends, Hardin  became different, he even started calling me mother , he even ........."she stopped mid sentence and broke down in tears
I stood transfixed on the spot , not knowing what to do
  Should i console her? Should I  assure her that all will be well? but what even happened, did Hardin say something mean to her? did he scold at her?
And as if reading my thoughts, she said
"Hardin told me he regretted ever having me as a mother"
   "What". I exclaimed in shock but quickly composed myself .
"Erm ma you know that is not true , Hardin loves you so much, I bet he said that out of anger"
    She sat there , staring blankly at me .
   Obviously, she didn't believe me.
   hmmmh ........how can I prove it to her? how can I? I tilted my head trying to think and suddenly, a good point popped up in my head
  "Ma! should I tell you a little secret?" I asked in whispers and she shot me a curious look
    I looked around to make sure the gossip" Rebecca" was no where in sight before letting out the little secret..
    "Hardin inked your name on his back"
   "Really?" her eyes lit up and I nodded
    She stared at me for a moment and then a mischievous smile played on her lips.
  Oh right! Hazel it is time to close your big mouth!
   "It seems you two are really close , or is there anything I am missing?"She asked and I stared down at the floor, playing with my hands shyly
     "Are you both dating?"
   "No erm yes erm I mean No". I stuttered my response.
   "It is alright". She smiled lightly. "You can go to your room"
   "Thanks ma!" I appreciated and began walking to the stairs when she asked
  "Why are you wearing Hardin's Shirt?"
   I froze on the spot .
Oh God! What should I tell her! I can't possibly tell her the truth...:
  "Erm ma my clothes got soiled with mud". I lied
  "Alright". She simply answered and I let out a deep breathe,climbing up the stairs to Hardin room..
   I Pushed the door opened and walked in to meet an empty room ; and from the sound of the water running , I knew he was in the bathroom
  Quickly , I bolted the door , pulled off the shirts and jean trouser, then went into the bathroom to Join him .
I found him naked under the shower with his eyes closed , as if he meditating..
"Hardin". I called out softly
"Speak". he said , without opening his eyes and I swallowed hard nervously, making a sound
"Erm I am sorry erm I know I am wrong erm please forgive me". I begged , and as expected,there was no response from him.
"Hardin , please forgive me". I pleaded , stepping into the shower
he tried to move back but I held him tightly
"Please Hardin don't break me". I let the tears flow down freely  and I heard him sigh
I looked up at him and found him staring at me .
"Please". I rasped and without a word , he wrapped his hands around me as the thick steam from the water washed away the grim of the day .

Hardin Castillo

I couldn't just stay angry with her , I couldn't bear to see her tears
The same tears that melted down all off the anger in me ...
Pulling out of the hug, I stared into her cute face and brushed off the hair stuck to her face ......
"I love you Hazel". I blurted out without thinking and her eyes lit up
"Does that mean you forgiven me?"
I nodded . "But don't ever go against my word again".
"I won't". She nodded sheepishly. "I won't ever try it again".
I smiled lightly, roaming my hands all over her wet body
She flinched a little at my touch and I chuckled.
"F**k Hardin". I heard her say
"It seems like someone is becoming a bad girl". I teased , circling my hands around her nipples .
  She let out a loud cry and I smiled knowing she was in the mood .
Cupping her cheeks, I placed my lip on hers and kissed her hungrily as the steam water poured on us
"Here or the bed?"I breathe into her mouth
"The bed". she replied . "my legs are already wobbling"
  Hastily, I lifted her up and returned to the room , still kissing her.
I placed her gently on the bed and laid in between her legs , sucking on her neck , nipples, and abdomen .....
Jeez! She was driving me crazy
Pulling out of the kiss , I opened the drawer and searched through for a condom , but found none.
Shit! no condom! I mumbled and began straightening up , but she wrapped her legs tightly around me .
"I want you Hardin"
I sighed. "I want you too , but there is no Condom"
"F**k me now". She insisted , throwing her head back as she wriggled her tiny body on the bed .
I scoffed . "Are you even listening to me , I said there ........
"It is safe". She cut in . "I have a birth control implant fixed inside of me".
I stared at her curiously . "When did you do that?"
"Erm today before going over to Mike's place"
"When then didn't you tell me?"
"That is because there was no time to do that". She retorted
I stared at her , searching through her face and she smirked
"C'mon don't spoil the fun"
"Fine". I agree and took  one of her nipples into my mouth and entered her in one thrust .
      Damn! the feelings was heavenly ,Is this what I have been missing? I increased my pace as I thrust in and out of her faster and deeper....
"Oh my gawd!Haaaarrdin!"She moaned loudly and I chuckled
Everything about her amazes me!!
   Pulling out of her , I turned her over , entered her from behind and  resumed thrusting in and out of her roughly...
"This is so painful".She screamed loudly.
     "Sorry baby". I slowed down and drilled her slowly till I felt my cum building up
"I am Cumming baby". I grunted , holding her waist tightly as I released all of my cum inside her
"This is really good". I collapsed beside her , breathing hard . "we will surely have more of this tonight"
"Hell no! I need to study".!She retorted
"But baby you can do that some other time". I begged , but she shook her head
"I am so far behind, do you think it is easy for a high school drop out like me to study?"She asked and that was it ,my curiosity took over
"But what really happened? Why did you drop out from high school?"
   She sighed sadly. "My dad died"
"So?" I stared at her puzzled . "That shouldn't stop you from going to school".
You wouldn't understand". She looked away.
"Then please make me Haz, I really want to know all about you"
She was quiet for a moment , as if contemplating and then took a deep breathe
"My dad was murdered , and my mum had to sell all what we had to get Justice for him"
"Justice". my voice quavered
"Yes". She nodded . "but it was a waste as the murderer was a little 14 years old kid with wealthy parent . We didn't even see his face because it was always covered and do you know why? the court was fucking protecting him . She half yelled , tears welling in her eyes .
I shifted uneasily on the bed , trying to digest what I just heard
Oh God! Please let this not be true , let it not be what I am thinking!
She continued. "On his final hearing , he was charged with Manslaughter instead of Murder , The judge changed everything and even tagged my late dad as "Careless" and at the end of it all , the murderer was given a 15 years sentence.
"Please Stop" I pleaded , but my voice came out in whispers as my head was spinning.
She laughed bitterly. "we lost everything and on seeing how we were unfairly treated, the father of the kid volunteered to take care of Alexia and I fees but my mom bluntly refused .........
"Hazel" I cut in , holding her hands and she shifted her gaze to me
her eyes were bloodshot! her jaws clenched!her mouth dried! her face flushed!
Is this the girl that was screaming under me just now? how would she feel if I ...... shit! This is messed ups
"Hardin". She rasped and I exhaled deeply
"If I ask you to forget all about the boy , will you?" I picked my words.
"Never". She screamed. "I want him to rot away in jail, I want him to die , I want revenge, and even though I don't know what he looks like, I will never forget his name ...........Jayden Winthrop...

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