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                                Hazel Dakota
You have bewitched me body and soul and I love, i love ,I love you .i never wish to be parted from you this day on ...
Laying on my new bed , I kept on glancing at the quote at intervals as I studied one of Hardin,s textbooks.
   The wordings in the quote was "wow" and I couldn't just keep my eyes off it .
Bewitched! did he just say i bewitched him! Ha ha! this is Perfect!
Humming one of my favourite song , I chewed at the end of my pen as I studied the next question
*What animal doesn't belong to the odd- toed ungulates?
"mmmmmh ...uhm........ that will be rhinoceros". I said aloud and checked the answers on the last page of the textbook, I got in right
I smiled to myself , i am getting somewhere!
My phone suddenly rang and reached for it to check out the caller and noticed it was Alexia .
   I became alarmed
  Alexia! why is she calling at this wee hours of the night?
   With shaky hands, I received the call
   "Hazel". her loud voice rang through excitedly and I sighed in relief
  "Do you want to get my pressure high?" I queried and she chuckled loudly
  "No sis! I am just too excited, I could have called you earlier but mum and I just settled in the big house"
   "Big house!" I repeated , clearly confused
    "Yes, Hardin's parent moved us to a big house"
   "Hardin's parent!And why would they do that?" I was still finding it hard to believe
  "Well! I don't know , all I know is that the house is so beautiful....jeez!you need to see my room, the big bed,,the beautiful decorations....oh Hazel! I am so so happy". She squealed in delight and I smiled lightly
"Fine! Fine! enough of the gushing! what of mother?" I asked
  "she should be sleeping ". she answered
"Okay Alexia! It is already late , you should get some sleep in your ... big bed". I drawled and she chuckled
"say hi to mother". I quickly added
"Alright sis, I will do just that . Good night". She bade and ended the phone call .
I smiled lightly, she never ceases to amaze me!
But what is with the big house? why didn't Hardin tell me about it?
The door to my creaked room opened and I glanced over my shoulder to see Hardin walk in
"At last!"i mumbled and sat up to face him
  "What took you so long?you promised to be here before midnight?" I queried, pointing at the huge wall clock
   he stopped in his track , staring at the wall -clock
  "1:00am! wow! I guess I was to engross with the "pure love" plot story to keep track of the time"
"What plot stories?" I arched my eyebrow
"Just some class project". he brushed it aside . "Are you done with the questions?"he dragged his feet lazily to the bed
"Nope!"I popped the p and he smirked , joining me on the bed
"Are the questions difficult? do you need help with anyone?"he asked , staring into my face and I nodded with a sigh
"I am really having difficulties in mathematics"
"Then choose a major that doesn't require calculations". he simply answered and I frowned, shaking my head
   "No Hardin! I really really want to know maths, please make it happen". I pleaded and he scoffed
  "And how will I do that!..see Haz! I ain't God who work wonders". he retorted, pulling off his pyjamas shirt  and I tilted my head, staring blankly at his  bandaged body
    he isn't God who works wonders! what does he mean by that? Is he trying to say my brain cell is frozen, that I am too dull?.unbelievable!
   "You saying my brain is dead right?" I glared at him and he chuckled
   "I didn't say so Haz, I only said you need to take up a simpler major". he corrected , trying to hold my hands , but in anger I slapped his hands away.
   "Don't touch me!" I warned and he sighed , running his hands through his hair
"Did I do anything wrong?"He asked softly and I scoffed
  "Are you really asking me that? for goodness sake , you just told me to my face that I have a dull brain". I snapped at him
   he stared at me puzzled for a while and then took a deep long breathe
"Is this it? Maths!You want to know maths right?" he asked
   "Yes". I answered and surprisedly my voice came out low , I was not as confident as before 
   What is he up to??? I thought within
   "Good! then I will bring all of my maths handout to you tomorrow and I hope you know what that will read, study and solve till your brain is numb".he added with an evil smirk and I scoffed , folding my arms across my chest
  "Are you trying to threaten me?"
"Threaten! And why would I? I am only trying to help you study". he fired at me and from the straight look on his face ,I knew he was damn serious
Oh right! Hazel it is time for you to run!
I laughed nervously. "erm ..erm ... maybe I should just go with your earlier suggestion, I will choose a major that doesn't require calculations . I agreed , nodding my head sheepishly
" why the sudden change of mind?" he smiled knowingly.
"that is because I don't have a thing for math, I will get all drowned in". I admitted
"Obviously". he mumbled but I heard him clearly ....
"So what Major do you suggest i put in for?" I asked , ignoring his sneer
"Well! there are a lot , you can major in English just like me or any other humanity course". he answered , yawning and I smiled lightly
Nature calling! guess we will have to talk about this some other time
I snuggled into his arms and lay my head on his upper chest.
   He tensed his body , wincing a little
"Oh dear! I am sorry". I tried to sit up , but he pulled me back, wrapping his hands tightly around me
I smiled inwardly , cuddling me despite his pain!!
"Thanks Hardin". I muttered
"Everything". I replied and a light smile escaped his lips
"also Alexia called telling me about a big house , are you aware of it?"
"Uhm uhm".he replied
   I looked up at his face to see his eyes closed
I smiled lightly
"Good night baby". I bade but as expected , there was no response, he was already asleep ...
What a heavy head sleeper!
Watching him sleep , I soon drifted off to sleep.....:

The next day

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