Haunted past

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                               Hardin Castillo

Shadows and echoes played on my senses warping shapes and sound as I watched the appalling sight before me...
Stiff bodies, Injured persons were been carried into the ambulance
  Am I dreaming? Is this for real? I thought within, staring down at my hand and yes it is real , Kim's  blood was still in my hands......
  "oh no! Kim! I muttered and tears rolled down my eyes......Arrgh! she took a gunshot in my stead , every f**king injured persons here got hurt because of me....
   I was pained , hurt and scared at the same time knowing I caused this shit myself, I really regretted the day I met Austin..
  Speaking of Austin , where is he? Is he among the attackers? If yes, was he caught ...
  I looked around the huge compound for sign of traces of him but found none , Jasper dead body laying on the ground was the only "thing" in view ......but wait a minute ! Isn't that Justin?
   Fear crippled me , freezing every  muscle in my body as I stared at the chubby man in  handcuffs been led  into the waiting police van .
    Is Austin this Desperate that he had his boys from London come hunt me down? Does it mean he is still out there?  Damn! this is messed up .
  A light tap on my shoulders snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly  look in the direction and saw Richard .
"hey man! Are you alright?" he  asked , breathing hard  and I nodded slowly
"Steve! where is he?" I asked in whispers, leaning against the wall as I watched students trot out of the school building
   "he went  with Kim in the ambulance". he answered and I was forced to smile
    It was obvious Steve likes Kim!
"But what exactly is going on? Who were those men? what business do you have with them?" Richard asked , pacing up and down the sidelines
  "They are Austin men". I answered truthfully
"Austin Rivera! the man who blackmailed you! how? ..... I mean that man has hurt you a lot, why can't he just let you be?"
  "I don't know ! I really don't know". I yelled and hit my fist  on the wall .
   Right at that moment, my mum drove in
  why is she here? I tucked my left hand into my pocket and walked slowly to her car.
    Instantly, The car skidded to a halt and the door to the passenger seat flew open and Hazel hopped out , rushing to hug me
    I smiled inwardly, she is the exact person I need  at the moment.
   I caught her and wrapped my hands lightly around her , careful not to let the blood on my hands stain her as she buried her face in my chest
    "I was so scared Hardin , the news made it look so terrible". she rasped , whimpering in my arms 
   "I know". I rested my head on hers , listening to the sound of our heart beating.
We stayed like that for seconds and then  I pulled out of the hug to stare at  her face .....
   her hair were tangled! her eyes red and puffy!her lips pale!
   I exhaled deeply, why does she like crying?
     "Baby!"  a familiar voice called behind me and I glanced over my left shoulder to see my mum.
  Oh right! when will she stop calling me baby !
   "Baby!" She called again and I faced her.
    "Hey mother!" I ran my hands through my hair and seeing the blood on my
  hands , she screamed loudly attracting the curious stares of the cops officers including my dad
    " we are alright!" I signalled to my dad and he nodded slowly, looking away
  "No Hardin". my mum shook her head vigorously. "You ain't fine , what is with the blood in your hands?"My mum insisted.
    "Nothing I............"
   "Is it the girl's blood?"She cut in . "but erm ...your dad told me she wasn't hurt that much".
    I bit at my lower lips, cursing silently
   why is she making out a big deal about it?
  " it is a bullet wound mum and those shit do bleed like hell". I stated , my gaze on Hazel as I searched her face.
   She was confused and I knew it
    "What girl?" She mouthed at me and I
  looked away to avoid more of her questions
I was in no mood to explain the details of what happened to her, she will surely get her answers from my mum since the news clearly didn't state the full story.
   "do you by any chance know the hospital she was taken to?"I directed the question to my mum .
  She nodded . "Ontario hospital"
  "Alright". I pecked Hazel and made for my classroom
   Entering , I found only a few students .I quietly picked up my backpack and ran all the way to the car lot and met ——-Hazel
    Oh no! not again!!!!
    "Are you gonna see Kim?" she leaned against my car.
   "Yes!" I answered truthfully 
   "Alright".She easily said and then ran off to meet mother.
I heaved a sigh and watched her go ; then I opened the car door and slid into the driver seat closing the door behind me. I started the car and zoomed off.

By the time I got to the hospital, it was a bit late.
I drove into the compound and parked out in front of the building; then I alighted to see those "gossips" questioning a police officer.
I bent my head and strode through the crowd into to the hospital , straight to the reception where i met a shocking sight.
Steve was seated right on the floor crying and when I say crying, I mean wailing his eyes out without even minding the scene he was causing .
Oh no! This is so bad!
quickly, I rushed to him, squatting in front of him
"Steve!" I called and he slowly shifted his gaze to me.
his eyes were already swollen and his veins stood out on his neck
"what is wrong?" I asked in whispers
He opened his mouth , mumbling some words, but all I heard was the name "Kim"
I became alarmed
"Kim! Is she alright? did anything happen to her?"
   He sighed , shaking his head. "She refused to see me , she wants to see you and you alone".
I widened my eyes in surprise.
Is this it? because of a girl? unbelievable!
"So have she been attended to?" I probed on and he nodded , pointing to a sliding door adjacent to us
"her wounds have been tended to , you can go see her"
I straightened up and adjusted my clothes and walked up to the sliding door.
I walked in and  found Kimberly laying on the big bed.
"Hardin". she smiled weakly and gestured me to sit beside her ,and I did
an awkward silence follows and I broke it with a nervous chuckle
"So how is the arm?" I asked , staring at the already bandaged arm
"Fine". she replied , trying not to meet my gaze and I sighed in frustration
"Why did you do it?" I directed the same question that has been eating me up to her
" you should know the answer Hardin".
"That you like me ?" I retorted and she nodded, playing with her hand shyly.
"It can't happen Kim and you know it"
"I know , but I can't just control my emotions". She rasped .
"You can , just open your heart to someone who genuinely loves you" I said referring to Steve
"Steve right?"
I nodded , "how did you know?"
"he told me himself". she snuffled. "I like him too, but not like the way I love you". She quickly added and I was forced to smile.
"Just give it time and the love will flow naturally".
She was quiet for seconds and then she smiled softly
"I can see Hazel has  taken all of the special places in your heart"
"No". I shook my head. "you also got a special space in my heart".
Her eyes lit up . "what special space is that?"
"The space of a true friend".
"Thanks Hardin!" She bounced and hugged me .
"I should be the one saying that , thanks for saving my life". I appreciated and hugged her back .

                     Mike Peterson
  I hung my mouth open in surprise as I stared into my laptop .
   Jasper dead! Justin arrested! No it can't be , it really can't be
  "Oh no! Austin! the cops will soon be here, what are we going to do?Noah asked , shaking in fear and yes he was right , the police would soon be here
  Reasons! Justin couldn't endure pain and with a  little torturing, he is sure to confess
  I was so damn confused and needed to think straight .....
  "We got enough money right?"I asked Noah and he nodded his head sheepishly..
  "Good! get me my covers, we need to leave now"
    "Alright". he sighed in relief
"I need to lay low and when the coast becomes clear , I will strike again and this time around I will take them all by surprise.

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