The part of me i will always need

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                                Hazel Dakota
The throbbing in my temple grew louder , the voices in my head more insistent and I slowly opened my eyes to see Alexia staring down at me
   "Oh God! Hazel! Thanks goodness you are awake". she muttered, sighing in relief and I looked around in confusion
   we were in a small dusty room full of cobwebs and there was nothing in it except the small bed I was laying on and an old worn out chair .....
"you alright?" Alicia asked and I slowly shifted my gaze to her
"Where is this place?" I sat up and only then did I notice the traces of tears on her face.
I became alarmed
"Alexia! talk to me , what is going on? where are we? what is this room?"
"You don't remember?" She snapped at me and I stared blankly at her
"Mike! It .. is .. Mike". she stuttered and instantly the scale fell off my eyes and the memory of what happened flooded in
Oh no! the fat man , he kidnapped me! but what about Alexia, was she also kidnapped?
"What happened to you?" I stared intently at her and she scoffed
"Isn't it obvious, I was kidnapped"
"Kidnap! but how? I mean you are suppose to be in having a fun party".I said in a rush and that was it , she flared up
"You are so dumb Hazel! I was trying so hard to hold my anger but I can't do that any longer . Didn't  you see the message? was it so hard for you to get the hidden message?
"Hidden message !" I repeated and tried to remember what was written in it.
Fun party! She needs me to be there ASAP! Killer party! Come prepared with ..... wait a minute! Killer! ASAP! Gifts! oh God!she was trying to warn me
Dang it! why didn't I think of it?oh Hazel! she is right , you are so dull and stupid!
A sinking fear of panic swept over me,a temporary paralysing fear clutched at my heart with cold fingers
"What will happen now? Is this the way it is gonna end?"I thought aloud , tears rolling down my eyes .
    Alexia sighed and pulled me closer to her
"It is alright sis!crying won't solve anything, we have to look for a way out" .she patted my back as I cried in her arms .
I snuffled , she was just too mature for her age!
"So what do you suggest we do?"
"Nothing but to wait". she simply answered
"Wait!" I pulled out of the hug to stare at her
"Yes". She nodded . "Mike will come around and just like he asked me to message you , he will ask you to do the same"
Do the same !Is she talking about .......
"Hardin!". I said aloud
" it seems someone is catching on quickly". she mumbled , but I heard her clearly
"Is it Hardin?" I repeated , Ignoring her sneer
She nodded . "In whichever way Mike instruct you to reach him;be it through call or by message , you have to let him know you are in danger"
"And how will I do that?"
"Through a hidden message". she answered and I rested my head against the wall, sighing
"but what if he didn't get it?"
"No! No! No! we have to be positive here and moreover, Hardin is smart" . She assured and I swallowed hard , staring at my shaky hands
I was so damn scared!
"we have to think out of the box or else we will all , you, Hardin and your unborn child".she added and yes , she was right
We all have to stay strong for each other.
The door suddenly flew opened and Mike walked in , the fat man following behind him
"Finally! the Princess is awake".he drawled and clapped his hands
"For how long have I been sleeping?" I asked Alexia in whispers
"uhm.. about an hour". She clung to me tightly , I could tell she was scared so I made her lay her head on my laps and faced the beast
"What do you want?" I asked coldly
"Are you really asking me that". he laughed. "I want you Hazel and you know it"
"You are crazy !" I remarked angrily
"Of course I am". he agreed . "and that is why I am gonna flush out that bastard in your womb".
my heart beat increased. My baby! no it can't be!
I touched my belly and shook my head vigorously
"Please Mike! Don't , my baby is innocent". I pleaded and he scoffed , moving closer to me
"No Hazel, that baby belongs to my enemy so it isn't innocent"
I gasped audibly In shock
"Jayden! I will make him witness his child disappearance and then I will kill him"
With that , he squatted in front of me and handed a phone to me .
I stared down at the phone ,my phone and then looked back at him
"What should I do with it?" I shivered in fear and he chuckled softly
"Simple! call Jayden and tell him to meet you up".
I shifted my gaze to Alexia and she nodded slowly , signalling me to go- ahead
I was nervous, I could no longer control my hands , they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm ...
"he is in class , he won't pick up".
"Then message him". Mike barked , making Alexia and I flinch a little
  "Tell him to meet you at the fun-park close to his house"
I nodded sheepishly, staring at the phone
My brain was frozen up and the only thing I could hear was the loud banging in my head .
Hidden message! Do I even know what that means?
And as if reading my thoughts, Alexia came to my rescue
"I will type the message". She straightened up and dragged the phone out of my hands
"Sure". Mike agreed . "Your sister does know how to compose beautiful messages".
    I raised my head and saw him smiling at Alexia
"She composed the message that brought you here and I am sure her message will bring Jayden down here or what do you think?" he asked , shifting his attention to me and I looked away , meeting the gaze of the fat man who gave me a "I will kill you look"
"Crazy bastard!" I cursed silently.
"I am done". Alexia announced and held the phone up for Mike to see .
  I held my breathe , waiting for his response
"You can send it". he simply and got up on his feet .
I let out the breathe in relief , he didn't even read it !!!
" What is the name of the fun-park again?"he faced Alexia
"Disney fun- park". she answered with a
tiny voice and swears I heard the sound of her heart beating.
She was scared and so was I
" I told him she took a stroll because the baby needs it". she quickly added
" uhm! baby fun! that sound like a good idea" . he nodded slowly and faced the fat man
"You heard her Noah, Go wait for Jayden at Disney fun- park and as soon as you see him , bring him  over here "
I steadied my breathe and tried to calm my panic
"It is gonna be alright Hazel". I assured myself

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