Welcoming Hardina Jayde Castillo

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                            Hazel Dakota

It is awesome ,it feels like a dream right now . It still hasn't registered, I can't even grasp it right now
Austin Rivera! My father's murderer !dead!
It is unbelievable! I couldn't even see this day happening. Now it is all here and it is been like a big burst of excitement.

Gobsmacked, I clung to Hardin as i watched the medics stretchered Mike's lifeless body into the waiting ambulance, It was really a terrible sight.
  my hands were still trembling and I felt a sickness in my stomach.
   "Can we please leave here?" I pleaded ,making Hardin shift his attention to me
    " sure" he agreed . "If that is what you want."he took my hands into his and we sauntered towards the police van.
    Seeing us, Alexia jumped down from the van and rushed to hug Hardin
"Hardin".she screamed and he caught her in his arms
you alright?"he patted her on the back
   "Yes, I am more than alright". She muffled into his arm . "thanks so much for getting the hidden message".
   Hardin eyes widened in surprise and he pulled out of the hug to stare into her face
  "You composed that?"
    "Yes". she nodded sheepishly
   "Jeez! then I should be the one thanking you , you saved us all".he stated , making Alexia blush
    "I love you Hardin".
     "I love you too Alexia". he leaned in to peck her forehead
  I smiled lightly, it was a good thing seeing my sister and boyfriend get along .
   Just then , his father joined us ,mopping the sweat from his brow, In his left hand was my phone.
   "And I guess this is for you". he handed me the phone .
  I nodded slowly , trying not to meet his gaze
    Reasons! I lied to him and was feeling all guilty about it
   "Thanks sir". I muttered softly
  "It is nothing".he brushed it aside . "you ready to leave ?"he faced Hardin
    "You can go with Alexia , I need to get my car". Hardin simply answered
  "Alright !" his father agreed and  faced Alexia
  "Bye sis"Alexia gave me a side hug and scurried towards the van.
     "Smart kid!" Hardin muttered and I smiled, watching her
     She saved the day with her brains.....
"Well! Well! So can we be on our way now?" Hardin interrupted my thoughts .
   I turned sideways and saw him staring at me, his eyes roaming all over my body , he didn't try to subtle it .
"You bump is getting visible!" he remarked.
   I looked down at my stomach and , yes he was right , my tummy was bigger making me look like a bloated pig .
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I snapped at him and that was the exact moment the vehicle of a broadcasting station drove into the compound
"F**k! Let's get out of here". Hardin took my hand into his and we left the compound in a hurry , chit-chatting, laughing and arguing all the way to taxi- station.

We the subject of curious stares from bystanders and I wasn't surprised as the news about Austin Rivera was shown on the big screen hung in front of a tall building adjacent to the taxi stand , a reporters firm building to be precise
Jeez! how news travel fast!
"That is Jayden Winthrop and the girl beside him is his girlfriend"
"They are the ones on the screen "
"Austin kidnapped the girl and her sister". their whispers turned into loud murmurs and I looked away, holding Hardin's left hand tightly
"Ignore them". he simply said and flagged down a taxi.
He opened the door and gestured at me to get in and when I did , he got in beside me banging the door shut ..
   "Disney-fun park". he leaned in the seat and the driver nodded , driving off.
   I sighed softly and folded my hands across my chest , staring at my reflection through the car rear mirror.
   My eyes was puffy,My hair tangled,my face completely messed up!!!
"You still worried?"Hardin asked and I shifted my gaze From the mirror to him
    He was staring at me with a serious face and I smiled inwardly
he really do love me!
  "Nope!" I answered, popping the p and leaned back to lay on his chest , inhaling his scent
    his scent was a mixture of expensive cologne and something I could not quite place my finger on but whatever it was , it did crazy things to my fragile heart.
       I wanted him! I wanted his soft lips on mine and without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck , bringing his lips closer as I kissed him
    he went stiff for a moment and then he let out a deep breathe kissing me back
   Obviously! he was caught unaware
  I gasped audibly in pleasure as his hands slid down the curves of my side to rest on my lips as he drew me in
"Do you realise we are in a taxi?" he breathe into my mouth
Instantly , my senses returned  and I pulled out from the kiss
"F**k ! Haz! you just made my "little man" rise". he retorted in whispers , staring at the bulge in his trousers
"Ooops! sorry!"I apologised softly .
   The taxi suddenly skidded to a halt
"We are here ". The driver announced
I looked out of the window to see the large wordings of "Disney -fun park" carved at the edges of the roller coaster .....
"Just in time!" Hardin took out his wallet to pay the taxi-man and when he did , we alighted from the car
  I followed behind him , staring around the fun-park in awe as we headed for his car

I opened the car door and got in beside Hardin who was already seated comfortably.
I leaned back in the seat ,expecting him to start the ignition but he didn't , instead he wind up all of the windows and reclined his seat a little .
I stared at him confusedly. What is he trying to do???
"Climb on me". he said and I shot him a puzzled look
"Climb on you!why?"
"Isn't it obvious, I want you to ride me". he stated and I shook my head in disbelief
"Sex in the car! You are crazy!"
he chuckled lightly "why are you acting like a saint , you started it remember?" he reminded and I swallowed hard , keeping mute
He was right, I started it all with the kiss!
I climbed on him and straddled him , facing him as I backed the steering wheel . in return, he tugged my hips flushed against his and I felt a hard length between us , it was only a bulge against the leather of his pants but it was enough to get me wet.
"F**k!" I moaned loudly and he pinched my nipple through my gown .
I wasn't wearing undies thus it made it easier for him
"Stand up a little bit ". he grunted and when I did , he hurriedly unbuckle his pant trousers,pulling it down along with his briefs then held me down to his laps.
quickly , he rolled up my gown and shifted my pant ,pushing his d**k inside me.
"Oh my gawd!"I moaned loudly and leaned forward as he full length went inside me .
Mehn!I was in cloud nine
I pushed my body against his and swivel my hips as I grind him , taking his deeper.
"Jeez! Haz! you killing me softly". he gasped and I smiled lightly , bouncing on his rod"to suit my pleasure.
Well! i was in total control but it was not for long , he held my waist down , thrusting in and out of me roughly.
I screamed in painful pleasure , he was so huge!
"Haaaardin!" I moaned loudly
"Keep your voice down!" he simply said as he kept on thrusting faster and harder
"Uhm...no... I am trying to but I f***king can't". I rasped , as his huge d**k was literally hitting my womb .
"F**k! Marry me Hazel". he whispered into my ears and I opened my eyes in surprise
"What did you say?" I wanted be sure I heard right
"Marry me". he held my waist tightly and he rammed his d**k into me , but before I could respond , he pushed me back lightly
" get off me , I am cumming".
Immediately , I hopped off him to the passenger seat and watched him release his stuff into a fancy handkerchief
"why did you do that ?" I frowned and adjusted my gown
"Simple! I don't want you to reeking of sperm". he put away the soiled handkerchief buckled his trousers; then he started the ignition and zoomed off .
my heart quickened as my thoughts raced back to his words
Marry him! Does he really mean it ? or did he just say it out of pleasure??

Hardin Castillo

Calls kept on on coming in as I drove heading for home but I ignored all of it
"Will you keep on doing that?"Hazel queried
"I am tired , I will return the calls later". I stated
But to tell the truth, I was not in mood to receive any calls as I was lost pondering on the question of what next to do
My dad question kept on replaying in my head
"Are you gonna let her go after the whole issue is settled? or are you gonna take the relationship to the next level?.
I love her so much but I was still scared of the word "commitment"
What if we end up fighting, will she divorce me? will she use my age against me?
I glanced at her and saw her staring out of the window
I sighed softly , it is high time I put my boyish fears aside and man up!
I wanted her and I am gonna marry her !
"Haz!"I called softly
"Yes". She answered, still looking out of the window
"Actually erm I was just curious about something"
"And what is that?" She shifted her attention to me and I cleared my throat, maintaining a straight face
"Marry me please". I pleaded softly
she was quiet for a moment and then she scoffed
"Is this a Joke? You said the same thing when we were having sex "
"I know,I was confused then but I am damn serious now , will you marry me?" I repeated and to my surprise, she flung herself on me
"Yes ! Yes! Yes! I will marry you". She squealed excitedly and I was forced to pull off the road to avoid an accident
She was crazy and so was I!
"Thanks Hardin, Thanks Hardin!" She bounced happily and I had to hold her shoulders to keep her calm
"No, I should be the one thanking you, you loved me unconditionally, you believed me and you brought out the best in me "
"Hardin!" She called softly
" yes baby, you are my better-half , a part of me that I will always need" .
my phone suddenly rang and this time around, it was my mother
I received it and placed it on speaker
"Hardin"her high pitched voice rang through
"Hi mum!" I greeted weakly
"You alright?" I replied . "what of Hazel and her little sister? Are they alright?" She asked in a rush
"Yes mum!" I drawled and she exhaled deeply
"Thanks goodness. Rebecca regained consciousness some few hours back ". She informed .
     "Thank God!"Hazel and I sighed in relief
"She saw the news and is also worried". My mum added
"Alright mum! we will be in the hospital shortly"
"Please do!" She said as I ended the phone call .
Without wasting time , I stepped on the brake ,controlled the steering wheel as I made a u-turn ; then drove through the busy street down to Ontario hospital.

Atlas!after a long drive, I got to the hospital and drove into the compound, parking out in front .
I alighted from the car and Hazel also did the same at her own ,
We climbed down the stairs and we both walked into the hospital to see my mom pacing up and down the reception....
I scoffed silently, Isn't she meant to be beside Rebecca ??
"Hardin! Hazel!"she smiled widely and rushed to us
"Thanks goodness! how are you? how is the baby?"
"Fine ma!" Hazel smiled shyly
"Good! I need to call at the police station, I will be back in a hour time"
"why?" I stared into her face and her eyes twinkled in excitement
"To see your dad , I .. erm .. you .. know .. miss him so much".
  I smiled knowing what will happen next .... a thrilling Sex in the office !!!
"Alright mum! have fun". I interlocked Hazel finger and we walk past her to Rebecca ward

Entering , a young doctor was seated beside Rebecca ,watching her eat
Hazel and I exchanged surprised look.
What is going on here?
"Rebecca!" I called softly and she turned sideways to look at me and then at Hazel
"Sir Hardin! Hazel!" She smiled weakly and believe me when I say she looked more beautiful.
"Well! Well ! I think I need to take my leave ". the doctor stood up and nodded towards , walked out of the ward.
"Who is he?" Hazel moving closer and sat on the bed
Oh right! She doesn't know how to mind her business
" A doctor". Rebecca rolled her eyes and they both laughed.
"You are so annoying!" Hazel remarked
"And so are you". Rebecca snapped at her . "I don't even know why I was even worried about you".
   An awkward silence follows and then Hazel cleared her throat.
"Erm ... you see ...I am truly sorry for what happened to you".
"Yes Rebecca" I moved closer. "we are truly sorry". I begged
She sighed. "You both are not to be blamed , you were also a victim, Nina is the devil here and I am so glad she got caught"
I smiled lightly, she is so understanding!
"But do me a favour, please, and make me god mother to your child". tears rolling down her eyes
"Of course we will ". Hazel looked at me and I nodded in agreement
"We will Rebecca". She repeated and pulled her into a hug and they wept in each other arms .
I watched them for a moment and then looked out of the window, watching the sunset.
I smiled lightly
At last! It is all over.

AGE( it is just a number)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora