And they made love ❤️

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                      Hazel Dakota

Sitting at the back seat of the taxi , I dialled Hardin number for the umpteenth time  and it was still not going through.
   What could be wrong! Did something happen to him! Is he sick! if no, why then did he switch off his phone?
     I was panic stricken and I had this over whelming sense of dread
What if something bad happened to him? what if, it can't be . I shook my head , waving off the ill thoughts .
    "We are here ma'am!". The driver announced, snapping me out of my thoughts and I looked out of the window to see the Castillo's huge gate .
   At last! I mumbled
paying the driver, I alighted from the car ; then walked up to the gate and knocked on it .
    I waited for a few seconds before the gate was soon opened by the security man.
  "Good morning Hazel! "he greeted with a smile as I walked through the gate into the compound .
"Good morning". I responded, looking towards the garage for Hardin's car but it wasn't there .
  "Strange". I muttered, turning to face the security man
   "Sir, do you by any chance know if Hardin has gone to school?"I asked politely
   he shook his head negatively . "he haven't been home since yesterday".
I became alarmed . "Not been home! why?how? I mean where did he go?"I asked in a rush 
      "I can't say ! "he simply answered with a shrug.....
   Panicking, I rushed to the house and walked in to see Mrs Castillo pacing up and down the sitting room..
    "Good morning ma! "I greeted and she spun around to face me and that was when I saw the tears in her eyes
"Ma". I called softly, moving closer to her , "What is wrong?"
She was quiet for a while and then broke down in tears
"Hardin is not home and I don't know where he is".
I froze on the spot befuddled as I was confused on what to say or how to react ......
"I never knew he wasn't home until this morning when I went over to check on him ". She added , snuffing
"But ma how is that possible! I mean didn't you know when he left the house? "I asked, trying to calm my panic but my voice came out roughly
"Of course I did but I went to bed early so I never knew he didn't return home last night". She explained and I bit hard at my upper lips to stop myself from yelling at the woman in front of me ....
She never knew! how can she be so reckless!.. damn! this is all messy
"So what have you done about it?"I asked , staring at her
"I called his father to inform it about it ". She answered
"his father".I repeated and she nodded
"he is a cop officer with high rank and I believe he would be able to get a lead"
"Wow! I never knew Hardin's father is an officer".I blurted out
"he is one of the best in London".She said with a light smile
  Tears filled my eyes as I remembered my dad
he was also a cop officer!
Her phone rang suddenly rang and she received it on the first ring
"Hello! Mrs Castillo on the line!"She greeted first and what followed next was her screams
I became alarmed
"I am on my way now ". I heard her say
"What is wrong ma? I asked, worriedly
"It is Hardin , he has been arrested . She replied with a shaky voice , picking up her car key.
"Arrested! What was his offence?"I asked and was at the same time praying it should be something minor...
"I have to be on my way so please take care of the house". She said , ignoring my questions as she made for the door and without thinking, I rushed to block her way ......
"Please ma I want to come with you . I pleaded
She stared at me in surprise and then nodded slowly.........

I followed behind her as we walked out of the house to the garage.
opening the car door, I got in and she did the same at my own end , started the car and drove off ....

In what seems like eternity, Mrs Castillo finally parked out in front of a building painted blue and white
Thank goodness! I muttered
"South Tacoma Police station". I read the huge wordings on the wall as l alighted from the car
Why is Hardin at south Tacoma!Did he come meet someone? I wondered , walking side by side with his mother as we headed straight to the reception.
"Good morning officer!"She greeted the lanky man behind the reception desk
"Good morning! how can I help you?"The man asked without looking at us as his head was buried in a book
"I got a call this morning that my baby erm I mean my son Hardin Castillo is being detained here". Mrs Castillo continued and the man looked up at her in surprise
"Are you the mother of the kid?"
   "Yes". she nodded
"Then you must be related to the famous writer Brian Castillo?"
"Yes , he is my father? She answered and that did the magic
The man stood up to greet her politely and then signalled a chubby officer to go get Hardin .....
"But officer , what is my son offence?"Mrs Castillo started
"Well! he got into a fight with someone but believe me when I say it is more of an assault than a normal fight"
"Assault". she repeated
"Yes Madam , your son beat up the "man involved" into a pulp and I must say his anger issues is way out of it .
"So who is this boy?"her lips quavered
"he is not a boy , he is a man. The officer corrected, going through a file on his table
"And his name is Mike Princeton. he added and i froze
"No it can't be! It really can't be". I muttered and they both looked at me
"Are you alright Hazel?"Mrs Castillo asked
"Where is Mike? I simply asked , ignoring her question and the officer exchanged look with her
"Uhm .. erm he is in the prison infirmary!!!
Just then , the chubby officer returned to the room with Hardin following behind him.
   His hands were in his pockets and there were no traces of remorse on his face .
    "Hardin". his mum called , rushing to hug him  and I shook my head in dismay seeing the way he went stiff at his mother touch .
  I stood there , staring at him as he looked around the room and when his gaze met mine , he  freed himself from his mother's grip and walked up to me .
    "Hey". he greeted softly , running his hands through his hair
   "how are you? Are you hurt?"I asked , touching the plastered wound on his face and he flinched a little, catching my hands
  "Dont! It hurts"
  "I am sorry" I apologised, searching his face for other injuries but found none
     "Thanks goodness". I muttered, heaving a deep sigh
"Were you that worried?"he chuckled.
   "Of course I was .. erm and about Mike , what really happened?"I asked changing the subject and he scoffed
  "Let's us please not talk about it".
   I swallowed hard . "Okay". I agreed not wanting to get him pissed .
   He smiled lightly and Cupped my cheeks about to say something when his mother cleared her throat from behind us
   "Let us go!"She  said and walked out of the station
    "Really?" He looked at the Cop officers
  "Yes Mr Castillo you are free to go , but remember no more fighting or else". An officer warned
   "And Mike?"he continued
   "He will be set free as soon as he is alright". the officer assured and I heaved a deep sigh which deepened Hardin gaze on me .
   "What? "I mouthed at him
  "Nothing". he answered and walked out of the the station without even waiting for me .....
    Is he for real?
  I ran out of the police station and got to the car just in time to see Hardin hopping into back seat
     Following suit , I sat down beside him and his mother who was behind the wheel drove off .....
  During the drive, Hardin was relatively quiet and I kept on stealing glances at him to see him looking at his phone all of the time .
  What is wrong with him? Is he still angry?but what did I even do ?
  His phone suddenly rang and he let it ring without receiving it
  "Who was that?"his mother asked , staring at him in the rear mirror
    "Dad!". he answered
   "Then why didn't you receive it?"she queried.
  "That is because I don't want to". he simply answered ; then caught me by surprise when he straightened his legs and laid his head on my laps
  "Hardin, What are you doing?"I asked in whispers, staring at his mum through the car rear mirror.
  I was expecting her to flare up , get angry or even pull over on the highway but she didn't  instead, she looked away , fixing her gaze on the road.
       This is really crazy!
Staring down at Hardin , I found  him already sleeping
    I smiled as my fingers reached for his hair, stroking it
  He must be really tired, I bet he had a tough time last night!
    "Is he sleeping?"his mom asked softly and I nodded absentmindedly as I was lost staring at Hardin's cute face ....
"Strange! Jay erm I mean Hardin doesn't like people touching him even in his sleep , you must be very special to him". She stated and I chuckled nervously......but wait a minute! Jay again, is that  his name??

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