Feelings 3

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Hazel Dakota
It has been a week since  Hardin and I had our first sex  and believe me when I say I had no regret losing my virginity to him....
Well! it was very painful the first time but as time goes on , I began to derive pleasure from it .
I spend most of my night with Hardin and our sex life have been "wow", he taught me how to explore my body in different ways that I was left wondering how a kid his age knows so much.

   The sound of the alarm clock snapped me out of my Crazy thoughts and i quickly got off the bed and rushed out of my room to Hardin's room.
  you might be wondering why I woke up in the Castillo mansion on a Monday morning .. hmm!well! Hardin insisted I  spend the weekend with him so I had no other option, after all he is my boyfriend.
  Entering his room, I found him laying on his bed , his eyes wide opened, staring at the ceiling.
"Good morning". I greeted first and he shifted his attention to me
  "Hey". he sat up in bed and gestured me to move closer which I did
"how was your night?"I asked and he exhaled deeply
"0h! Is it still the night mare?"I asked , picking my words and he nodded
"You should have just stayed with me"
"C'mon Hardin". I chuckled softly. "you know what could have happened if I had stayed over with you, we could have f**ked all through the night and I wouldn't able to study ........
"For the upcoming SAT exams". he completed with an eye roll and I laughed
"Stop it Hardin , you know how much this examination means to me"
"And have you forgotten that I am also writing this same examination you are talking about". he retorted
"I know but you can't simply compare my level of IQ with yours". I smirked . "mean you are a born genius who hardly reads but knows a lot while I am just an average student who hasn't seen the four walls of a classroom in three years"
"Oh! now I get". he nodded . "but still , I can help you study if you want . he pinched my nipples through my nighties.
"Ooouch Hardin! that hurts". i winced a little and he chuckled
"Is that a cry of pain or pleasure?"
"Go away". I glared at him playfully as he smiled
"But on a serious note Haz, I can help you study"
"Really?"I asked to be sure
"Of course, I want us to go to college together, WSU to be precise". he stated and my Jaws dropped.
"Washington State university". I retorted. "hell no , the tuition fees is too expensive".
He smirked. "There are somethings you need not worry about"
"And what do you mean by that?"I arched my eyebrow.
"Nothing, or is there any other college you have in mind?"he changed the subject
"Middlesex university London". I answered excitedly and he knitted his eyebrow
"That is my dream university". I quickly added
"And why London! Are you from London ?"he asked, staring into my face
"Yes". I replied and his eyes lit up
"Wow! Wow! I have always suspected that but your thin British accent always got me all confused"
"That is because I am from East Smithfield". I stated and he went stiff .
"Are you alright?"I asked , studying his face
his eyes flicker with an emotion i couldn't place as he clutched on the bed sheet tightly
"Hardin". I called and he quickly composed himself
"Erm I am sorry erm I grew up in West Smithfield and the name "Smithfield" kind of get me pissed ". he explained , breathing hard as he tried not to meet my gaze
What is wrong with him?
Cupping his cheeks, I made him face me and that was when I saw it, the fear and pain in his eyes ....
"Talk to me Hardin, what is wrong with you?"
"Nothing". he smiled lightly and pulled me to him , pinning me to the bed as he kissed me roughly
I smiled inwardly , i have been waiting for this and finally I was under him.
Don't Judge me wrong , I ain't a sex freak, I am just kind of addicted to him.....
"Have you done the stuff I told you to do?"his voice came out rashly
"What stuff?" I breathe into his mouth and played with his dick through his brief
"Fuck! I am talking about the birth control stuff, I want you to fix it , i am tired of fucking you with a condom, I want to feel you raw......"
he pulled out of the kiss and breathe hard on my neck as he suckled on it .
"Alright Haarrdin i ... wiiilll ... oh my gawd!do that today" I moaned loudly.
Pulling off his brief , he instructed me to take off my nighties and when i did , he reached into his drawer for a condom , rolled it on his dick and with his mouth suckling my nipples , he penetrated deep inside me .
"Haaardin",I moaned loudly as he thrust in and out of me......
"hold me tightly", he begged and when I did ; he increased his pace drilling me deeper and harder
"This is so good! This is so good". I let out a loud Cry
"Of course, you are so tight and that makes the sex so fucking good".he agreed
I suddenly felt my organsm building and I held him more tightly screaming
"I am cumming! I am Cumming"
"Release baby , I will keep on drilling you". he said and true to his words when I released, he kept on drilling me deeper and harder
"Holy shit". he exclaimed loudly, holding my body tightly as he released....
We stayed like that for a moment and then he rolled off me
"Don't forget about the birth control?"he reminded, pulling out the condom
"But why are you work up about me fixing a birth control?Are you scared I might get pregnant?" I put on my pant.
"That is right! I don't like the sound of that word " pregnancy". he retorted
"Sure! I understand, you are still to young to be a father"
He scoffed . "this is not about me being too young , I don't want to have children ever , those tiny things annoys me"
I stared at him in surprise
"This is really absurd! what if I erm I mean your wife wants children?"I asked , picking my words and he laughed
"Wife! There will be nothing as such because I won't get married, I wouldn't want to go through the stress of divorce"
"Divorce". I repeated in disbelief.
"Yes Haz! Can't you see divorce is the trend in most marriages"
I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't find my voice
I was so Damn confused!
What will happen to me now ?Will he dump me when he gets tired of me?
And as if reading my thoughts, he said
"I love you so much Haz and you are the one I want to spend forever with"
With that , he got off the bed and went into the bathroom
Seriously!Is he for real! he doesn't want to get married yet he wants to spend forever with me ..
"As a Girlfriend". My subconsciousness mocked at me and I clutched my fist tightly in anger
"Shut up". I barked at it
"No Haz!you should direct your anger to your crazy boyfriend and not me , remember I am you". It reminded and i scratched my hair confusedly
Or right! I must be crazy arguing with myself ..
The door to the room suddenly creaked open and Rebecca walked in , holding a tray
"Good morning Miss Hazel". She greeted mockingly and I scoffed
" what are you doing here?"
"cover that bare chest on yours before you start asking questions" . She rolled her eyes and only then did I realise my upper body was exposed . I quickly covered myself up with the blanket..
"I wonder what Sir Hardin sees in that plain body of yours". She muttered , placing the tray on the low stool......
"At least he is attracted to me and not you and mind you , next time you want to come in ,knock". I said shooting daggers at her .
"Crazy bitch". She cursed
"And who is a crazy bitch?"Hardin asked , coming out of the bathroom , wearing only his briefs and Rebecca froze of the spot
"Ain't I talking to you? or are you deaf?"he asked in a huff
"Erm I was just joking around". She lied, staring hard at Hardin chest.
She is impossible!
Hardin scoffed . "You call my girlfriend a crazy bitch and you dare call it a joke". I could tell he was already pissed
"Erm sir I never knew she was your girlfriend"
"Now you know". Hardin growled . "what are you still doing here? Why are you even here in the first place?"
"I thought you might be thirsty so I decided to bring water over to you"
"Do me a favour Rebecca , and get the fuck out of here". he thundered
"Yes sir". Rebecca panicked.
"And don't forget the water".Hardin added
Bending her head in shame , she picked up the tray and rushed out of the room .....
I laughed loudly. " I never knew " Almighty Rebecca" could be this scared"
"Put on Your clothes". Hardin simply said as he walked over to the wardrobe.....
"Yes sir". I drawled
Getting off the bed , I hurriedly dressed up in my nighties and sat down on the bed , watching him dress.
I smiled sheepishly
How can someone be so perfect! I thought within, staring at the lone tattoo on his back .
It was a name beautifully designed
"Camilla! who is Camilla?"I asked
"My mum". I answered and I exclaimed softly......
He must really love his mum to have ink her name on his back!

When he was done dressing, he sling his back pack over his shoulder, picked up his phone along with his car keys and then faced me .
"I am off the school"
"Alright, See ya later" I bade .
He blew me a kiss and with that , left the room........
Now is time to go clean up!
I got off the bed , adjusting my nighty as I walked out of his room to my room; entering I sat on the bed and reached for my phone
There were 7 missed calls and a message all from Mike....
I sighed, he has been disturbing me with call for the past few days all of which I ignored
But What does he want? can't he just let me be ?
I clicked on the message and read it
" Hazel, Why are you ignoring my call? I am seriously depressed.
I felt so bad in an instant knowing I was being unfair to him
And come to think of it , Mike had been a good friend to me , he was even the one who helped me with this job . I really need to go see him .....
but what of Hardin? he told me clearly to severe all ties with Mike ......well! he does not need to know .
Heaving a deep sigh, I dialled Mike's number and he picked it on the first ring
"Hello Hazel". he greeted and i was quick to notice the sadness in his voice
"Mike! how are you? Are you alright? Are you still hurting?" I asked in a rush
"Yes Hazel". he answered and my heart churned with pity
"Don't worry , I will come check on you today". I promised
"Seriously? "
"Yes, and I am sorry for not checking on you". I apologised
"It is nothing"he assured
"Thanks Mike". I smiled and ended the phone call......

Hardin Castillo

As soon as the literature teacher walked in , silence returned to the class room
how I wish the class can be like this throughout the day!
"Check out the teacher ass on that skirt"Richard nudged at me and I seized the teacher up to see she was wearing a mini tight black skirt....
I smirked
"You can go for her if you want"
He laughed, giving me a playful punch
"No way! I don't do older women"
"Then stop admiring them".I simply stated

"The class discussion for today will be drafted out from the book"Rude Mr Popular".the teacher started
"Have you read it?"Richard asked in whispers and I nodded
"Trust you on that. I haven't read a thing from the book"he added
"So to begin with , who can tell me the main characters of the novel?"The teacher asked and a girl seated in front raised her hands
"Yes! Diane shoot it"
"The main character in the play are Shayne Adams and Sofia Regans". the girl answered correctedly
"Good! And what was the ......."
"Can we please discuss on another novel". Kimberly cut in . "this novel is just too lame".  A ripple of murmur ran through the class
"She is too rude for my liking". Richard retorted
"Quiet! Quiet! Quiet". the teacher screamed , banging her fist on the table and the class soon went quiet
"And why did you say so Kim na na ?"she faced Kim
"Isn't it obvious". Kim rolled her eyes . "everything in the novel is Just not right"
"can you explain yourself miss?" the teacher probed on .
"Sure. who in the world will leave a classic girl to marry a maid". She drawled, her gaze on me and I smiled lightly knowing she was referring to the Hazel and I
"I mean how can Shayne leave Lexy (the daughter of a wealthy woman) to be with Sofia (a maid)"
"that is because Lexy is a bitch". I retorted , staring at her and her eyes widened in shock....
Yes, Since she wants it this way , I will give it back to her , She can't insult Hazel indirectly and go Scot free.
"How can you say Lexy is a bitch, she gave her body to Shayne because she loves him". She half yelled
"Really? I scoffed . "Do you really call that love! hell no, she is a nothing but a desperate cheap slut who doesn't deserve Shayne"
That was it , she flared up , jolting up from her seat like a crazy woman.
"You are crazy Hardin! You are really Crazy". She yelled, about to rush at me but Steve who was seated beside her quickly held her back .
The whole class became silent in an instant "What the hell is happening?"Richard asked in whispers
"I don't know". I lied
"Steve take her outside now". The teacher instructed Steve who glared at me before leaving the class, dragging Kimberly along with him .
What is wrong with him? I wondered.

"Phew! I think we really need to Change the novel". the teacher Said as soon as the class was in order ....
"But Hardin". She continued. "why do I feel all that happened earlier was more than a class discussing?"
"I don't know what you are talking about". I lied
"Of course you wouldn't". She picked up her books . "This class is already messed up , we will continue our discussion in the next class". She informed and walked out of the class .
"This is a breathe of fresh air, I really hate literature".Richard Stated and I nodded , smiling.
Just then, my phone beeped signifying a text message and I reached into my pocket to check out the sender and noticed it was Hazel.
I clicked on it
" Hi Hardin! I just finished the house chores and I want to do some studying, can you please tell me where you kept you lecture hand out ,
I want to make use of it ".
I quickly replied her
" in the box underneath my reading table"
Having done that , I unlocked the phone and her picture came in view .....
I smiled ,staring at it
It was a picture of her i took when she was not looking.
I sighed. Will she still love me if she knows about my past? I am so scared of knowing the answer.

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