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                                  Hazel Dakota

  It is Amazing how someone can hurt your heart and you can still love them with all of the little pieces .
Despite the fact Hardin's confession hit me badly and deep , I still find myself wanting to be with him , I still wanted him to hold him me , he was already a part of me and I am addicted to him.
You can call me a fool but I don't care , Hardin is hurting also and he needs me beside him .

A light tap on my shoulders jolted me up from sleep and I stirred a little , opening my eyes to see Rebecca staring down at me.
"You should get double awards for sleeping!" She jeered and stretched my arm
"Good morning!" I yawned and leaned  forward to rise .
"Good afternoon ma'am!" she corrected with an eye roll and I took a quick look at the huge wall clock
Phew! It was already mid-noon!
Lazily , I sat up the bed , rubbing the sleep crust off my eyes
I felt so weak , I guess it is as a result of the silent tears I shed last night .
Since Hardin was already hurting , I couldn't let  him see my tears so I had to pretend I was alright to make him smile but to tell you the truth, I was far from alright !
The thought of another girl "having his child" clouded my thoughts all through the night and left me with a silent pain , a pain  i pray to heal soon.
"Down to Earth Hazel!" Rebecca snapped her fingers in front of me and I quickly composed myself
"Erm Erm what were you saying?" I stuttered, staring into her chubby face as she stared back angrily at me
"You are so annoying! does that mean I have been talking to myself all this while ! Damn it! how I wish I could yell at you.
"but you can't because I am your superior".I boasted .
  She rolled her eyes, mumbling some words only she could understand
Well! that is her headache!
"Why are you even here?" I snapped at her
"To clean Sir Hardin's room" she pointed to the dust pan and bin leaning at a corner in the room .
I looked at the dustpan and then back at her confusedly
"but you ain't his "personal maid , what about Nina?" I asked.
"Are you a human or a ghost?" She rolled her eyes. "Can't you hear the yells from downstairs? Nina offended your boyfriend and she is about to be fired"
"Fired!" I tilted my head sideways to listen closely and that was when I heard the harsh voices!
quickly , I got off the bed and made for the door . I opened it , about to run out when Rebecca caught me by my arm .
"Let go of me!" I  tried to struggle out of her grip , but she held me more tightly, hurting me in her process
"Arrrrrrgh!"I screamed. "Do you have a death wish?"
She let go of me in an instant . "I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you , but I am just too curious to know what is going on". She said in a rush and I bit at my lower lips, rubbing the affected hand
She should thank her stars I was in no mood for fighting else I would have pounced on her.
I simply ignored her and dashed out of the room and scurried down the stairs into the sitting room and met an appalling sight .
Nina was kneeling  right in front of Mrs Castillo's , crying and pleading with her not to throw her out as she held to her already parked bags
My heart churned in pity as I watched her cry , her tears reminded me of the pains i felt when I was also thrown out of the house .
"No Nina! I can't continue to "abore " a spy in my house". Mrs Castillo half yelled . "you have to leave now".
"Spy" i muttered and shifted my gaze to Hardin who was seated on the sofa , watching his mother silently .
They were both engrossed in "chasing"the poor girl out that they failed to notice me.
     so Pathetic!
"Please ma! I love it here , don't send me away. I am Anne's younger sister and not Anne, don't direct the anger to me, I know nothing about it!" Nina pleaded and I felt all of her pain
she sounded really pathetic so i decided to help her.
"Ma! I think you are being unfair to her". I defended Nina and only then did they notice me.
"When did you get here?" Mrs Castillo asked, staring at me like I was some fancy doll
"Not quite long , the noise woke me up". I lied
"Oh dear!" She exclaimed softly and faced Hardin
"Can you please take her back to the room?"
What! Is she trying to shut me out?
"I don't think you are being fair to Nina" I repeated and signalled to Hardin to remain seated.
He scoffed . "Do you even know what you are saying? this same girl you are defending is spying on you"
"She isn't spying on me , she just told her sister about me". I corrected and Nina gasped audibly in surprise
"Ma'am Hazel!"
I continued. "Can you please tell me the reason why she must leave the mansion?" I looking at him and then at his mother
"It is because of you darling, we are only trying to protect you". his mum answered , but I shook my head
"I don't want anyone to cry because of me so please don't send her away". I pleaded on Nina's behalf and a light smile escaped her lips..
A long silence follows and then Hardin exhaled deeply
"It seems you don't understand what is going on!"
"Of course I do". I snapped at him . "you impregnated her sister and now you want to kick her out of your house. Do you have a conscience at all?"
  "What".he banged his fist on the table . "You want her here, so be it!"
  With that , he stood up in a huff and walked past me, climbing up the stairs.
   I followed him with my eyes and scoffed
What an annoying Jerk!
"You shouldn't have said that Hazel!" his mum queried and I shifted my attention back to her
"Hardin is hot- tempered and you know it "
"Who cares!" I mumbled and I guessed she heard it because she said
"You are both stubborn!"
" So what are you gonna do about her?" I changed the subject.
"I don't know , i will discuss it over the night with Hardin's father". She sighed and faced the poor girl
"You can go to your room"
"Thanks ma". the girl appreciated and got up on her feet .
"I smiled softly as her gaze met mine
"Thanks!" She mouthed and I nodded slowly
"You should go to your room too" . Mrs Castillo told me .
"Alright ma". I nodded and climbed up the stairs to Hardin's room.
  Entering, I found him holding his phone to his ear
Oh right! who is he calling?
I laid on the bed and snuggled under the blanket , listening to him make his call.
"Of course, I will Skype you tonight ". I heard him say
Skype! who the hell is he talking with? I wondered and that was the exact moment he called the name —-Kim.
Kim! he is gonna Skype with her tonight! no way.
I leaned forward and reached for his laptop, placing it beside me.
"Do you want to make use of that?"he asked , removing his phone from his  ear .
"Yes". I nodded. "I wanna do some research and I will be making use of it tonight".

Anne Berth

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