Chapter 1 - Snowstorm's POV

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Authors Note:

All chapters from Snowstorm's POV are written by Darkwatcher

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Six Years Later...

    I never believed that I was the right dragon to bring peace to the dragon world.

    Don't get me wrong, I want to be. I want to be the great IceWing savior that everyone would look up to. I want to be able to fix any problem the world threw at me.

    However, this was not the case. Everything I touched dies, turning black, shriveling up, and getting covered in frost. It was a curse. Similar to one a nestmate of mine has.

   'How could I be a hero if all I can do is kill?' I thought as I watched the battle, or training as our minder Kestrel likes to call it, between Clay and Kestrel.

    "Fight!" Kestrel howled, flinging the mud-brown dragon across the cavern. I watched as he crashed into the rock wall and scrambled up again, trying to spread his mud-colored wings for balance. Kestrel's red talons raked at his face and he ducked away. "Come on," the red dragon snarled. "Stop holding back. Find the killer inside you and let it out."

  "I'm trying!" Clay said. "Maybe if we could stop and talk about it —"

    She lunged for Clay again. "Feint to the left! Roll right! Use your fire!" Clay tried to duck under her wing to attack her from below, but of course, he rolled the wrong way. One of her talons smashed him to the ground, and Clay yelped with pain.

  "WHICH LEFT WAS THAT, USELESS?" Kestrel bellowed in Clay's ear. "Are all MudWings this stupid? OR ARE YOU JUST DEAF?"

    'Och!' I thought, 'If this gets any worse I might have to put a stop to this.' I then walk a bit closer to the fight before sitting down again.

    When I heard the familiar hiss that came before one of Kestrel's fire attacks, I knew Clay was in trouble. He threw his wings over his head, tucked his long neck in, and rolled into the maze of stalagmites that studded one corner of the cave. Flames blasted the rocks around him.

    "Coward!" the older dragon bellowed. She smashed one of the rock columns into a shower of sharp black pebbles.

    "OW!" he yelled. "You said stomping tails was cheating!" He seized the closest stalagmite between his claws and scrambled up on top of it.

    "I'm your teacher," Kestrel snarled. "Nothing I do is cheating. Get down here and fight like a SkyWing."

   I shake my head, sigh, and think, 'But he's not a SkyWing, Cyclone is. So stop trying to make Clay into one!' I then glance at Cyclone for a second before turning back to watch the fight.

    Kestrel roared. She reared up on her back legs and flared her wings so she suddenly looked three times bigger.

    With a yelp of alarm, Clay tried to leap to the next stalagmite, but his wings unfurled too slowly and he smacked into the side of it instead. Sparks flew as his claws scraped down the jagged rock. He let out another yowl of pain as Kestrel snaked her head between the columns, seized his tail in her teeth, and yanked him out into the open.

    Her talons closed around his neck as she hissed something into Clay's ear.

    "Gawp," Clay squawked, clawing at her grip.

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