Chapter 4 - Cyclone's POV

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Authors Note:

All chapters from Cyclone's POV are written by ArtemisWOF

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    I had never really believed that ALL of the legends about Nightwings could be true. I mean, a whole tribe full of incredibly secretive dragons that could read minds and see the future? PLEASE. Was there even any proof for that? A strange mystery queen and an entire kingdom that had never been seen by any of the other tribes? REALLY? And then of course there was the fact that the Nightwings themselves never emerged into any part of Pyrrhia other than their own home, it seemed, except when they were delivering messages or weird prophecies that were supposed to help shape the fate of the entire continent. Did none of this seem at least a LITTLE suspicious to anyone else? I mean, no one dragon tribe could actually be THAT overpowered, could they?

    Besides, there was living evidence right at the dragonet's very own cave PROVING that at least not all Nightwings were as powerful as they were said to be. Starflight had a lot of things: wit, intelligence, the overwhelming ability to annoy someone to death. But he did NOT have any powers, and he certainly wasn't scary or mysterious. He couldn't read minds, and he couldn't tell the future. At least, if he did, he did a VERY good job at refusing to do either of these things, although I was pretty sure that even if he did just refuse to use such powers, he'd be pretty bad at hiding them.

    But the next evening, when a tremendously large dragon with scales as dark and empty looking as a bottomless pit looms out of the shadows of the entrance tunnel, I immediately can tell with terrifying certainty, that yes, this dragon does have powers, and he is VERY intimidating.

    Morrowseer is even bigger than Kestrel, and five times more terrifying, which is saying something considering how much she hates me. He spreads his jagged, batlike wings and peers down at the dragonets lined up in front of him. He has silver scales like stars on the underside of his wings like Starflight does, but on him they seem to glitter from a great distance away, casting a cold, chilling glow on those below him.

    He looked like he could easily rip off each of our heads in one bite. He also looked like he already hated the six dragonets. 'I'm the only one you should hate, you featherbrain.' I think it directly at the large Nightwing, like a death wish. He glances at me for a split second before turning away.

    I can see Sunny shivering in fright out of the corner of my eye, while Starflight is as still as I have ever seen him. The Nightwing dragonet always froze when he got scared as if hoping the danger would simply pass him by if he tried hard enough not to be noticed. I, on the other hand, dealt with fear by becoming incredibly stubborn and tended to act braver than I felt.

    I notice immediately when Morrowseer looks back at me as if double-checking that he has seen me right the first time. I growl softly when he does the same to Snowstorm, except with him, Morrowseer snarls in disgust. 'What are YOU looking at, bird face?' I think it at him with as much anger as I can muster, although this time he pretends not to notice my rebellious thoughts.

    Morrowseer pivots his head slowly, turning to glare down at Kestrel and Hvitur. He lifts one long claw and points at me and Snowstorm.

    "What. Is. Wrong. With. THOSE?" he says, his voice loaded with enough venom to kill twenty dragons in mid-flight.

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