Chapter 5 - Snowstorm's POV

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Authors Note:

All chapters from Snowstorm's POV are written by Darkwatcher.

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Sound effects/emphasizing words

'Morrowseer and Hvitur are right, I am not good enough... And probably never will be. But, that doesn't mean I can't try, if only for the others.' I thought furiously as I speed walk to the training cave.

I can hear claws hitting the floor behind me, so I pick up the pace. Based on the sound their talons are making, the dragon is not a SeaWing.

'I shouldn't have offered anyone to follow, I need to train alone... This is one of the only things that help me prove that I am worth something.' I thought as I arrive at the entrance.

After spotting the stalagmites on the far side of the cave, I mark the wall near me using my talons. I then walk half a wingspan away before Turing to face the mark.

I close my eyes and think, 'Come on Frost. You can do this. If you work on your aim you can be more productive in battle and not hurt others unnecessarily.'

I inhale through my nostrils, taking in as much air as necessary. My eyes snap open as I open my jaw and exhale a deadly frost.

When the ray of frost made contact with the wall, it hit slightly to the left. 'MOONS I NEED TO DO BETTER THAN THAT.' I scalded myself before snapping my mouth shut to cut off the stream.

After several more tries, I finally managed to hit the target consistently.

I look at the wall which had spikes of ice spread across it, before walking over to that stalagmites. Picking one, I dig my sharp claws into it lifting myself. Once I am as high as I can get, I jump to the stalactites. My front talons just barely hold on as I pull up my back ones to hang upside down.

I spread my wings before repeating the process of drawing in air, before releasing another blast of frost at the wall. I manage to hit the target, although just barely.

Just as I was about to hop back down, I am startled by talon-steps just outside, causing me to fall, back first onto the ground below, just missing the stalagmites.

"Argh!" I gasp in pain from the fall. 'Well... turns out Hvitur was right when he said I am as clumsy as a hatchling.' I thought bitterly.

And there, standing at the entrance of the cave is Cyclone. The SkyWing was looking between me and the wall I was using for target practice.

    I groan as I roll onto my stomach before saying, "Hi, Cy."

    She meets my gaze, sighs, and starts saying, "Hi, Snow..."  She stops for a second before continuing. "Hi, Snowstorm."

     'Was Cy about to call me Snow?' I ask myself still waiting to see what the SkyWing will do. 'Maybe, I am only worth formalities now.'

    She then looks at the after-effects of my freezing death breath. 'Great... now I have to explain myself.'

    Before Cyclone says anything else,  I mumble, "I was practicing my aim."

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