Chapter 4 - Snowstorm's POV

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Authors Note:

All chapters from Snowstorm's POV are written by Darkwatcher.

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I had never really believed the legends about NightWings. Secretive dragons who could read minds? A hidden kingdom that no one could find? A mystery queen, the power to see the future, the way they appeared from darkness to deliver prophecies that shaped the world... it all sounded like fairy tales. But then again, so does the ability to freeze or burn anything you touch... So maybe it's like how Cyclone's and I's curse works, where only some are born with their abilities.

What I consider the main evidence for this is Starflight, and Starflight is many things — annoying, long-winded, smart, too serious — but he had no magical powers and he was never, ever scary.

    If he did have powers, the world would freeze over before he would be able to hide the truth from us.

    In fact, I don't think any of the other dragonets could hide that type of secret. Tsunami would have boasted endlessly about that sort of thing, Clay is... well Clay is too... trusting. Yeah, trusting of us. He would tell us anything. Sunny is too kind and caring. Besides she is terrible at keeping secrets. And Cyclone... She probably could hide it from some of us. But I don't believe she would hide anything like that from us... Or at least the others.

And the next evening, when a dragon black as a bottomless pit loomed out of the shadows of the entrance tunnel, I truly believed that yes, this dragon does have powers.

Morrowseer was even bigger than Kestrel, and five times more terrifying. He spread his jagged, batlike wings and peered down at the dragonets lined up in front of him. He had silver scales like stars on the underside of his wings like Starflight did, but on him, they seemed to glitter from a great distance and cast a cold glow.

He looked like he could easily rip off each of their heads in one bite. He also looked like he already hated the six dragonets. 'Am I already such a large disappointment that he hates all of us?' I ask myself. 'Wait! Is he listening to my thoughts right now?'

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sunny shivering and Starflight was more still than I had ever seen him. Starflight always froze when he was frightened. It was as if he hoped that by not moving, he'd disappear from view and the danger would pass right by.

You could see the second he noticed me. His snout twitched with ripples of disgust. A forked black tongue slipped over his teeth.

Morrowseer pivoted his head slowly to glare down at Kestrel and Hvitur. He lifted one long claw and pointed at Cyclone and me.

"What. Is. Wrong. With. THOSE?" he said, his voice loaded with enough venom to kill twenty dragons in midflight.

"They are—- Defective. One born with too much Fire. And one born with too much Ice." Kestrel hissed.

    "Snowstorm. Is. Not. Defective!" Cyclone yells. However, she was shut up when Kestrel gave her a warning look.

    I gave Cyclone a small smile in thanks.

"If only their twins survived and didn't get murdered by those two, they would have been better," Hvitur mumbled.

I frowned, 'You just had to mention it didn't you... It's not like I meant to kill him... If I had a choice I would have traded my life with him so that he could live... Even without frost breath he at least wouldn't be cursed to kill everything...'

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