Chapter 2 - Cyclone's POV

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Authors Note:

All chapters from Cyclone's POV are written by ArtemisWOF

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After dinner, I wander off and try to avoid all of the other dragonets if I can help it.  If even one of them read my facial expression, I do not doubt that they would be concerned.  Right now, the very last thing that I need is another dragon worrying about me.  I already do that enough myself.

I had heard Dune tell the others to go study after dinner, so I decided to go to the battle cave instead. Besides, at least there is nothing flammable for me to destroy in there.

When I enter the cave, I immediately walk to the opposite side of the cave and sit down, sighing. 'Why can't I just be normal?'

I faintly hear Tsunami yelling orders at the other dragonets from the study cave, although the walls muffle her voice enough that I can't hear exactly what she is saying.

I shrink back closer to the wall, trying to disappear into myself.'Why can't I be more like the others?'

"Cyclone, I've been looking for you," Snowstorm calls from the entrance of the cave.

I look over at him, wishing that I could just be left alone.  "I've been around."

He gives me a knowing look, a look that I hate. I don't need anybody else knowing how I feel, but Snowstorm always seems to be able to tell when I am upset, and why.

"Hey," he says, "Everything is going to be just fine. I mean... You, Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, and Sunny are all going to do great things.  Clay is caring, Tsunami is independent, Starflight is smart, Sunny is just adorable, and you... You are fierce and never back down. No matter what. You all have something to offer.  Remember that."

Snowstorm looks down at the ground, a look of dread crossing his face for a split second before he tries to cover it up again.

"How can you say that I am capable of 'great things' if you don't even think that about yourself?  You think you can't do anything heroic for the same reason that I can't," I reply, giving him a pointed look.

"I think that because you... And the others are worth so much in the group," Snowstorm starts, "If you think about it as a dragon's body, Starflight would be the head, Clay would be the soul, Tsunami would be our teeth, Sunny would be our heart, and you would be our talons. I try... I do... But I'm just not good enough. None of you need me."

He tries to say it reassuringly, but his serious tone just makes me more upset with him for doubting himself.  Not knowing what else to do, I decided to try and lighten the mood.

"What about the tail?" I ask, smirking mischievously.

"Gah!" he yells with a mockingly hurt face, falling to the ground as if injured, "What did I ever do to you!"

I laugh, glad that my joke had the desired effect, although I feel as if I should take advantage of the moment to make Snowstorm feel better about himself.

"That's not what I meant..." I start, struggling for the right words, "It's just that a dragon can't balance as well without its tail and wings.  So, um, without the tail, we would all fall apart?"

I say the last part as a question, not knowing what else to say. I don't know what else I CAN say.

Snowstorm stands up, looking down at the floor before meeting my eyes. "Thanks..." he starts.

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