Chapter 5 - Cyclone's POV

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Authors Note:

All chapters from Cyclone's POV are written by ArtemisWOF

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I follow Snowstorm from a careful distance, trying to give him space but also wanting to make sure that he is okay. He picks up his pace as he hears my talons hitting the stone floor behind him, heading towards the training cave as fast as he can while still walking. I can tell that he wants to be left alone, but that is exactly why I need to check on him.

'No,' I tell myself, stopping abruptly. 'I know what it feels like to want to be left alone... I need to give Snow space. He clearly needs time to sort out his thoughts.'

I promise myself that I will check on the Icewing dragonet later before walking off. Not knowing what else to do, I head straight for the sleeping caves. When I get there, I make sure that none of the other dragonets are around before sighing and laying down on the cold, stone floor, not needing to be anywhere else. Darkness overtakes me almost instantly.

All I see is destruction. A group of tall trees is enveloped in flames, looking like giant torches as they flare and burn in the distance. I hear a scream come from below me.

I hadn't realized that I was flying until this moment, but when I look down, I can tell that the ground is far beneath me. And so are the other dragonets of destiny.

I feel my heart seize in my chest as I watch everything around me burn to the ground, along with the only dragons that I have ever cared about.

"Please, Cy! Save us! You can stop this!" I watch helplessly as Snowstorm begs for mercy from the forest floor. 'What have I done?'

I wake with a start, tears streaming down my face and evaporating just as quickly against my flaming scales. Suddenly reality catches back up to me, and I remember where I am, although I have no way of knowing how much time has passed since I fell asleep. 'I'm not in a flaming forest. I am safe, right at home in our cave.'

'I should probably check on Snow,' I think, remembering how the Icewing dragonet had walked off, wanting to be left alone.

Shaking off the memory of my nightmares, which I have been getting far too used to doing, I stand up and walk towards the training caves.

When I reach the entrance, however, I am startled to see a blur of bright white scales as Snowstorm falls from a stalagmite, landing on his back with a gasp of pain. When he looks up at me, all I can do is stare back at him in shocked silence. I look around at the cave walls, tilting my head in curiosity when I see a patch of icy spikes on the side opposite of Snowstorm.

The IceWing groans, rolling over onto his stomach. "Hi, Cy."

I sigh, meeting his gaze. "Hi, Snow..." I almost stop at calling him Snow, but quickly remind myself that we aren't small dragonets anymore, and he probably wouldn't want me to call him that. "Hi, Snowstorm."

'What was he DOING?' I wonder, once again glancing over at the icy spikes on the opposite wall out of the corner of my eye.

"I was practicing my aim," Snowstorm mumbles, answering my question before I even get the chance to ask it.

"Okay," I reply, not knowing what to do with myself. 'Should I leave? Or should I ask Snowstorm if he's okay?' I wonder, staring down at my talons. I know that my face probably looks about as torn as I feel, although I'm not really trying to hide my emotions.

"You are okay, right?" I blurt out, not being able to stop myself. I cringe at how rushed the question sounds, as if I were trying to get the words out as quickly as possible so that I won't regret them. 'Too late for that,' I think, already worried about what Snow's reaction will be.

After a moment of consideration, he finally responds. "I am fine, Cy," he says quietly.

Just then, I look up, and I notice that he had been walking towards the exit of the cave. 'Is he trying to escape me? Maybe he's afraid of me. Wait, did he just call me Cy?'  My thoughts come at me all at once.

"I- Um- Good," I stammer, caught completely off guard. "I- I mean, I... I'm glad you're okay."

'Why am I stammering? You know he's not okay, Cyclone. Say something helpful for once!'

He looks back at me, but I can't read his face. "Are you okay? Or do you want me to go and wait for Starflight?"

I don't know how to respond, but I also don't want him to have to worry about me, or for him to think that I can't do anything on my own. I wonder if his tone was supposed to sound harsh. Still, I don't really want to be alone right now, and Snowstorm is probably the only other dragonet of destiny who truly understands me. I hope he does, anyway.

"What?! No! I'm FINE," I tell him, my eyes glinting stubbornly. My face softens. "But... Um, could we maybe both go wait for Starflight?"

I barely let him consider the question before I panic, worrying that Snow will think I am useless. "Nevermind! You don't need to come... I should go now." I say it quickly, turning towards the exit of the cave and passing Snowstorm in a rush.

"You need to stop being so useless," I mutter to myself as I walk out, not realizing that I am voicing my thoughts out loud.

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