Chapter 3 - Snowstorm's POV

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Authors Note:

All chapters from Snowstorm's POV are written by Darkwatcher

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Sound effects

Suddenly there was a thundering crash from the central cave. I heard the entrance boulder slam back into place, and then the rumble of heavy footsteps. From the extra squish-flap sound of them, I knew that it must be Webs.

    "Something's happening," Tsunami said urgently. She hurried to the door, her ears twitching and the spiny ridge along her back standing straight up. "We have to go listen."

    Starflight spread his wings slowly. "I'm sure we'll find out what the fuss is in the morning."

    'Starflight. Just stop arguing about everything. We might learn something useful for once.' My subconscious hissed.

    "Starflight let's just go," I said to him to avoid conflict with Tsunami.

    "I don't want to wait that long." Tsunami spun around to jab his underbelly with her tail, and he tipped backward with a grunt. "Don't be a smoke-breather! Let's go!" She whirled out of the cave.

    "Cyclone, let's go!" I said before rushing after Tsunami.

    "I'm COMING," Cyclone hisses back playfully before running with me.

    We followed Tsunami to the central cave. Starflight slipped past, and the three of us hurried away toward the tunnel that led to the big dragons' cave.

    I carefully crept behind Starflight so that my pure white scales are hidden by him.

    Cyclone followed slightly after.

    Hidden by Starflight's coloring, they'd get as close as they could to eavesdrop.

    But Clay and Tsunami had an even better shot of hearing everything, if they hurried. Tsunami was already charging across the cave to the river.

    I felt sorry that Sunny was the only one who didn't know about their spying games, but they'd learned their lesson about trusting her with secrets years ago. Sunny hadn't meant to tell Dune about the pile of rocks the dragonets were collecting. Their plan was to build a tower to the sky hole, back when they were too small to fly. They'd only wanted to stick their heads out and look around. But one day Sunny forgot to be careful around Dune, and the next day all the collected rocks were gone from their hiding place. That was the end of that plan — and of Sunny getting to know anything.

    Tonight, however, everyone could hear everything. From the way Kestrel was shouting, it was possible even the SkyWings up in the mountain peaks could hear her.

    "Coming here? With no warning? After six years, suddenly he's interested?" A jet of fire shot out of her snout and blasted the nearest rock column.

    'I wonder who they are talking about' I pondered.

    "Maybe he wants to make sure they're ready to stop the war," Webs suggested.

    Dune snorted. "These dragonets? Then he's going to be very disappointed." He eased himself onto a flat boulder, stretching his foreleg stump and mangled wing toward the fire. The big SandWing dragon never discussed his scars or how he lost his foot, but the dragonets could guess from the anger in his voice whenever he talked about the war.

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