Chapter 10

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Michael's P.O.V
          Great it's Monday. I walk into first hour half asleep and sit in between Calum and Luke. They are talking about something and once I open up my science book they look at me. They have giant smiles on their faces and just look at me.
"What?" I say.
"Nothing." Calum answers with a sly smile.
"No, something is definitely up. You said nothing on Saturday when Am fell asleep on me. Now you said it again with the same look. Spill it."
"It's really nothing Mike." Luke says.
"No there is something that is going on. What is it?"
       He goes to say something but gets interrupted by the bell ringing. "I'll tell you later." He whispers with a smug grin. I let out a groan and the teacher starts talking.
      I walk over to Am who is by her locker. "Hey do you know why Calum and Luke are acting so strange?" I ask her and she gives a puzzled look. "I didn't know they've been acting strange. Plus aren't they always acting strange." She gives a slight smile as she closes her locker and walking down the hall. "Okay yes they are always strange, but more strange than usual." She keeps the smile on her face. "Well I haven't seen them yet today so I don't know what's going on." She says with a giggle. "Well watch at lunch." She gives a nod and says she will.
"Hey are you guys still coming to watch my dance competition?"
"I believe so. What day is it?"
"It's Friday as in this Friday."
"Ya I believe we're coming. I don't think any of us have anything going on."
"Okay well it's like a $10 fee to get in per person and it's at this auditorium at this one place. I don't know but I'll text you guys more information about it."
       I give a nod as we walk into class. She sits down and I sit down next to her.
     She seems to be counting on us to be there. I mean I get it. We count on her to be at our gigs but this is different. It's like she needs us to come. I think to myself.
       The bell rings and the teacher starts talking about something that I won't even pay attention to.
       I walk to my locker and drop my books inside it. I rush to go to lunch. I push past the doors and go get in line for food. I get in line and pick up a tray. Once I get to where all the food is I grab everything that I want. I walk over to Am as soon as I have my lunch.
      As I walk I trip over someone's foot. I drop my food and look up to see who's foot it is and it's mother fucking Aaron. I swear to god I hate his guts. Why does Am not realize what an asshole this guy is?
     I pick myself up leaving my now ruined food on the ground. I walk over to Am and sit down across from her. She looks at me in confusion. "Where's your lunch?" She asks with a slight laugh. "I tripped and it all got on the floor. Do you have anything I could eat? I'm starving and I can't go back to get more." She gives me a smile and takes out some chips and an apple out of her paper bag. "Here. I'm not that hungry and my dads haven't got lunch stuff yet." I gladly take the food and start eating. Calum and Luke sit down and just have sly grins on their faces.
"Why the hell do you guys keep making that face?" I ask.
"No reason.... Just imaging you guys as a couple is all." Luke says.
        Amarina has shock written all over her face. I just sit there with my heart pounding out of my chest. God now this is going to just be insanely awkward now. Am looks at me then she gets up and runs out of the lunch room. I give Luke a death glare.
"What?" Luke says.
"Why?! Why would you even say anything like that?!"
"Because it's true Mike." Calum says.
"Ya you guys are amazing together. We were just stating the obvious." Luke says shrugging.
       I sigh and put my head in my hands. "Things are going to be so awkward now." I mumble into my hands which I guess wasn't so much of a mumble. "No it won't." Luke says. "Yes it will. You of all people would know it will be."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Luke says with a laugh.
"Your like the king of all awkward people." I say getting out of my seat.
"Where you going?" Calum says.
"To go find out where Am went." I say running out of the room.
        I push the doors open and run through the doorway. I walk down the halls looking for her. I don't hear crying. Which I don't know why she should be. I don't hear footsteps. Nothing. I decide to walk outside. I go to the front doors and push them open. Once they're open I see Am sitting in the grass hugging her legs.
"Why did you run out of there like that?"
        She just shrugs as an answer. I let out a sign and sit down next to her. "I panicked. I didn't know what I was supposed to say or do. Like was I supposed to agree or was a supposed to deny? I'm just so confused. I have no idea what I want and I have no idea what's wrong with me." She says while hiding her face in her knees.
      I take her head in my hands and make her face me with those piercing green eyes. "There's nothing wrong with you. Nothing at all. You are the most amazing person I have ever met." I can see her cheeks turn a light shade of pink as I say this. I smile and she returns one. I place my hands on either side of me and lean back a bit on them. "Now what do you mean by what you want?" She let's out a sigh and shakes her head with a small smile. "I can't tell you. It's a surprise." I giggle and she does the same. She takes in a deep breath and exhales. I smile and look at her. She looks at me and laughs.
"What are you staring at?" She asks with a bright smile.
You. "Nothing." I say.
         I hear the bell ring signaling that lunch is over. I stand up and put my hand out to her to help her get up. She gladly excepts my hand and I pull her up. "Well back into hell." I say. "You don't even know how much this place is hell for me." She exhales out. I give a slight nod and we walk through the front doors. We walk to our lockers and grab our stuff for 5th period.

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