Chapter 37

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Amarina's P.O.V
Logan and I are sitting on the couch playing Call Of Duty. We were doing so well until the screen went black. "What the heck?!" I ask my dad. "Off the games and outside." He snaps at us as I roll my eyes. To be honest I'd rather never go outside again after yesterday. "It's nice out. At least go to the beach. I'm sure Logan will drive you." He sighs. When I slump back into the couch he gives me those dad eyes. They are daggers on me. After a long stare down I groan and get up.
"Fine. Logan you in?"

"Sure. Let me run home first."
He says walking out the door into his parents car. I walk upstairs and put on my bathing suit. I slip on a T-shirt and go put my hair up. I pack a backpack full of the stuff I may need. Minutes later Logan is back. I head downstairs to the door. I hop into the passenger side and he drives off.
I sit down on my towel as Logan sits in the ocean. Which is the best when he gets hit in the face with a wave. I call Michael considering that I have the time to do so. Plus I really wanted to talk to him. So I click on his contact. It rings a few times then I hear his sweet voice.
"Hey babe."

"Hey Mikey. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. The boys and I are just hanging out on the bus."


"Ya, so how are you? What have you been doing?"

"Well my dads forced me outside so Logan and I are at the beach. He's sitting in the ocean letting waves hit him in his face." I laugh the last part.

"Sounds great. Just be careful. I don't want a repeat of last time please."

"I will be careful."

"Okay." He sighs.

"You alright?"

"Ya, just wish I could be with you."

"Michael you hate the beach." I laugh.

"Well ya I know that. I just want to be with you." He whines.
I hear the boys say 'yuck' and 'get a room'. Even though we are on the phone. Which makes no sense. I laugh and ask if he can put me on speaker phone. He agrees and puts me on speaker. "Hey guys." I say with a hint of excitement. "Hey Am we need to tell you something." Ashton giggles. "Sure."

"Michael whines every night about how he misses you. He talks about how he wants cuddles and kisses. Can you just get here because we can't take anymore of this shit." Luke complains.
In the background I can here Michael yell to have his phone back. "He complains to much. Can you just come quicker?" Calum asks. I just have to laugh. Michael tells them it's enough. Yet they still go on and on. Michael finally gets the phone after they are done. He nervously laughs as he takes me off speaker phone. "Sorry, about the guys." He laughs as I can gear his footsteps move in a different direction. "Well I think it's cute." I laugh and Logan comes back from the ocean all wet. "Are you coming in the water?" Logan asks. I hold up one finger to tell him one minute. "Mikey I have to go okay."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later?"


"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too."
I hang up and put my phone in the backpack. I take the T-shirt off and go hop in the ocean with Logan. He occasionally pushes me under the water. However I get him back by pouring sand over his head. We get mistaken as cousins and a couple as we stay longer. Which is very awkward, but it didn't stop us from being complete idiots.
As the sun starts to set Logan decides that we should go. To my surprise I don't want to go. So Logan basically has to drag me to the car.
He drives me to my house. I hop out of the car and wave goodbye. Logan pulls out of the driveway and I walk inside. My dads are sitting at the table with their tea in their hands.
"Koala bear we need to talk about something."

"Um...okay." I say as a question.
My dad pats the chair and I sit down. They look at each other then back at me.
"You know how we said you could go see Michael and your friends for a few weeks?"


"Well we want to extend it. To a month or so."

"Wait really?"
They both nod and I squel with excitement. Month is better than a week. So might as well take it. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say to them and run to go tell Michael. "Wait sweetie! We almost forgot! Your leaving next Friday and Logan is going with you!" My dad yells before I walk upstairs. This makes me the happiest person in the world. "And if you end up finding your passion or a career....then you can stay." He says and it just makes everything completely better. I'm just waiting for him to say that he's giving me a million dollars. Which would be awesome.
However they don't say anything about money. Which doesn't matter. What matters is that I need to tell Michael. I run upstairs to my room to Skype him. I sit down on my bed with my laptop and call him. His face pops up and the smile on my face grows wider.
"Hey Am. What's got you so happy?"

"I have good news."


"Logan and I are coming to see you guys next Friday. My dads said that I could stay for a month and if I find a career that I love. Then I can stay. Isn't that the best?!"

"That's fantastic!"

"I know I'm so happy and Logan and Ashton will get along well. We are going to have so much fun!"

"This is great!"

"I can't wait till next Friday."

"Neither can I."

"It's so nice to see you smile." Michael says.

"I feel good."

"The pills helping?"

"Definitely. However this moment is making the pills look weak."
He smiles and Michael just looks thrilled. "Mikey?" I ask with a smaller smile. "Ya babe?" He smiles and has his eyes soft. "I love you and can't wait to see you."

"I love you too. I can't wait to see you too."

This was actually a pretty good chapter considering I was just throwing random stuff on the page. I'm actually very happy with how this came out. Also I have to take my ballet exam in exactly 2 DAYS!! Along with warped tour. So wish me luck with my exam. Also 1K READS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE YOU GUYS XX

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