Chapter 31

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1 week later
Amarina's P.O.V
I walk to my locker to grab stuff for my next class. Trying to avoid everyone is like trying not to breath. My main goal is to just get through today without anything bad happening. So far it hasn't gone too well. In first period I had kids throwing erasers at my head. Second period a few people told me to kill myself. Just a few minutes ago someone dumped their water bottle on my head. Some of the water got onto my uniform pants so it looks like I peed myself. So today's going great.
I sit in my seat and wait for class to start. Nobody pays attention to me which is a blessing right now. My hair is heavy from the damn water and my clothes are damp. It's not very comfortable to sit in dress pants and shirt with a sweater.
The teacher finally decides to start the class. Totally unaware that I'm all wet.
The teacher I usually have lunch with is out sick today so lunch room I go. Let's just hope and pray that nothing happens. Everyone is already in the lunch room so the halls are clear of anyone. Except for a few kids finishing their homework.
I push the door and walk inside. As I walk to a clear table I keep my head down. If you can't see them then maybe it'll make it easier. I sit down and just stay quiet.
Everything goes okay until Kylee comes near me with a few guys behind her. One of them just happens to be Aaron. "Hey emo." She says putting her hand on the table leaning into it. "I'm not emo." I mumble.
"Well we have a gift for you."

"I don't want it."

"Well it's a peace offering."
I sigh and look up at her. I know it's not a gift, but might as well get it over with. "Alright what is it?" I ask and the boys behind her pull out cartons of eggs. "Eggs?" I say in confusion. Why the hell are there eggs? "Why do you have eggs?" I ask and they start throwing them at me. Kylee cracks one on top of my head. Some of the yoke gets into my eyes. They step back and smile at me. "You happy now?" I ask wiping my eyes. "No not quite yet." She smirks. "Just meet me behind the school after school. Then I'll be happy." She says walking away.
At this time my appetite is gone. So I sit there with raw egg on my head. I grab my still full sack lunch off the table and walk out the door. I drop off my lunch and call my dad. Voicemail.
"Hey dad um...if you could come pick me up that would be great. Call me or the school when you get this. Bye." I let a few tears slide, but wipe them away quickly.
There's no reason to go rinse off my hair now when I'm going to P.E. next. So I just sit down on the floor.
"You okay there?" The boy across the hall with black hair asks.

"Ya." I sniff. "Just a bad is all."

"I can tell from the egg in your hair. Are you sure your okay?"

"Ya I'm fine."

"Well I'm Logan."

"I'm Amarina, but most people call me emo trash. My friends call me Am though." I chuckle.

"Well do you need help with the egg in your hair?"

"No, I have P.E. next so I can just clean my hair there."

"Oh well I have that next too." He smiles.
I nod and people start filing out of the lunch room. I stand up and grab my bag with my clothes. When I close the locker I go to the gym.
I walk into the locker room and start the shower. I run my hair underneath the water and work out the yoke. When I get most of the yoke out I go change in the bathroom. I walk out of the locker room and go inside the gym. The teacher says that we'll be running outside. So I head out the doors to the track. When I get to the track Logan is coming just around the corner. I decide to join him. I start running next to him and his breaths are heavy.
"Hey." He heaves out.

"Hey. How long do we have to run?"

"Until he says to stop, but I usually just walk the curves. He doesn't seem to mind."

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