Chapter 20

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Amarina's P.O.V
I walk into school with the same old uniform on and go to my locker. People around me just talk and leave me be which I actually enjoy. The boys are in Manchester and all I can think about is calling them when I get home. I grab my stuff out of my locker and shove my bag inside the locker. Once I have my books I go to class where I sit there staring into space.
I make it to my class just before the bell rings. I sit in my assigned seat and set my stuff on the desk. The door opens and Aaron walks in. I don't take much thought to it until he walks to the seat behind me and sits down. The teacher starts talking about today's lesson and I'm sitting very confused in my seat. Being so confused I ask Aaron. "Hey what are you doing?" I ask with a whisper. "Do you not want me here?" He whispers back to me. "That's not what I meant. I meant like why are you in here?" I ask again and he chuckles. "I had to be in this class to fit with my sports schedule." I nod and pay attention to the board.
He's talking about how we have to write a poem about how we feel or feel about someone. I just doodle on a random page of my notebook as the teacher lists off the requirements. "It doesn't have to rhyme but it at least has to be half a page to a page." I sigh and rest my cheek in my hand. "It's due at the end of the week. Get started on ideas." I keep doodling in my notebook until someone taps my shoulder. Behind me Aaron has a smile on his face. "You tapped?" I said with a smirk.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later?"

"Sure. My house?"

"Okay. I'll come after practice." He says.
I nod and turn back around. People around me are talking, but I stay silent. The bell rings in a matter of minutes. I file out with the other people and go grab my stuff for my next class.
I sit at our or should I say at my usual lung table. Everyone is sitting with their friends and talking amongst themselves. I however sit with my headphones on playing one direction. Yes, I'm listening to one direction more don't judge me. As it blasts in my ears I get a text from Michael.

Mikey- hey I hope your doing good. We miss you :(
Me- I'm doing okay. I miss you guys too :(
Mikey- we'll be back soon and maybe when spring break comes you can come hang out with us :)
Me- I'd love to do that :)
Mikey- okay well I have to go back to writing. We'll Skype you later. Bye.
Me- okay bye.
I turn my phone off and continue listening to the music ringing in my ears while eating. I'm so engrossed in my music that I don't realize that everyone is leaving. I rush to grab my books for class and put my headphones in my locker. The halls are filled with people and I weave my way through them to my next class.
Michael's P.O.V
I sit on the couch of the house we're staying in. Calum and Luke play Fifa as Ashton takes a nap. In the back of my mind I still think about the day Amarina told me that her and Aaron became a couple. It still hurts that I was just a phase.
Who am I kidding I'll always be a phase. I shouldn't be surprised that she would like him. Assholes are real in this year. I just hope that he isn't going to treat her like he treated us. I think to myself.
My stomach growls and I get up to go into the kitchen. I search through the cupboards and I see vegimite. I cringe and close the cupboard. Once I search through basically all of the kitchen I just eat a banana. I sit back on the couch and Luke wins the match. "Looks like Luke finally won a match." I laugh. He snaps his head and glares at me. "I have to won one before." He says. "Name who you won against." I say smirking. He looks at the controller and stays quiet. "That's what I thought." I laugh while taking a bite of my banana.
Liz comes down the stairs and walks into the living room. "You boys have been cooped up inside today. You need to go outside." She says sitting down in a chair. "We went outside to get in and out of the car." I say. She shakes her head and gets up. Liz goes over to the gaming system and unplugs it. Calum and Luke whine. "Go get Ashton and go outside." We all groan and she points to the stairs. Calum and Luke go get their coats as I go to wake Ashton up.
"Hey come on Liz said we have to go outside." I say shaking him a little.
He just grumbles and turns over. I pull back the covers and he curls up into a ball. I start to hit him repeatedly which makes him finally get up. He gets out of his bed and puts on his coat as I do the same. I walk down the stairs while Ashton follows behind me. Calum and Luke are downstairs waiting for us.
Luke opens the sliding glass door and walks out into the backyard. We all follow him out while Liz sits on the couch. Once we're all out Liz shuts the door and locks it. I start pounding on the glass.
"Let me inside! I don't like the outside world!" I yell but she shakes her head no.

"Your not coming in until your hour is up." She says through the glass.
I groan walk away. We all stand in the middle of the yard and stay silent. Calum grabs a clump of snow and starts packing it down. He then throws it at my face. "You little shit your gonna get it." I say while packing down some snow in my hands. Calum and I proceed to throw snow at each other. "I'm on Mike's team!" Ashton shouts while grabbing some snow. Luke grabs some and starts throwing it at Ashton and I. All four of us play in the snow until our fingers are cold.
We knock on the door till Liz opens it. "Your pants are soaked. Get inside and go change them." She tells us and we laugh. We all go change our jeans and come back downstairs.
Amarina's P.O.V
I sit on my bed with Aaron as I wait for the boys to call me. He talks about practice and I really don't care. I stopped paying attention after he said football. There's a hand that waves in front of my face and it brings me out of my daze. "Hey are you listening to me?" He says angry. I quickly nod obviously lying. Aaron rolls his eyes and continues talking. My laptop on my desk has a Skype call and I run towards it and sit in my chair while answering.
"Hey." I say while waving to the boys.

"Hey Am." They say not in unison.

"What the fuck I was talking to you." Aaron says.
"Who's that?" Ashton asks.
Aaron walks into the frame. Ashton nods and I nod back. "So how was writing?" I ask them. "It went great. We wrote a song today and we're starting to write another one." Calum says. I smile while Aaron seems unamused by all of this. "You guys will have to play them for me some time." I say and they all say yes or definitely. "Hey babe?" Aaron asks. I turn my face towards him. "Ya?" "Can you go get me a glass of water?" He asks and I nod while I get up. "Be back in a second guys." I say going to get his water and a bowl of chips for myself.
Calum's P.O.V
Amarina goes to get Aaron's water while he sits in the chair. "Hello little nerds." He says to all of us. Luke puts his attention to his hands while Ashton does the same. "What do you want?" Michael says. Aaron chuckles and leans closer to the screen. "To leave her alone and not call her or I'll make her life hell." He laughs. Michael's face turns red and I put a hand on his shoulder. "I swear if you hurt her I'll-" 'You'll what?" Aaron interrupts Michael. He just puts his head down.
"That's what I thought ass wipes. Now don't call her, text her or Skype her or I will break your 'little' crush's heart. Got it?" He says.
We all nod, but Michael stays still. "Don't do anything to her." Michael states. Aaron leans back in the chair and laughs. The door opens and Amarina walks in with a bowl and water. "Hey sorry I took so long the ice wouldn't come out." She giggles. "It's okay babe." Aaron says patting his leg and she sits down and adjusts the screen to face her. "What did I miss?" She asks. Aaron shakes his head no slightly. "Nothing." I say.
"Anyways I'm trying to convince my dads to letting me see you guys sometime next month." She says with a smile.

"That's great Am." Michael says.
Her smile fades and is replaced with a frown. "Do you not want me to come?" She asks. "No we do. Believe me we do. It's just that we're all tired." I say. Amarina just nods. "Well I'm sure it's late over there. I'll let you guys go. Talk to you tomorrow?" She asks. We all nod and she waves goodbye. We all do the same and hang up.
"Guys what are we going to do?" Luke asks.
"I'm not sure Luke. All I know is that we can't talk yo her." I say.
"Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to still talk yo her." Michael says getting up.
"Mike no. He'll break her." I say.
"No he won't. Trust me he's bluffing." He says walking up the stairs.

Okay so after this it isn't going to be very accurate (hair colors, dates, places etc.). I'm not sure what it's like in April in Manchester so I just put snow. I was too lazy to look it up on Google. I'm sorry I took so long. I've been having writer's block for weeks. I'm really sorry. Just keep reading and I'll try and update sooner than later. I promise on my pinky.

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