Chapter 14

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Michael's P.O.V
         It's 11:25 and Ashton should be pulling up the car a couple blocks from my house in about 4 to 6 minutes. I grab my black sweatshirt and pull it over my head. Once I have it on I fix my hair back to it's normal state. I hear a knock on my door and my dad walks in. "Goodnight Michael. Don't stay up too late. You have school tomorrow." I nod in response and he walks out closing the door behind him. My phone starts vibrating in my pocket and I fish it out.
Calum: hey we're here come and hurry up
Me: be right there
      I stick my phone in my back pocket and open my window. I crawl out my window and close the window leaving space open so then I can crawl back in. I run out of my back yard and head straight down the road. I walk about a block and see Ashton's car. I run (yes I am running) towards his car. I open the back door and sit next to Luke.

"Guys my mom is going to kill me if she finds out that I snuck out." Luke says with a worried expression written across his face.

"Stop being such a goodie two shoes and live a little." I say.

"So where we goin" Ashton says.

"We need to stop at the servo then go to Am's house then our last stop is Kylee's." I say.
        They all nod in response and Ashton drives to the servo.
             We have all of the supplies in the trunk and driving to Am's. Green day is playing in the CD player. Ashton is tapping on the steering wheel like it's a drum as Calum hums the tune. "So exactly how are you getting Am out of the house." Calum asks. "I'm going to throw rocks at her window and hopefully she hears. Then she's going to climb down her drain pipe and we'll come back to the car." Luke and Ashton giggle. "Okay Romeo." Ashton says with a fit of giggles coming after. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Come on Michael. You are trying to be just a bit romantic like those guys in the movies."
"I'm not trying to be romantic." I lie.
"Whatever you say." Luke says with a sly smile.
        We then stay silent for a while. "Michael?" Calum asks. "Ya." I say with a sigh. "When are you going to tell Am your head over heels for her?" He says with a sly smile. "I don't-" "I knew it! I knew it!" Ashton yells while cutting me off. "Knew what?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows. "That you like Am. I knew it. I could see it just by the way you act around her and how you look at her." He says with excitement. I smile and look at my hands.
            Ashton stops the car. "Okay Romeo go get your Juliet." He says with a smile on his face. I laugh and get out. "Go get her!" Calum yells out the window. I turn around and they are laughing their asses off. I flip them off. "You better tell her when she opens her window!" Luke yells.
          I shake my head and go sneak into her back yard.
Amarina's P.O.V
          I lay on my bed in the dark. A tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe it away. My dads are asleep in the room next door. I squeeze my stuffed bear from when I was little and hold it tight against my chest. A few more tears escape my eyes but I let them roll down my cheeks.
          I then hear a tap on my window. Then another. The noise keeps coming and I get out of bed to go see what it is. I wipe my tears as I walk towards my window. I look down and see Michael with a smile on his face. I smile back wipeing some strand tears away. I open my window. "What are you doing here?" I whisper/yell. "I'll explain later.....just come with me and the boys." He whispers with that smile plastered on his face. I bite my lip and think for a moment. "Just hold on." I say and go into my closet.
          I pull out jeans and a sweatshirt. I pull the sweatshirt over my head and slip my jeans on. I unplug my phone from the charger and slip it into my pocket. I go back over to the window and stick my foot and hand out the window. I grab onto the drain pipe and wrap my other hand around it. I place my other foot on the side of the pipe and I start shimmying down it. Once I hit the ground Michael stands there and smiles at me.
"What are you smiling at?"
         He shakes out of his trance and "nothing." He says while breathing out a sigh. My smile fades because I was hoping that he would say that he was staring at me. I take his hand and he leads me to where I see Ashton's car and I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. I see them all making little hearts with their hands.
        How the fuck did they know? How could they know I like him? I wonder how they figured it out? Mali probably told them.....god dammit Mali. I think to myself.
        He opens the door and I climb in the back seat and sit in the middle. Michael gets in and sits beside me. All the boys have smug grins on their faces except for Michael who sits in uncomfortable silence.

"What's with the smug looks?" I ask.

"Michael did you tell her?" Luke asks.

"Tell me what?"

"You little shit. You didn't tell were supposed to." Calum says.

"What was he supposed to tell me?"

"Um......we're going to egg Kylee's car and house." He says with a smile which I can tell is fake.

"Oh.....okay." I say with a bit sadness. It's not like I don't wanna egg Kylee's car. I just wish he said that he said something different.
        Ashton drives around until we stop. "Okay let's get the eggs and spray paint out of the trunk." Calum says hopping out of the car. Michael opens the door and gets out I crawl out behind him and Luke does the same.  We head to the trunk and Calum is pulling stuff out and handing it to Luke and Calum. "Wait what's the spray paint for?" I ask. "To spray on her garage." Michael says. "Isn't vandalism against the law?" They look at each other and shrug. They hand me a can of paint and start jogging toward Kylee's house.
         We stop in her driveway and Michael starts throwing eggs at her car. Luke and Calum start doing the same. I slowly walk to her garage. I shake the can and spray a line on the door. I smile and start drawing a dick on the garage door. I giggle to myself as I finish my masterpiece. Then I write the words 'Your a Dick' above it. I turn around with the red spray paint in hand. I see the boys use the last of the eggs in the carton. They turn in my direction and laugh silently at my 'beautiful' picture. I hear someone yelling and we dart towards where Ashton is with the car. To be honest this is the last time I'm running anywhere.
        We all hop in the car and Ashton drives away way faster than I intended. We all laugh as we drive by our amazing art work. I take let out a large sigh and start getting in a fit of giggles. "We should do this more often. That was such a rush." Calum just laughs while Luke sits next to me looking like he's going to crap his pants. "What's the matter with you?" I ask as I see sweat pour down his face. "I'm so dead." He says. "No your not we can drop you off if you want." Ashton says while he gives a giggle. "Yes very much so." "Can you drop me off too?" Calum asks. Ashton nods and asks Michael if he needs to go home. "No but can you drop me and Am off at the park near her house?" Ashton gives a sly grin and nods.
         Michael and I walk along the path in the park. I look at my phone and it says 2:45. I place it back in my sweatshirt pocket. The cold wind blows threw my hair and I smile at the feeling. Michael takes my hand and I can hear my heart my pounding. He smiles and I smile up at him. He then stops still holding my hand. "Okay I'm going to do something crazy.....but promise me that you won't freak out." I nod and he takes a deep breath. "Okay before I do anything I wanna ask you something." My heart starts pounding. "Have you ever kissed.....anyone?" I shake my head and gives a small smile. He cups my cheek and closes his eyes and leans in. Well I guess I should close my eyes and lean my head then. I think to myself. His lips attach to mine and I feel......I know how in the movies? When they kiss and they feel sparks, fireworks, and see hearts and all that stuff. I felt and saw all of that. He turned his head and I did the same as i kiss back so then it wouldn't be awkward. He pulls away and I do the same. He let's out a breath. "We should probably get you home we have school tomorrow." I nod not knowing what to say.
Michael's P.O.V
         I sneak her into her back yard. She looks around making sure that nobody is watching. She climbs up onto the pipe but quickly jumps off and crashes her lips onto mine. I start to kiss her back and my heart is beating faster than ever. She breaks away and smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow." She whispers and climbs up the pipe. "For your first kiss your amazing at it." I whisper as she climbs up. Her cheeks become pink and she climbs through her window. Am gets through her window and waves at me with slight shades of pink on her cheeks. She smiles and I wave back to her. Am blows a kiss at me and I pretend to catch it and press it to my lips. She then disappears and I walk back to my house.

I'm sorry this is so long but it was well worth it. I hope your enjoying it so far.

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