Chapter 2

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I'm in the school and grabbing my books. I leave my locker and rush to my class. I'm practically running down the hall at this moment. I get stopped by running into someone. I fall on my butt and the kid just runs away. I then pick up my scattered stuff. There's a shadow over top of me and I glance up to see those girls from yesterday. I just keep crawling around to get my stuff. Once I grab my stuff I try to scurry away. I go to leave but one of them pushes me into the lockers.

"Where do you think your going?"

"To class and away from you." I mumble.

"What did you say?"

I don't say anything and just look down. At that very moment one of them knocks down my books. I just stay there with my head looking at my feet.

"Tell me what you said or your going to regret everything that is going to happen."

I just stay quiet and keep looking down. After about three seconds they start pulling on my hair. This leads to them dragging me to the bathroom. My books are left behind and I try and escape but can't. They push me into the stall and start pushing my head close to the toilet. I try to fight back but it's three against one. I then feel a cold wet substance on my face. I try to fight but once I do they push me further in. I start to loose consciousness. I become light headed. The pushing stops and I fall back on the tile. My vision is blurry and I have unsteady breathing. I feel a bright light on my face and I just lay there feeling half dead. I then hear footsteps and a shutting of a door. I can hardly move at this point so I just stay on the ground. I don't do much but lay there. I close my eyes and try and calm my breathing. Then I hear someone talking.

"OH MY GOD!!!"

I then feel like I'm being carried. I can hear the person talking but I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl. I just calm myself and let this person carry me. I then feel something cold on my skin that has replaced the hands of the person. I just lay there and close my eyes.


I wake up in the nurses office and I see a lady sitting across the room. I sit up and her head turns towards me.

"Good your awake. We don't want you to be passed out for the whole day."

"How did I get here?"

"This boy carried you in here. He said that he found you on the bathroom floor. Do you remember what happened?"

"Um ya these three girls they stuck my head in the toilet and I guessed I passed out."

"Ok well we will inform the principal about this. Would you like to call your parents?"

"No! It's fine I'll just go to class."

"Well actually second period is about over right now. But you can go get your stuff and I'll write you a pass for your third class."

"Ok thank you."

I go back over to where my stuff was. I find it still there but I can't find my sketch book. I just go to my locker and grab my stuff. By the time I reach the classroom the bell rings and people file out. I just stay off to the side and wait for everyone to get out. Once everyone is out I get inside the room.

"Why are you here so early?"

I hand the teacher the note and the teacher nods. I go sit in the back and put my head down. After a couple minutes I feel someone poking me. I look up to see Michael and I give a slight smile.

"Why weren't you here last hour?"

"I was in the nurses office."

"Why were you there?"

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