Chapter 40

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Amarina's P.O.V
I wake up to my alarm clock going off at 8:00 A.M. Which isn't pleasant at all. I roll out of my bed and onto my floor. I stand up and grumble as I get my leggings on. Which is the first comfortable thing I found besides my bed. Once my t-shirt and leggings are on I go downstairs. My dads are sitting at the table with eggs and toast. I sit down and put some on my plate. I start eating in silence.
At 9:00 we grab my luggage and head to the airport. Logan and his parents should be meeting us there. So we don't have to worry about them. The car ride is extremely quiet. There's nothing to really be said.
We get to the airport at 10:15 and find Logan and his parents. Once we find them we all go to the scanner. I take off my shoes, and put them in the bin while the man scans my baggage. A woman stops me after I walk through the scanner.
"Excuse me miss, but do you have any fluids in your bag?" The man asks looking at the screen.

"I don't think so." I say rubbing my eyes.
He opens my bag and there's a bottle of mouthwash right on top of my clothes. "I must have forgot that I put that in there." I nervously laugh. He looks at me and zips my large bag back up. I keep moving forward and put my shoes back on. I wait for Logan and our parents to get through. Which seems to take longer than it really is. Once we are out of that I roll my smaller suitcase behind me, as Logan rolls his beside me. My dads go grab coffee as Logan and I wait for our flight to be announced.
"You guys ready?" Logan's dad asks us. We just nod not wanting to talk right now.

"Aren't you excited?" His mom asks.

"Yes, mom we are very excited. It's just too early." Logan says rubbing his face.
His mom nods and my dads are back with coffee. My dad hands me a cup and I instantly drink it scolding my tounge.
Just before I finish my coffee our flight is announced. So I give hugs to my dads and they kiss my cheek. Logan and I go and head onto the plane. We climb the stairs to get into the plane. Once we're inside we find our seats and sit down.
"You ready to meet your girlfriend?" I smirk elbowing is arm.

"She's not my girlfriend." He chuckles. "You ready to see your husband?" He laughs.

"He's not my husband you idiot. He's my boyfriend." I scoff.

"I know." He smirks at me.

"Are you hiding something from me?" I ask him raising one eyebrow.

"Nothing. I just know that he will be."

"How do you know?" I scoff.

"I can just tell."
I smile while shaking my head. The plane starts to take off, and Logan squeezes my hand so hard I'm pretty sure a vein popped open. The plane gets into the air and after a few minutes Logan let's go of my hand. Logan watches the flight movie while I listen to music.
After the movie is over Logan starts poking me in the face. I take my headphones off and give him a pissy look. "What?" I ask him. "I'm board. Talk to me." He whines at me. I sigh and take my headphones off my neck. "Okay well what do you want to talk about. Just do not start throwing out facts about Los Angeles please." I tell him and he gives a quick nod. "So what do you want to talk about?" I sigh and roll my eyes at him. "How do I ask Maddie out?" My face lights up with excitement. Logan instantly looks like he regrets what he asked.
"You could do something cute or just simple. However I suggest a date first."

"Okay ya I understand that, but I did mean a date."

"Oh well you just do it." I say simply.


"I don't know."
He grumbles loudly and receives shushes from people. "Speaking of Maddie when do I meet her?" I ask him. "I don't know." He blushes shrugging his shoulders.
The fourteen hour flight goes by fast as Logan talks about Maddie. Along with showing me some of their texts. We get off the plane and go into the building. People are running rapid every which way. Logan holds onto my wrist as we go to baggage claim. We go and get our bags then I walk outside the doors.
As soon as we are outside we walk to a bus. However as soon as we start walking I hear my name.
"Amarina!" The voice shouts.
I turn around and see Ashton there with Michael next to him looking the opposite way. He turns around and a smile is present on his face. "Logan watch my bags. We're going to be the cheesiest couple ever." I tell him as he laughs. I run to Michael and once I'm in his arms he lifts me up. He spins us around and then he stops. I press my lips against his. I still feel the sparks. He engulfs me into his body. Michael puts his head in the crook of my neck and I can hear him crying. Of course I'm crying too, but I've never heard or seen him cry.
"Mikey are you crying?" I ask him.

"I just missed you so much." He cries.

"I missed you too."

Double update people. I deserve cake for that. Both kinds.

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