Chapter 27

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Michael's P.O.V
I have no clue to why I ended that conversation last night. There's no explanation for it. I just hit end call. All I do know is that I feel terrible. I hop out of my bunk and go into the backroom. Everyone is on their phones. Since they all seem to be antisocial I go get a banana from the front of the bus. I peel it and start eating. As I eat it I go grab my phone from my bunk. I turn it on and no messages from Amarina.
I go back into my bunk and decide to call. I'm not sure how early or late it is over there, but I'm guessing this is a good time. It rings and rings and rings. Then it goes to voicemail. I end the call and decide to text her instead.
Me: you have no idea how terrible I feel for what happened last night
Me: I don't know why I hung up. I just did. I don't have an explanation for why I did it. I feel like shit for doing that.
Me: I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. I shouldn't have said that I had a crappier day than you when you got punched in the face and got called emo and a slut.
Me: please answer me when you get the chance.
I read over the messages I sent and sigh. "She's probably not going to answer." I say to myself. I close the curtain on the bunk and exclude myself from everyone. She probably hates me. I wouldn't blame her. I mean I was a dick and I am a dick. She needed me and I was being a selfish asshole. I think to myself. My curtain opens and I see Calum's face. "Hey Mike." He chirps. "Hey." I say back.
"What's wrong?"

"I think Am hates me." I say rubbing my eyes.

"She doesn't hate you."

"Yes she does Calum! I've been such a shitty boyfriend! I always put myself before her! That's not how love works! You put the other person's feelings before yours. Which she has successfully done. I however haven't. I fucking love Am and she'll probably break it off before I even get a chance to tell her." I say.
Calum stands there looking a bit uncomfortable. "What even happened last night?" He asks fiddling with his fingers. "I was telling her how I had such a crap day. She said that hers was worse. I said that it probably wasn't. Turns out she got punched in the face and got called a slut literally in front of the whole school. Then I hung up on Skype. Now she isn't talking to me." I say still laying in my bunk. Calum just nods and rests his chin on the bed. "Is she still coming to visit us?" He asks. "I don't even know anymore."
Amarina's P.O.V
I curl up into a ball as they throw pencils at me. I'm not even sure why the teachers aren't doing anything. Something hard hits my arm and I look down and see a rock. Why the fuck do people carry rocks with them into school? That's just stupid. I think to myself as I'm being pelted by materials.
The bell rings and they all leave. Thank god. I pick up my books that got knocked onto the floor and run to class. Thanks to Geordie and her little speech she gave, I'm now the most hated person right now. This is literally the worst thing ever. I walk into class and class has already started.
"Your late."

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