Chapter 1

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I wake to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I lazily turn it off and roll back on my side. I then hear my door open and feel a bright light on my face. I automatically open my eyes and sheild them from the sun.

" come on Amarina. You don't wanna be late on your first day at your new school." My dad says.

I just groan in response and flop the pillow over my face. Then my dad starts hitting me with an extra pillow. I then sit up and get out of bed. Once I do he leaves. I don't like mornings let alone mornings that lead me to go to school. I'm going to a new school and I'd rather not go. I'm not very social or very smart so school isn't really my thing. I had to leave my old school because my parents both got new jobs. I'm now attending northwest christian college in Australia. We moved from Birdsville Australia to western Sydney only three weeks ago. The only thing that got me to not stay back at my old school, is that there's a dance school in Sydney that I'm going to attending and people don't like me there.

I slip on this awful looking uniform. To be honest I'd rather wear my favorite green day shirt. I'm not your typical girly girl who wears make-up and skirts. I love rock bands, I wear band merch, I hate make-up, and I like to sit in my room playing video games. I'm not your perfect looking girl either. I have multiple zits, don't have big boobs, don't have a perfect waist line or the best looking hair. Well anyways I go brush my teeeth and brush my long brown hair. I put all the essentials on and walk downstairs. My parents have already left for work so I just grab an apple and my lunch off the counter.

I then grab my backpack with green day and nickel back buttons on it. I then take my skateboard and run out the door. I stick my ear buds in my ears and listen to some music. I ride my skateboard on the sidewalk and just eat my apple as I do so. I'm currently listening to american idiot and just ride along. I only live a couple blocks away from the school so I get there in no time.

When I walk inside I see the typical hallway and just look for the office. I'm pretty good at finding out where I'm supposed to go so I don't ask for help. I find the office and take out my ear buds out of my ears.

"Excuse me but I'm new here and I need my class list and my locker number." I ask the lady.

"You must be Amarina? Yes we have your class list and your locker number."

She digs through a stack of papers and pulls out two pieces. She hands them to me and I just leave. I go look for my locker and I eventually find locker number 437. I use the combination on the paper to open it and it takes a couple tries but I get it eventually. Once I get it open I put my bag and skateboard in it. I grab my binder out of my bag along with a few notebooks. I hear the bell ring and I quickly try to find my class. I look everywhere and I can't find it. Once I find the english class I end up being ten minutes late. I open the door and all eyes are on me. Great just what I wanted.

"You must be Amarina."


"Well I'm going to let today slide since it's your first day ,but I expect you not to be late after today. You can go sit in the back."

I just give a slight nod and once I sit down I get my notebook out. The teacher starts going back into the lesson and I just try and catch up on what is happening. I'm not really sure what is happening but I just write down what is on the board. After the hour the bell rings and I go find my locker. I make sure to not be late to math because I really don't want people staring at me. I do end up getting there before I was supposed to. So I just grab a math book and sit in the back. Everyone piles in and I just duck my head down until the teacher starts talking.

"Alright today class we are-" she says but gets cut off by this boy opening the door.

"Michael you need to learn how to not be late to class. You realize that you need to be here on time. Next time you will get a two hour detention."

Before The FameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora