Chapter 36

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Amarina's P.O.V
Logan, his parents, my dads and I are in our backyard celebrating the end of school for us. I eat the piece of cake in front of me as our parents discuss universities. Which I'm not going to since I my dads said to wait and see how well everything goes. Also I just don't want to. I'm going to be with Michael and the boys so what's the point?
"So Amarina your going to America." Logan's dad says.

"Ya, I'm going to stay with my friends."

"How long are you staying?"

"Maybe a few months or a year. Depends what happens."

"Sweetie it's a couple weeks not a year." My dad says.


"Yes, this is what we agreed on."

"Is this also the agreement we had about dance? That conversation ended with me crying and you getting what you want."

"It's a few weeks."
He goes back to eating. "What am I going to do after those few weeks. I'm going to come back here and the only thing here for me is Logan. That's it. No offense Logan, but I don't just want to hang out with Logan everyday. I want to explore and find my calling." My dad sets down his fork and looks at me. He has those dad eyes that they give you when they're pissed. "It's a few weeks or not at all." He states. I groan and get up from the picnic table. I head inside and lay on the couch. The sliding door closes and I sit up and see Logan. He plops down next to me, and takes my feet and puts them in his lap. "Don't touch my feet." I state taking them out of his lap.
"Let's go celebrate our sort of freedom."

"Like what?"

"Anything." He says standing up.
He reaches out to take my hand. I gladly take it and stand up. We tell our parents that we'll be back around 8. They nod and we go on our little adventure.
It's 5:00 and we are waiting in line for a movie. I didn't really want to, but Logan insisted that we do. So I didn't try and fight him on it. As we move closer to the front there's a voice from behind us. I turn around and see Aaron and his buddies. He spots me looking and I quickly turn my head to the front. "Aaron is behind us and he just saw me." I say through gritted teeth. "Shit, shit, shit." Logan mumbles.
We get to the front and pay for our tickets. Logan and I walk into the theater. We sit down and wait for the movie to start. However our quiet wait is soon interrupted by Aaron walking in. Him and his friend sit directly behind us. They call us names which isn't that bad.
Throughout the movie they are being total assholes. Multiple people have told them to shut up. They threw popcorn at us, were being disrespectful and were just dicks. Didn't anyone teach them to be quiet in a movie theater? Well judging on how they're acting I'd say not.
The movie gets over and Logan and I rush out of there as fast as we can. Which doesn't do anything considering as soon as we walk out the door, Logan is pressed up against a wall. Aaron is holding him up high on the wall by his neck. "Put him down!" I scream. When I go to try and help Logan, but one of Aaron's friend holds my arms back. I try and force my way out of his grip, but I don't break free. Aaron punches Logan in the face and it looks like his face is going purple. "Just let him go! He can't breath!" I cry out. Aaron turns his head and looks at me. He brings Logan down from the wall. Once Logan catches his breath Aaron connects his fist to his gut. Aaron keeps hitting him and I see blood triclke from Logan's nose.
"Leave him alone!" I cry.
Aaron keeps a hold of Logan's collar as he turns to face me. "Let her go." He states. Aaron shoves Logan to his friend and he holds him back. "How about we make a deal." He smirks. I already know that it's going to be bad. "As long as you leave him alone." I already regret saying those words. Aaron gives me an evil smirk. "Alright, my car now." I nod and gulp as he opens his car door.
"Am, don't. You can't do this. Not to Michael."
I already have started to silently cry. Aaron shoves me into the backseat of his car. He closes the door and moves closer to me. I scoot away from him. Aaron grabs my wrist and tugs me closer to him. "If you run away from me I'll hurt your friend even worse." All I can do is nod. I can't even release words from my voice box. Tears escape my eyes as he kisses my neck. He continues and unbuttons my shirt. I could really use some help. Logan just please fucking do something or just let a plane crash into this car. I say inside my mind. My crys are now not so silent. Aaron slaps my face multiple times before my crys are silent.
Just before Aaron moves to kiss me the door opens. Logan sucker punches Aaron in the balls. "Come on." He tells me and I crawl out, but as I get out Aron grabs my ankle. It sends my front half to the ground. My elbow is now scraped. I kick him on the face and crawl the rest of the way out.
He helps me up, but Aaron's friend is standing right behind Logan. He goes to punch Logan, but I go out in front of him. I jump out in front of Logan just before he punches him in the face. I feel his hand collide into my nose. Logan basically catches me. "You better run asshole." Logan snarls at him. "Make me." Logan sets me down on the curb as I clench my nose. When Logan comes back over to me I peer behind him, to see the boy on the ground holding his crotch.
"Are you okay?"
I shake my head as tears trickle down my cheeks. "Here let's get you home." I nod and he helps me get up. "You might want to button your shirt up." He suggests. I nod and start to button it up while I sniff. It hurts like hell. "Am look at me." Logan says as I finish buttoning up my short sleeved shirt. "Does your nose feel okay?" He asks me. "Not really. Is it like bent out a shape?" I ask nasally. He shakes his head and touches it. I wince in pain. "I think it's just how hard the impact was. He's getting up get on my back." He crouches down and I hop on his back. Some blood from my nose trickles on his shirt.
He piggy backs me all the way back to my house. "Thanks for punching Aaron in the balls before he did anything else." I thank him. He shrugs and sets me down on the porch. "Alright let's go show our parents the dry blood.". He chuckles. I nod and open the door. Logan's parents notice the blood and my red eyes. My dads go upstairs to the bathroom to get bandages and wash cloths. They come back down and tender to our scrapes and dry blood.
After we are all cleaned up from blood Logan leaves with his parents. I go upstairs and change into my pyjamas. Afterwards I decide to Skype Mikey.
Michael's P.O.V
I'm playing my game on my laptop when I suddenly get a Skype call. I click answer and Am's beautiful face pops up.
"Hey babe congrats on no more school." I cheer.

"Thanks Mikey. I need to tell you something."

"Okay shoot." I smile.

"Logan and I went and had our own celebration. We walked around and got soda then we went to a movie. Aaron and his friend were there." She takes a deep breath.

"Keep going." I say concerned.

"Afterwards Aaron pinned Logan up to the wall by his throat. I tried to help, but his friend held me back. Once he punched him almost everywhere I yelled at him to stop. He did but...but he wanted to make a deal. I agreed to it not knowing what it was. I just didn't want Logan to get hurt anymore. So he shoved me in the back of his car and kissed me on my neck. He left a mark and unbuttoned my shirt. I'm just so sorry." She starts to break down crying.
I wish that I could be there to hold her and tell her that it's alright. Unfortunately the best I can do is tell her. " calm down. It's alright. You don't have to apologize." I try to calm her panic attack right now. "Yes, I do." She crys. "Am, no you don't Aaron does. After I kick him in the dick the next time I see him." I say in all seriousness.
"Your not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you? It's Aaron I'm pissed at. He basically raped you!"
She sniffs and nods. I smile at her and she wipes her tears away. "Now put a smile on your face. Let me see your beautiful smile." She laughs and smiles at me. "There it is! You should go to bed Am. It's probably late over there." She says yes and her smile fades. "We can take care of this situation tomorrow. Maybe around 12:30ish your time?" I ask her.

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too. Goodnight."

She blows me a kiss and I pretend to catch it. Am giggles and hangs up. "Michael! Come on we're writing and need help!" Ashton yells.

Sorry this one took longer to write than I wanted. It was just being dumb and deleting this chapter. So I think 3rd time is a charm. I hope. So I'm going to start and try to slow things down since the book is coming to an end. Just a heads up the next chapter might come slower. The reason is that I have a ballet exam and I need to study my ass off so I can get my toe shoes. However I shall try. So maybe it will come quick. Anyways I hope this was a good chapter. Love you guys xx

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