The New Girl (Kate)

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"Kate wake up we're going to be late to class, it's 5:45am".

I felt my roommate shake me awake, her light southern accent becoming more audible.
I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I had to since it was a school day. I used all the energy in me to get up and stretch.

"Tell me why the hell they want us up this early, I barely remember any of my first four classes." I said while yawning.
"Because teachers don't understand that teens need sleep," She answered, putting on her white converse.

I groaned while I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Here's everything you need to know about me. My full name is Kathleen Chikaryeida, although people usually call me Kate or Katie, I'm 17 years old and attend Nuverseri, an all girl's boarding school, which is located in the city where I'm from.
I have fair skin, light brown eyes, wavy brown hair that falls just past my shoulder, and I'm around 5'4".

"Aright, I'm ready."

My roommate opens our room door and gestures her hand for me to go first and follows soon after.
My roommate is one of my close friends, her name is Sana, she has short, straight strawberry hair, and freckled skin, she is also taller than me, like my other friend.
She can be temperamental and hot headed but she's really sweet once you get to know her.

The great thing about coming to this school is that they give people the chance to be roommates with their friends. That was the case with me and Sana. I was here before her.

The weird thing about this area is all the 'encounters' I've heard people tell. I never experienced anything myself, but from the rumours I heard, there's a lot of weird and disturbing scenarios.
There was even news about a friendly middle-aged woman who suddenly went insane and murdered her grandchildren. The weirdest part was that she claims she doesn't remember any of it happening, like she was in some sort of trance.

As we were walking to school, Sana nudges me in the arm to grab my attention.
"Did ya hear there's a new girl coming to our school? Ain't that exciting! I hope we can become friends with her," She beamed.
"Sana, calm down. We don't even know who this girl is, and the last time you wanted to be friends with a newcomer it didn't go so well. You ended up regretting your decision of becoming her friend in the first place."
She shot me a look as we walked and grunted.
"Hey, it ain't my fault she was a spoiled brat!" She responded, angrily.
"No no no, I didn't say that, I just mea-"
"Crap, we gotta get to class now it's 6:10" she interrupted.

The main building wasn't so far away, but it takes some time to go to your locker and get to class, which begins at 6:15.
At this point we were sprinting. We've both been late 2 times already, one more and it's a guaranteed detention.

We arrived at our class 2 minutes late, and out of breath.

"Miss Chikaryeida and Miss Vinkosch, explain to me why both of you girls are late to class again," Questioned our teacher, Mrs. Michelle.
I decided to answer for both of us.
"I woke up way too late and Sana wasn't paying attention to the time. I apologize. It won't happen again, we promise."
She looked at both of us and sighed.
"Well, alright, I'll let you two off easy since you're both great students, but if this occurs again, then you will both have detentions. Now take your seats, I have to begin class."

Sana and I walked to our desks and sat down.
I placed most of my supplies into my desk, leaving only a pencil, an eraser, a calculator, a ruler, and a pink spiral notebook out.
Unlike other high schools in this area, you don't switch classes here for every subject.
Math is our first subject, after that we have physics, then history, lunch, which we have in the classroom, and finally our last classes are French and psychology.

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