Mistake (Kate)

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Sana finally wakes after a while.

"Hey, you're finally up, how you feeling?"

I was sitting on a chair across from her, sipping on mint hot chocolate. Sana sat up slowly, holding her forehead.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine, what happened?"

I place my hot chocolate on the glass table between us.

"You were fighting Edith, then Violet came and stopped you guys. You got mad and tried to attack Violet but...she basically knocked you out in one hit."

My focus is brought to her ring. "Umm, that looks kinda dull, you might want to get rid of all that negative energy."

My friend tries her best to stand up, but fails as she falls back down on the couch.

"Uhh, you want me to get anything for you?"

"Nah, I think I'll just rest here for a bit."

"Alright then," I shrug. "I'm gonna head out, to look for a few things that could help you."

She gives a single nod and I walk out.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, and ended up bumping into Edith.

"I'm so sorry about that, you're Edith right? I'm Kate, it's nice to meet you."

She just stares at me for a couple of seconds as if I'm crazy, until she finally sighs with annoyment and pulls out a luctus threcius from her jacket pocket and hands it over to me.

"Give this to your friend. I want a rematch the next time I see her and I don't want an easy win. Don't tell her it's from me though."

She walks off and I return to the lobby of the junior and freshman building to give the luctus threcius to Sana.

"Oh thank you!" She says, healing her lipana. "Where'd ya find one?"

"Umm, just found it on the sidewalk."

"Really? That's strange, I never thought a luctus threcius would be lyin' out in the open."

She crushes the luctus threcius in her hands and stands up from the couch.

"Welp, now that I feel much better, I'm gonna head to the concert hall and practice with the rest of the band. We're supposed to be performing next month and I wanna get all the lyrics memorised."

"Ok then, have fun!"

I wave to her as she runs out the building and over to the concert hall.

So they have a gig coming up next month...Wow, I can't wait til that day arrives. I know Sana is super excited about this. She's been wanting to perform on stage since she was a child.

I walk out of the building and walk around the campus. During my walk, I run into Cheryl.

"Hi Kate, lovely day outside isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is...I thought you were supposed to be in the hospital?"

"I was one of the few that got out early. Anyways, I'm going to buy some shampoos and stuff at Bath and Body Works right now."

"Oh, that's neat. Can I come?"

She smiles and nods her head.

"Of course! Shopping is always better with a friend!"

We didn't just go shopping together, we hung out with each other as well. After buying shampoos, conditioners, body washes, lotions, and towels, we went over Barnes and Noble to look at a few novels, though we didn't buy any. Our last trip was to an indoor rock climbing place. Cheryl's favorite activity is rock climbing, so she got a membership at this huge rock climbing place.

This was the first time in a while that I really got to spend time with her. She's usually always busy with chores, homework, clubs, and sports, so when I do have time to spend with her, I value as much time as I can get.

"That was fun!" She states

"Yeah, it was. We should do it again sometime."

"We should," She agrees, smiling.

She takes a look at her watch and lets out a quick zephyr of air.

"Oh well, it was nice hanging out with you, but I have to head back now, hope to see you tomorrow in class!"

"Same here, bye!"

We waved to each other as we parted ways. She walked back home, and I walked over to the concert hall. It was 6pm so I figured Sana was finished with rehearsal. She walks out 3 minutes later with a nervous look.

"Sana? What's wrong? What happened?"
"I think I made a mistake."

I look at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"My ring started glowing in the middle of practice, so I told everyone that I needed to use the bathroom."

"Then what happened?"

"I was stuck, mentally not physically, I didn't know what I should do. If I left them I would be kicked out, but if I stayed there would be a tristitia on the loose."

She pauses and sighs.

"I decided not to go after it...so many people might have died because of me, and I became a magica to protect others."

"Don't jump to conclusions, you're not the only magica here, so quit being so paranoid."

"Yeah, you're right, but I still feel guilty."

"You shouldn't," A familiar voice says.

And who would've guessed? It was the same mysterious girl that likes to appear out of nowhere.

"Violet?" I question.

"Those people are fine, like Kathleen said, you're not the only magica on the planet, don't worry about fighting 24/7, it's not good for your physical or mental health."

She says this as she walks by us, heading in the direction of the beach.

"The beach is closed!" I shout to her.

She ignores me and continues walking.

"I don't care if she took care of that tristitia or not," Sana says. "I still feel bad about it."

"Why don't you look for more then?" I suggest. "You know, to make up for the one you missed."

"You're right! I should go look for more! I'll start tomorrow right after school."

"Sounds great! As for now, I think we should head back to our dorm." 

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