Dura Verum (Kate)

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I decided on taking a short nap after getting back to my dorm. When I woke up later in the evening, I noticed that Sana still wasn't back.

I honestly felt really bad for her. For one thing, she literally just joined the band, and for the other, the reason she became a magica was to help others, and now, she failed both.

I should go look for her, this isn't like her to not come back on a school night.

I searched for Sana soon after waking up. It took me a while but I eventually found her sitting near the fountain, being in her transformed state.

"There you are! What happened? Where did you go?" I ask, running towards her.

"Fighting more of those monsters."

I look down at her lipana.

"Umm, that looks kinda dull, you might want to get rid of all that negative energy."

"I'm fine," She grunts.

"In fact I'm going to look for more creatures to fight."

I give her a look of concern. "But you're hurt, you're in no condition to fight!"

Ignoring me, she walks out. I follow after to make sure she's okay, keeping sight of her until she disappears.

I eventually find her again with Edith by the city's walking bridge, located above the ocean.

Edith had just finished fighting a tristitia and walks over to pick up the luctus threcius. She goes over to Sana and hands the object to her.

"You look like you need this. I mean look at you. you look like shit." She scoffs.

Sana takes the item from her hand and throws it to the side, causing Edith to become agitated.

"Okay, what the hell is your problem?"

Sana takes a step closer to her, their eyes both locked on each other.

"Why the hell do you care if I heal myself or not?"

Edith steps back, still keeping her gaze on Sana.

"I wanna have a fair fight this time. You're tough, I'll give you that, but if we fight now it will be pretty boring for me. I'm fond of challenges so I don't want an easy win."

She looks in my direction for a second then back at Sana, who stood in a pose, ready to attack.

"I don't need to heal to beat you in a battle, I can defeat you any time if I want to, no matter how much magic power I have!"

Edith gives her a pathetic look and a laugh of pity.

"Wow, you're stupid. But whatever, I'll fight you the way you are now if that's what ya really want."

"Sana please," I call out. "Please don't do this, you'll get badly hurt."

She keeps her focus on Edith and replies.

"Stay out of this Kate, this is my fight not yours."

Edith looks at me then rolls her eyes in annoyment.

"Of course she had to tag along. Ha, whatever, if she dies then it's her fault for getting in the way."

She transforms and pulls out a spear.

"Alright come at me with all you got, I'll let you take the first hit since you obviously won't do much damage."

Sana begins to run at full speed towards Edith. Her lipana in her hand, ready to transform her, when she trips and falls, causing her gem to fall off the bridge and into the ocean below us.

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