Siren's Song (Sana)

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I sprint away from Kate, my body filled with extreme guilt and sadness.

Why? Why the hell would I say those horrible things to her? She was only trying to help and I treated her like shit.

I couldn't run back to her, with what I said, she probably would never want to be friends with me again.

Great, I suck as a magica, I'm basically a corpse, and now, I'm a terrible friend.

I kept running. I wasn't sure of my destination but I wanted to be as far away as possible.

I could barely see. The rain was heavy and my tears blurred my vision as I ran.

I stopped at a quiet part of the city, where only street lights exist, and took a seat at a small bench under one of the lights.

"Why did you come all this way?" A familiar voice asks.

It was him. That damn white cat that caused me to be like this.

"I don't understand why you're mad. Having a lipana is way better."

I don't answer, I don't even want to acknowledge his existence.

"You realize the whole soul thing only happens when you die right? You're fine right now as long as your gem doesn't break, besides, I had to transfer your soul into your gem, otherwise you wouldn't have magic power and your wish wouldn't be granted."

I still pay no mind to him.

"Sana," He sighs. "If I didn't transfer your soul to your gem, do you realize how much pain you would be in from when Edith threw you against the wall with her spear?"

What he asked caught my attention. "What do you mean by that?"

"Your gem, let me see it."

I give it to him, not knowing what he wants it for. The ribbon-like feelers attached to his ear penetrate into the gem like it's some portal.

It took only a second for my gem to begin glowing brightly and causing me immense pain.

I screamed in agony for him to stop, it felt like my whole body was on fire, ready to explode.

He stops after a while, releasing my gem.

The pain slowly fades along with the gem's glow.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" I scream at him.

"I wanted to show you something," He begins. "It might help you improve your fighting."

"What the hell do you mean??"

"There's a way for a magica to purge themselves from pain."

My eyes widen in curiosity and I lean in closer. "Really?" I ask, calming down. "How? Tell me how."

"I don't need to tell you, you already know how to do it."

"I do?"

"Yep, it's intuitive, you pretty much just block out the pain."

"Oh, okay, I wish I knew sooner. Is there a downside to this?"

"Your gem becomes darker quicker. So I don't recommend using it for every battle, or even for most."

"And all magicae have this ability? What about that weird technique Gretchen used? The weird illusion technique?"

"You mean the secondary ability? Every magica has that too, but it's different for everyone."

"What is it exactly?" I question.

"It's a special ability that's extremely powerful. There's always a downside to this. With Gretchen, she could only use it once per battle."

"Can you tell me what my special ability is?"

"Singing," He replies.

I stare at him, and blink a couple of times. "That's what I wished for," I mutter.

"I mean like a siren. You can sing a tristitia to its demise."

"Seriously? I can do that? Does it always work?"

He nods.

"Alright...what's the downside?"

"You lose your humanity and turn mad."

"No way..."

"A siren, a creature with an enchanting voice. It's a wonder how something with such an alluring voice could be so vile."

"What does that even mean?"

"Like I said before, you turn insane. Where tristitias aren't your only target anymore, soon it will be people who did you wrong, then it would be the bad people of this world, and before you know it, you'll be attacking innocents. That's the downside of this ability. It also weakens your fighting abilities, making you want to resort to the secondary ability each time you fight."

The rain stops. It's silent now.

So not only do I go insane if I use this ability too much but I'll also become weaker...I'll have to keep that in mind when I use it, to be on the safe side.

I get up from my seat and begin walking back.

"Are you heading back?"


I continued walking. Eventually, I began seeing more lights and heard more noises as I walked further into the city.

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