Weather Alert (Kate)

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I woke up to my mother shaking me awake.

"C'mon Kathleen, you're going to be late for school."

I slowly awoke, my mother's voice becoming more clear. I yawned as I sat up on my bed and stretched.

Tonight. Only a few hours left until world destruction. Everything looks so peaceful though...maybe...because the end of the world is near?

"Come downstairs, I made your favorite. Cinnamon banana pancakes." Mother tells me.

She exits my room and I get changed for school. After getting ready, I head downstairs to eat breakfast.
Quinn and Kyle were at the table eating eggos. I could tell by they're drowsy looks and messy hair that they had just gotten up.

Quinn and Kyle are lucky. They don't start school until 12:15, not to mention they have a field trip as well...

That's right...the time they get will be pretty late.

I look over at the two and frown.

Those poor children...they may not be able to go on their first field trip.

I sigh as I sit down at the table and grab 2 pancakes. I cut them up into bite sized pieces then pour maple syrup on top.
The pancakes tasted great. They warmed my mouth as I ate them and they were so soft and fluffy. Not to mention, these were homemade as well, which made them even better.

After I finished eating, I got up from my seat and placed my dishes in the sink. I walked into the living room to grab my backpack then headed to school.

It felt so awkward. Even though there were an ocean of students around me...I felt like I was the only one on this planet.
Sana would always walk with me to class. Now I have no one to walk with anymore. I mean...Violet would've been an option but, she's way too busy getting ready for that battle...she doesn't even show up to class anymore.

School went on as it usually does, the end of the day came by and I was called to the principal's office.
Mr. Kovin is our principal, he's very laid back and has a good sense of humor.

"Nice to see you Kathleen. Have a seat."

I take a seat at his desk as my eyes dart around, wondering why I was called here.

"You're probably wondering why I called you here?" He asks. "It's about Sana, she hasn't showed up in a while. Do you know what happened? Is she sick, did she move?"
"She's dead," I interrupt coldly.

He gives me a sad look and slowly nods his head.
"That's a shame. I never thought I'd lose a student."
"Don't assume things," I tell him. "We had plans to always have each other's backs after highschool but that's not gonna happen is it?"

I shake my head in denial. "And to think she died on her 18th birthday."

I got up from my seat and swung my backpack around my shoulders. "If that's all you wanted to talk about then I would like to be dismissed. I apologize, but I'm not comfortable with this conversation."
"I understand," He says. "I apologize."
"Don't," I sigh. "You didn't know, nobody did."

Without saying another word I left his office, then eventually the main building. I decided to do some shopping for a bit. Why? Honestly, I don't know, but I figured if the world is ending today, why not?

I spent a few hours at the mall looking for things to buy. I ended up buying a few clothes, games, and a sparkly blue phone case. By the time I was done shopping, and grabbing something to eat at Chipotle, it was already 8:45 pm.

I was on my way home when I felt my phone vibrating like crazy. I took it out of my pocket to check the notification.

"Weather alert," It read. "Citizens of Lumenast please report to the Safe Center immediately. A deadly storm is on it's way, please report to the Safe Center immediately."

Without a second thought, I sprinted over to catch a bus that would take me to the building.
The inside of the bus was very cozy. Had warm seating that reclined, cup holders, and a small tv. Like one of those buses you get on when going to far away places, and since the Safe Center is completely on the other side of the city, it is quite far.

When I arrive I meet up with my family. They're in the back corner with some pillows, blankets, food, drinks, etc.

"Oh thank goodness," My mother says.
"You haven't shown up in a while, I was starting to get worried!"
"Oh...sorry about that," I replied, scratching my head and sitting down on one of the pillows.

The Safe Center is really huge, which makes sense because it was built to hold the majority of people in this city.
The inside is very metallic, there are a few industrial glass windows here and there, but for safety reasons, nowhere near the people staying.
The building is also equipped with a bathroom, a kitchen, beds, a vending machine, snacks, therapy dogs, books, and much more.

The storm...Valenstia...the battle is only moments away.

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