Verum Affectus (Sana)

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I still couldn't understand it. The girl came to ask the same question, and when I answer she gets all mad and pushes me! What the hell is her deal??

I pace around the area. Trying to come up with something, but I couldn't.

I was getting bored just pacing around. I couldn't hang out with Kate because she wanted some space, I respect that. But that left me with nothing to do. Fight tristitias? Already done that this morning, so, now what? I mean the sun's still out...and Kate did say Cheryl got out of the hospital early...maybe I can hang out with her?

I made my way to Cheryl's house and knocked on her door.

She opens it with her hair tied up in a bun.

"Sana, I'm so glad to see you! Would you like to come in? My parents aren't here yet, they had to buy a couple of things, and I don't think they'd mind me having a friend over."

"Sure," I say, happily.

She allows me into her house, which hasn't changed at all since I last came here. The cream marbled floors were pristine and neat as always. A bunch of plants placed in each corner and on the window sills, and brown reclining couches. Her kitchen was still the same as well. The only thing different was the microwave. She had told me she needed a new one.

We enter the kitchen and both sit down at the table.

"Sana," She begins. "I am so sorry for what happened. I heard you got into Ethereal Chauntuses and then got kicked out. If there was anything I could have done to prevent that from happening I would have."

"It's fine, it doesn't really bother me anymore."

That was a lie. Of course I was bothered by it. Joining that band was my dream, and now the only thing left I can do is fight tristitias. If I couldn't even do that...then what kind of magica would I be? One who lost their wish and one who can no longer fight.

"Oh...really? I thought you'd still be upset by it."

"Yeah well, I'm not." I tell her. "But enough about that. Is there anything you have planned to do or whatever?"

"Well I wasn't expecting company and my parents will be back shortly, so the least I can do is tell you how my day went."

"That's fine by me. I'd love to know what happened so far. What did you do and stuff?"

"Well first I did all my projects for school, then I practiced my ballet lessons, then my piano and violin lessons, then I did some swimming and archery practice, and ended up studying my french, german, and russian, and then I read some books."

"Wow, you did a lot. That was just this morning?"

She shakes her head.

"No, I probably should have been more specific. That was yesterday. This morning I took a nice warm bath and made myself a cup of hot chocolate. I then washed my face and did my hair up, and of course I read some more of my book. When I finished I heard a knock on the door. And here we are now."

"Interesting. Seemed like a relaxing morning."

"It was. Doing stuff like that makes me happy and at ease. Especially when I'm stressed with school work or any drama going on."

"I guess...hey this is out of the blue but can I ask you something?"

"Of course! What's on your mind?"

"Well I helped this girl out with something, but instead of thanking me she got all pissed off and ran away, but she was crying. Do you know why that is?"

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