Deus Ex Machina (Violet)

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"This is it," Naroi tells Kate. "Your one wish, what will it be?"
Kathleen takes a few deep breaths and begins saying her wish.
"I've learned a lot during all this. Magicae don't get happy happy endings, but they deserve them. All those boys and girls, men and women, everyone who had fought for hope, even if it was just for themselves, they don't deserve such a sad ending!"
"Kathleen," I mutter.
"Therefore, I wish to have the power to erase every single tristitia. Not just in the present, but past and future as well. I want to destroy every single one of these monsters even before they come into existence, no matter who it is, every single magica to exist will be free of this demise"

I could feel a huge amount of magic power increase in the space around her, her hair flowing upward like crazy as the spot around her begins to glow a bright blue color.

"You can't be serious," Naroi says. "Do you realize what will happen to you? If you make this wish? Since you want every single tristitia, past present, and future, that includes all the ones you became and will become later on. If that's what your wish is you'll end up erasing yourself from existence, no one will remember you, your soul will be lost and alone forever. You'll become nothing more than a concept with the powers of a goddess, trust me, death is a much better fate."
The girl shakes her head.
"I thought about this. It's funny, I'm like a walking contradiction in a way. I desperately want to save the world, but if I fight Valenstia normally, I'll end up destroying it. Especially considering how much magic power I have inside me. Therefore I have no choice but to destroy myself as well as the other tristitias...I did say every single one, didn't I?"
"Are you sure you wish to reset the universe? You won't be able to go back after this."
She gives a determined smile.
"I'm positive."

The light around her begins to glow, then disappears as she soon transforms, pulling out her arrow and aiming it at the dull cloudy sky.
The arrow pierces a hole through the center, causing the clouds to clear out and causing an infinite amount of blue arrows to rain from the heavens.
She didn't even aim for Valenstia and yet it was fading away into nothing, it's whole body breaking apart and becoming nothing but remaining particles of magic.

That makes sense...Valenstia is a fusion tristitia, so her destroying those tristitias in the past will cause Valenstia to fade from existence.

There was finally nothing left of the monster, and the sky was now bright.

"She's absorbing the grief of magicae on the verge of despair," Naroi says.
A few cracks begin to appear in the sky, growing bigger with each passing second, showing a bright light in the cracks.
"What is that?" I ask him.
"Cracks in space-time," He answers. "The universe is about to reset."
The cracks in the sky grow bigger and the light becomes even brighter, eventually engulfing everything in the process.

I couldn't tell where I was when my vision wasn't blocked by the light. It seemed like I was standing on a bright glowing pristine white marbled floor in outer space. A bunch of galaxies, nebulas, stars, and planets surrounded me.
"Fascinating, isn't it?" Naroi asks. "All that grief she's absorbing is going to take a number on her soul."
As soon as he said that, everything went dark, like the stars had just been shut off, the marbled floor being the only light left.

It was just me and the libre, until "it" came into view.
It was gigantic, it's body made entirely of space matter. It was in the shape of a person, containing ten arms and other limbs from its body.

It was silent for a moment, until it screamed. It was so piercing, the shriek sounded like the cries of agony of every magica to exist.
I couldn't move, I was paralyzed with fear. I felt like my old self before meeting Kathleen, I was terrified.

"Doerla, tristitia of despair and anguish," Naroi mutters. "An immortal being filled with an infinite amount of despair and grief. A being strong enough to destroy the fabric of time and space as we know it."
"I think I've already established this," A familiar voice says. "My wish was to destroy every single tristitia."

The girl finally came into view. Kathleen, but she looked different.
She was barefoot and wore a beautiful white dress that shined like the stars, a silver tiara placed on her head, and large pristine white wings protruding from her back.

She seemed a bit older now too, not by a lot, but she seemed to be at least 20 years of age.
She stops and pulls out a bow and arrow, this one more sparkly and bright then the last.
"That includes me as well!"

She releases the arrow at the monster as it shatters like glass. The original, calm, space-like scenery came back once more, only this time, the platform was gone and it was just Kate and I floating in this weird place.
"What's going on?" I question.
"It seems this is goodbye."

I look at Kathleen, her body was slowly, but surely fading into nothing.

My eyes widen in shock.
"No, no, no, no, no, please, don't go, please don't leave me." I say, beginning to tear up.

"Vi, I'm never going to leave you, in fact, now, I'll always be right there next to you, because when you feel hope, that's me, so please stop crying...please."
I nod my head and wipe away my tears.
"Hey," Kate says smiling. "See you tomorrow."

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