Melody (Edith)

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"Ugh! It's 10 after 8! Where the hell is this chick?"
I pace around on the bridge, waiting for Sana to arrive.

    She does remember right? I mean the dork can't be that forgetful.

"I'm here!" She shouts in the distance, running closer to me.
    She stops a few inches, out of breath.
    "Sorry for bein' late, turns out I had practice today along with a mandatory meeting, didn't think it would take that long."
    "Whatever," I shrug. "Whadda ya want to do?"
    "Hang out, get to know each other more."
    "Really? Pfft, ok then. Whatcha wanna know?"
    "What school did ya go to?"

    I shake my head, placing a strand of loose hair behind my ear
    "Never went, was too poor. Before I became a magica my mother taught me and my siblings, after that, Naroi taught me a few things."
    "He did? Ya gotta be pullin my much did he teach you?"
    I sigh as I sit down with my back against the railing, Sana sits down besides me.
    "Well at first he tried to teach me complicated shit. Ya know, quantum physics and mechanics, thermodynamics, etcetera. So he decided to teach me at a basic 'human' level. So like...I'm average if that makes sense."
"No no, I understand what you mean."
"How 'bout you?" I ask. "Were you always at this school?"
"Nah. Kate has been here since the beginning, I only came junior year."
"Interesting, woulda loved to come here."
"Seriously? you?" She asks, chuckling.
"Yeah, the students here seem like complete dorks, I mean look at you"
"The hell's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm sorry," I chuckle. "But you're like the queen of these losers. I mean, wanting to be a hero like in fairy tales, but can't last a minute in a battle, pftt."

I laugh and she gives me a dirty look.                      
"Whatever happened after we were at the bakery? You were so much kinder then."
"I opened up to you," I say, recovering from my laughing fit. "So what? I was in an emotional position, I'm not anymore."
"Alright then.
Sana takes a few deep breaths in and out and stands up from her spot, I stand up right after.
    "Headin back already?" I ask.

She begins to walk away, I follow after. The sound of waves crashed against the shore, and a cool breeze whooshed by.
It was dark out, which made sense since it was basically the week of thanksgiving.
"Wanna go fight some tristitias?" Sana asks me.
"Seriously? You can't be that dumb."
"What? I think it would be pretty cool to fight these things together."
"Ugh! Your sweetness is making me physically sick! 'Let's go fight together!' What's next frolicking in a field of flowers and makin bracelets?"
I give a breathy sigh. "But whatever, I'll go with you, but if I start fighting, it ain't cause I'm helping you, got it?"
"Got it. Let's go!"

We search the city for tristitias, finding 8 in total.
The first two battles I didn't do much, but for the next two I had to step in. I mean it was painful to watch this girl fail so badly at fighting.
The last four fights were...odd. Just like in the other fights, she was having trouble, but with these fights, she wanted to finish them on her own.
Her attacks were all over the place, her form was terrible, and she looked like she was about to collapse, it was the same for each and every battle.
I was getting quite annoyed at how long she was taking, and was about to finish the beast off myself, when she began singing.
It was serene, it didn't even sound like it was coming from her. The words were just gibberish to me, if they were even words in the first place.
She used this move for the other battles as well. Tryn her best with her swords, then using her special technique after failing miserably.

"Ya know, it's probably best for you to not use that move every battle," I suggest.
"I'm fine, I don't feel insane, in fact, I feel much better than before."
"Exactly what an insane person would say," I mutter to myself.
"I'm just sayin, it's pretty stupid of you to use a consequential move just because you want to win some dumb fight."
"Yeah, easy for you to say, you're a pro at this." She grunts.
"I had a tough time too ya know. Just practice more, it's that simple."
"Well then why don't you teach me?" She asks sarcastically.
"Well for one, I'm bad at teaching, and for the other reason. I'm not very fond of you."
"Seriously? What about the time we spent talkin and hangin out together?"
"Because that freaky chick asked me to be your friend! That's why!"
"You only became my friend because Violet told you??"
I shake my head and roll my eyes. "No, you friggin idiot, I never became your friend nor do I ever want to!"

She grinds her teeth angrily at me, her eyes filled with anger, she looked like she was about to snap, when her phone went off in her pockets.
She takes it out and looks at it. Afterwards, she sighs and puts it back into her pocket.
"Look, Kate wants to meet us at Vizera, so let's pretend this never happened, okay?"
"Whatever," I grunt. "But I ain't sittin near you at the restaurant."

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