33: Regret

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"Antonio, you better open this door right now."

Romano sharply pounded on the bedroom door. I groaned and buried my head deeper into the pillow. His loud voice certainly wasn't helping my ongoing headache.

Rose's prediction had come true. After going for a swim at the spot, I ended up catching a cold. I knew if she were here, she'd be gloating. Though, she wasn't. She was gone.

Perhaps I was being a little dramatic. It'd only been a week since we'd last seen each other. But after our argument, I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did leave; leave my life, and with it, my problems.

I had no idea how she'd even figured out about the abuse. She was a smart girl, my Flower. But no, I didn't deserve to call her that. Not after the things I said to her. I suppose I had been so rude because 1) I was in denial about my... abuse, and 2) I wanted to push her away.

I'd gotten so accustomed to the hits–so used to being my father's punching bag. It began when I was a kid, but what started as little shoves and hurtful words, blossomed into black eyes and broken ribs. I didn't quite know why he hated me. He just did.

I was amazed that Rose had been able to uncover the truth so quickly, after only knowing me for a few months. The only other person I'd ever told was Benny, as he'd pretty much always been there for me. He, like me, knew there wasn't really anything I could do about the abuse. The one time I had tried to get help in the seventh grade, the police didn't believe me. After all, my father had major influence in this town. I was a stupid delinquent, known for getting into fights at school. So that was what he pinned the bruises on–school fights. All I'd managed to do was make the abuse worse for myself while looking like a liar in the process.

I didn't want to burden Rose, so I'd been harsh to her. I hated it, but I knew it was necessary to create distance between us.

What I hadn't expected was the bomb she'd dropped on me when I last saw her. My mom is dead, she'd said.

It didn't make sense, not at all. I'd seen Rose's mother with my own eyes—the kind dark-skinned lady who always waved at me when I dropped Rose home. Rose always referred to her as Jo, instead of Mom. Perhaps that should've been my first clue.

I'd forced Benny to explain it to me. He told me that Jo was Rose's aunt, not mother. Rose's parents were dead–both of them. Though, even Benny didn't know what happened to them.

There were no words to express my shock. How could I have called Rose naïve, when she'd actually been exposed to the cruelty in this world? Guilt had been consuming me all week for the way I'd last spoken to her. The concealed emotion behind her eyes haunted me. It was a feeling I was well accustomed to. Loneliness. I made her feel alone.

Just then, another bang on my door made me jump.

"Antonio, open the door! I know you're not sleeping!" Romano shouted.

"Piss off," I growled.

By now, he'd most likely heard about the fight between Rose and me.

"I know you hurt Ro," Romano said. Knew it. "She didn't tell me what you did, but I know you did something." Silence, then, "you can't hide from me forever. I know where you live!"

"That's because you live together, dipshit," Benny laughed from behind the door.

Meanwhile, I rolled my dark brown eyes. Great. The whole gang was here.

Courtesy of my cousin, there was more incessant banging on the door. Then, I could hear Benny's deep voice carry through the crack underneath.

"Don't bother. He hasn't come out in a week."

He was right. I hadn't. He even delivered food to my door.

"What about school?" Romano questioned. I could practically picture his raised eyebrows.

Benny snorted. "You think he cares?"

True. I almost laughed.

There was a little more muffled conversation, which I couldn't be bothered to listen in to. Afterwards, I heard the sound of retreating footsteps.

"He's gone," Benny said through the closed door. "You can come out now."

I snuggled deeper into the covers.

"Antonio, I mean it. It's been long enough. You haven't left this room in a week."

"You said I could stay here."

"Not for the rest of your life. Now get your ass up or I'll kick this door to the ground."

I grunted and stood up, opening the door and coming in human contact for the first time in days.

"Happy?" I bitterly questioned.

"Very," Benny sarcastically smiled. "You look horrible."

He was probably right. The last time I glanced in the mirror, even I flinched. My hair was unrulier than usual, and stubble was beginning to protrude on my chin. Combined with my bloodshot eyes and ghost-like skin from my illness, I was treading a dangerous line between human and vampire.

Nonetheless, I slammed and locked the door in Benny's face, before crawling back into the warm bed. There was a long silence, then–

"Rose misses you at school."

I froze and stared at the door, even though I couldn't see Benny.

"She said that?" I asked hopefully.

"No, but I can tell. She's quiet at lunch. And she looks around the parking lot after school, as if she's waiting for you to pick her up on your motorcycle like always."

I was quiet.

"Bro, just come back."

I shifted onto my back and tucked a hand behind my head.

"I think I really messed up," I finally replied.

"Maybe you did," Benny agreed. "But everyone does. Apologize, explain, and make up. Stop crying and hiding like a little baby."

It was harsh, but Benny always was. Tough love.

"I didn't cry," I stiffly argued.

Benny chuckled and I knew he was shaking his head. "Whatever."

There was a short silence.

"I told her I liked her," I glumly croaked.

"You told me," Benny amusedly said.

"I told her I liked her, and she didn't believe me," I shook my head, eyebrows knitting together in thought. "Why doesn't she believe me?"

He sighed through the door. "Get out of the house and go talk to her. You're never gonna find out if you don't ask. Otherwise, I don't wanna hear you complaining."

I frowned. "Meanie."

"You know I'm right."

I rolled over, and with that, the conversation was over. I could hear his retreating footsteps, and for the millionth time today, my thoughts trailed over to Rose. I missed her too.

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love, emmanuela<3

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