Lost Without You- Epilogue

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There's cameras flashing right away capturing the moment forever. I'm scared. I was scared before I agreed, I guess I'm terrified now. My parents didn't know but they do now. I don't even know what their reaction is going to be like.

Cameron and I are escorted out through the back and as we drive back to our apartment the car is quiet. I'm thinking about my parents, about my fans, about what's going to happen to my career.

But then I look over at Cameron and find him looking at me. He takes my hand in his and all of my fear fades away. It's all worth it with him, that's why I agreed to do it in the first place. We get out of the car and go upstairs to our apartment.

We undress silently and slide into bed together. Both of our phones are completely off. Cameron takes me into his arms and I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat.

"I love you, baby." He tells me softly and I feel him press a soft kiss on my head.

"I love you too, Cam." I reply and I look up at him. He smiles at me. His beautiful, captivating smile that can make even the shittiest of days so much better. I am completely and utterly in love with this man.

Tonight is just for us, we'll deal with all the other shit tomorrow. But for tonight it's just me and Cameron.

We make love that night, it's slow and tender. We whisper promises in each others ears. We promise to stay together no matter how tough things get. I don't know what I would do without Cameron, he's my world.

When we turn on our phones the next day we are bombarded with texts and missed calls with voicemail. I quickly scroll through the texts. Most of my friends send words of encouragement and support and I feel so grateful.

There's pounding on Cameron's door and we look at each other. I stand up and open the door to reveal Hayes.

"So you didn't tell mom or dad before you kissed in front of the cameras?" He asks incredulously and I shrug and shake my head.

"No, I didn't, it was a last minute decision I guess. But I don't regret it at all." I tell him with a smile on my face. He looks at me and then at Cameron.

"Well I already told you that I support you guys. You both are amazing and I'm lucky to have you as a brother and Cam as a friend," he says and my eyes get teary. I lean in a hug him tightly, he hugs me back. Moments later I feel Cameron wrap his arms around both of us.

We break away and I look at Hayes.

"How are mom and dad?" I ask him and he gets serious.

"Mixed feelings I think. They feel betrayed because you guys are in a relationship and didn't tell them and they allowed you to live with him. And you know how they feel about homosexuality... it's hard for them to wrap their minds around it, I think. They're in shock basically," he explains and I wonder when my little brother grew up. He has so much insight for his age.

"Is dad here?" I ask him quietly and he nods. I sigh and gather my courage.

"I'll go talk to him," I say softly and they nod at me. I go downstairs and find my dad outside on the balcony.

I go up next to him and lean against the railing.

"How long?" He asks me quietly and I bite my lip.

"Since before we moved out here to California." I tell him truthfully. He shakes his head and I tilt my head, confused by his reaction.

"I failed you, Nash. I failed you as a father. I let my 16 year old son move in with his 19 year old boyfriend. Where did I go so wrong?" He asks and he continues to stare at the city.

I don't know what to say so I just stay quiet. I don't want to antagonize him further.

He sighs and I look down, tears well up in my eyes and start to fall. I didn't really expect my dad to support me but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

"Are you sexually active?" He asks after a while and I sniffle and wiped me tears away.

"Yes." My voice is thick and I'm trying to hold back additional tears.

My dad is getting red and I know he's angry.

"Nash, you know this is not right. You know that God does not approve of gay people. It's written clearly in the scriptures." He says and I know he's trying to keep his cool. "You're going back to North Carolina. No question. The decision is final and both me and your mother agree that you need to severe the relationship with Cameron. You will attend school again and you will go to church."

I stare at my father in shock this time I can't stop the flow of tears. I can't wrap my head around what my father is saying. I can't accept it, there's no way I could ever live without Cameron.

He looks at me and he's not moved by my tears, by my pain. "He's older than you Nash, he took advantage of your innocence. He's lucky we're not pressing charges against him."

My tears turn into angry tears at his words.

"Cameron did no such thing. I pursued him. It was ME. He didn't initiate our relationship I did." I tell him angrily.

"If you force me to do that I will emancipate myself. And I have a good case because I'm self sufficient and you know that GLAAD will support my case." I threaten, I don't want it to get to that but I will do it if I have to. Cameron is everything to me.

My father stares at me in shock, he definitely didn't expect that from me. I wipe my tears away and meet his gaze dead on. He knows I'm completely serious.

"You win Nash. If you want to stay and continue to sin with Cameron then that's on you. But I cannot support that. My relationship with Cameron will be strictly business." He tells me coldly and relief floods my body because I don't have to do it the hard way. As long as I have Cam everything is worth it.

I don't say anything additional to my father, I just walk away and go back to Cameron's room. When he sees my face he gets worried and he pulls me down on his lap. I rest my head on the crook of his neck and relax as he rubs my back gently.

I tell him everything and I cry again, how can I not? I'm losing the support of my parents but that's their decision, not mine.

He wipes my tears gently and then presses a soft kiss to my lips as he rubs my lower back tenderly.

"I love you, baby. I will never leave you and I will support you in everything that you do. It's you and me against the world," he promises and my heart is filled with love for hjm. I kiss him softly and he moves his lips over mine gently.


I wish I could say that my parents eventually warmed up to my relationship with Cameron but they do not. My relationship with them continues to be strained and I'm okay with that because it is their choice. My father continues to manage us but our relationship with him is never the same.

The majority of our fans support us. We film our movie together and our fame grows. We are invited to interview on all the major shows.

Our relationship is not perfect, we have our arguments just like any other couple but we work through them together. Our relationship is solid and with him by my side I feel I can do anything.

A/n- so that's it, the end of Elements. Thank you so much for the support. Please check out my new story Inevitable Withdrawal it's based on the short story I wrote. Thanks for the votes and the comments, I cherish them all. ♡♡♡

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