How I Long For You

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It's crazy how fast we became best friends, how quickly I got attached to him. Magcon was the best thing to ever happen to me. Well Vine first and then Magcon. I have a new group of friends that I never would have met otherwise, my life would have been completely different. March of 2014 and there's something big building. We are in between Magcon events and Cameron is in North Carolina staying with my family and I until Magcon New Jersey. Each event seems to be getting bigger and bigger, my follower count is rising across all of my social media platforms, and I'm quite literally living the dream.

I never would have thought this could happen to me when I first started making vines a year ago. They were just 6 second videos I shared with my friends from school. But for some reason people liked my dumb vines, and they started revining me and sharing with their friends. And it honestly became addicting. I spent so much of my day on the phone, filming new vines, posting on twitter,and making YouTube videos. I got to watch it all explode with my best friend, and he's getting just a big as I am and I'm so happy I get to share with him.

I'm holding my phone above me, Cameron is lying on the bed behind me waving at the camera.

"Just posted a new vine with this guy, make sure you like and revine! Comment your twitter user name in the comments and I will follow you! Following a TON of people today, until I hit limit." I say and I post the snapchat to my story. I flop down on the bed next to Cameron and he smiles at me when I shift and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm making a second vine channel. Yo, shout it out," I tell him, holding the phone above us.

"Yo Nash Grier 2, I'm on that shoe, you got something new? I said choo choo like a train," Cameron freestyles and I burst out into laughter. That didn't even make sense.

"I'm posting this," I say and I post it as the first vine on my second vine page I keep my head on Cam's shoulder as we both use our phones, I'm creeping on Twitter and occasionally laughing at the crazy things my fans say. I really do love them. I'm not this comfortable around any of my other friends, not even my friends at home. But I'm actually feeling a little nervous right now, something that is unusual when it comes to how I feel around Cameron. I want to bring up the fact that I asked my dad to be my manager and how I want him to manage Cameron as well. I don't know how Cameron will take it, I don't want him to feel like I'm pushing him into something but I just want to make sure that when all of this is over, Cameron and I will stick together.

"Cam..." I start off, but I trail off unable to continue. He lifts his head and looks at me.

"What's up, Nash?" He asks me and I move over and roll on my side, facing him.

"So I asked my dad if he could manage me. The bigger we get the more offers I have coming in and he's my father, you know? He'll always have my best interests in mind," I say and Cameron nods at me, agreeing with what I'm saying. I think about how best to approach this so I pause for a little bit and Cameron waits patiently.

"Do you have a manager?" I ask him and he shakes his head no. "Because I was thinking maybe you'd want to get managed by my dad too? He's managing Hayes as well..."

I hold my breath as a thoughtful expression crosses Cameron's face.

"You know... that's probably not a bad idea. Your dad is really experienced when it comes to the business side of things and he's like family.  So who better?" He replies, a slow smile spreading on his face. "I really do need help wading through all the sponsorship offers and picking which ones best suite me."

I let out the breath I'm holding and I smile back at him, relieved that he agrees with me.

"Yeah, so my dad's forming this company with a few of his business associates, I think they're calling it 26mgmt. We're actually going to have a meeting tomorrow, you should come." I inform him and I turn on my back and scoot closer to Cameron again, laying my head on his shoulder.

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