In A Little While

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The rest of the weekend flies by, and we find ourselves back in North Carolina. Cam contemplated staying in California until Magcon New Jersey, but I convinced him to come with me. I don't think he can resist when I pout at him, and I don't even feel guilty for using it to get my way. We haven't really talked at all about our closeness, we somehow end up cuddling every night. The last few nights we've actually cuddled even before falling asleep. I've never been this close to anyone before.

I can't tell what Cameron is thinking or feeling, it's making me frustrated because usually I can read Cam like an open book. He's still texting that girl, I found out her name is Audriana and she lives in LA. I'm worried that when we move to Cali, they'll meet up and go on a date together. I have to make my move before that happens.

The weeks pass by so fast, being with Cameron makes time move so much quicker. Everything is a lot more fun with his presence here.

It's the day before we need to leave for Magcon New Jersey, it's already dark outside. Cameron and I are lying on my bed, I have my head on his chest and I have my phone in my hand, creeping on twitter like always. Cam has a book in his hand, reading it and his other hand is playing with my hair. I swear, this is what heaven feels like.

I decide to make my move tonight. I'm going to kiss him. I just need to work up the courage to actually do it. Cameron puts his book down and I find the perfect opportunity when he shifts his position and moves me so we're face to face.

We stare at each other silently. I gather up my courage and I lean in, my eyes closed and I press my lips to him. He freezes as my lips move over his, trying to coax him into kissing me back. He doesn't move and I pull back, disappointed. Did I misread his signals? Was he just being nice when he cuddled with me? Maybe he felt bad for me. I look down, unable to meet his gaze, I'm embarrassed.

I probably just fucked up our friendship. I'm still looking down and I don't see when Cameron leans in but I feel his lips on mine and I respond immediately. Our lips move over each others, in a sweet, slow kiss. He cups my face with his hand and strokes my cheek gently. I'm kissing Cameron, I can't believe this is actually happening.

He deepens the kiss by slipping his tongue into my mouth. He explores my mouth and our tongues tangle together. This is probably the hottest kiss of my life. We pull away to catch our breaths. He keeps stroking my cheek gently as he looks into my eyes. He leans back in and presses short, sweet kisses on my lips. We continue kissing well into the night, even though we have to be up early tomorrow. I'm getting tired but all I want to do is stay awake and keep kissing Cameron, I don't want this to ever end.

We don't say anything as we kiss, we let our kisses do the talking. I'm finally too tired to stay awake sometime around midnight. My lips feel swollen and raw from all the kissing we did. Camerons look the same way. He pulls me into his arms and it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.


It's really early 4am and we're headed to the airport for our flight to New Jersey. I'm so tired that I fall asleep on Cameron's shoulder in the car and in the waiting area that we're in before boarding the plane. It's just him and I on this flight. Hayes has a football game tonight so he's flying in tomorrow with my dad for the event. We're in first class and the seats are very comfy, but I still lay my head on Cameron's shoulder, I pull a blanket over me and I fall asleep.

"Nash... Nash," I hear Cam say softly and I open my eyes, yawning. "We're here, baby. Wake up..."

My stomach does a flip when he calls me baby. It sounds so good coming from his mouth when he addresses it to me. We haven't really spoken about our make out session last night but we're definitely a lot closer now, nothing is awkward, I'm still so happy.

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