California Love

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A/N- Just some trigger warnings, this chapter references cutting.

The weeks that we are apart seem to drag by slowly. Cameron and I text constantly and face-time whenever we can. I have a countdown going on my twitter and all the fans are confused, tweeting me and asking what the countdown is for. I haven't said anything yet. Once I get to California we're going to sit down and make a video from our new apartment and announce that we're leaving Magcon and why.

The week before I move is super busy. I'm trying to spend as much time with my group of friends here. I'm also packing and trying to decide what to take with me and what to leave here. Cameron and I are currently on Skype on my laptop as I pack my suitcase. We haven't addressed our budding relationship at all. I'm nervous to bring it back up again because of how Cameron answered last time. But he's been so sweet, calling me pet names that make me swoon every time.

The beauty of being best friends is that we can go out on a date and no one who think anything of it because we always go out together. I'm wondering if I should be the one to ask him out a date but I'm also afraid to get rejected. This is all so confusing.

"Why are we randomly trending on twitter?" Cameron asks suddenly and I stop what I'm doing and sit down at my desk. He's looking intently down at his phone and I open my browser and go on twitter. I click on the hashtag and everyone is freaking out because we're leaving Magcon. What the fuck? We haven't announced anything yet. I'm getting hundreds of tweets by the minute and its hard to keep track of who is saying what.

"Someone leaked that we're leaving Magcon," I tell him and let out a sigh of frustration. "Who the fuck would do that?"

"My fucking phone is blowing up with people texting me and calling me to try and find out if it's true," Cameron sounds just as frustrated as I am. I pick up my phone and see that the same thing is happening to me.

"Fuck," I whisper and decide to turn off my phone for now.

"We need to make a video addressing the news like now. Before this gets too out of hand, like everyone is freaking out already." He says and I rub my eyes. I can feel the stress level rising, I'm not a happy camper when I'm stressed out. I noticed a new hashtag trending, #CutForMagcon.

"What the fuck, are you seeing this? People are saying they're going to cut because Magcon is breaking up." I can't help the feeling of despair that settles in the pit of my stomach. I don't want to be the cause of anyone cutting, I want to bring positivity in my fan's lives, not cause them to cut.

"I'll make a video really quick, referencing the news." I tell Cameron. After all, it's basically because of me that we're in this predicament. I could have stayed with Magcon and in turn Cameron, Carter and Hayes would have stayed as well. I'm not trying to make it seem like I'm the most important one but I was the catalyst for this happening. I don't regret it, not at all. That decision led me to be able to live with Cameron, I will never feel bad about that. But I do feel bad for my fans, I have to make them feel better and let them know that nothing is changing as far as meeting them goes. We'll be making our own events where they will be able to meet us, it just won't be under the Magcon brand.

"Alright, call me back as soon as you're done. I'll start answering some of these texts," he tells me, he's still distracted by his phone.

"Okay, I love you." I hang up and freeze. I just told him I loved him. Fuck. How will he react? Will he notice that I mean a differently kind of love? Not a best friend/ brotherly kind of love but a romantic one. I shake my head and pull out my camera to make my video.

I try to explain the entire situation as honestly as I can. I explain that we're not leaving Magcon for 26mgmt, because it's just our management company that's it. I emphasize the fact that we're still a family and that they'll be able to meet us just as much, even more actually, as when we were part of Magcon. We plan to tour the states and meet as many of our fans as possible, I drop a few hints about that.

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