Crazy Beautiful

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Friday comes quickly and we're on our way to California. It's a long flight and I spend most of it with my head on Cameron's shoulder. I have my headphones on and my eyes are closed, I'm not sleeping just resting. Cameron is reading an actual book, old school.

We finally make it to LAX and I can barely contain my excitement. I love being in California, the pace is so different than North Carolina. Everything seems brighter and better. And Cameron lives here.

There are a few fans waiting for us at the airport, how did they know we were traveling today? We stop and take pictures and chit chat with our fans. Cameron and I are standing next to each other when a beautiful girl walks up to Cam and asks him for a pseudo-kiss. He cups her face with his thumbs over her lips and leans in and presses a kiss on his thumbs. Someone takes the picture and I frown a little, I can't help be get a tiny bit mad, it's illogical considering the fact that I do that all time for fans as well. The girl gives him a piece of paper which he slips into his jean pocket. It's probably her number.

She is really pretty and I wonder if Cameron will call her, he honestly might because she's exactly his type. Long brown hair, nice smile, great body. Everything I'm not.

We are going to stay at a hotel for our trip here, Cameron and I will, of course, share a room. We finish taking pictures and wave goodbye to our fans as we get into the cab that is going to take us to the hotel. We arrive to the hotel without any incident and immediately make our way to our room. I'm exhausted because it's been a long day. We walk into our room and I stop short, there's a king size bed and that's it. We were supposed to have 2 queen sized beds.

I look uncertainly at Cameron, but he doesn't react at all, he just puts his bag down and lies down on the bed. Well if he's not going to say anything about it, I definitely won't. I follow his lead and lie down on the bed as well.

"Can't wait to check out apartments tomorrow," He says and I nod, agreeing with him. He takes out the piece of paper from his pocket. "That fan gave me her number, she's actually kinda hot."

He takes out his phone and punches the number in. Fuck, he's interested in her just like I knew he would be. I need to make my move quick. I can't pursue anything if he starts dating someone, that wouldn't be cool at all. There's a knock on the door and I get up and open it. My dad is on the other side.

"I just got a call about an apartment that's just become available. It's in a desireable location, so it'll be a popular choice for everyone looking for an apartment. We need to go check it out and if you guys like it, we'll sign the papers today." He tells me. I bounce in excitement that this is actually happening. I'm going to live with Cameron.

We don't waste any time, we make our way to the apartment complex and I immediately fall in love. It has 2 levels and 3 bedrooms. It's perfect.

"I love it," Cameron comments as he steps out onto the balcony. We have a great view of the city.

"Me too," I tell him. We go back to my dad and tell him that we want to take it. He nods and we take care of the paperwork. We can move in the 1st of May and I can't contain my excitement. I have a dumb smile the rest of the day. I'm insanely happy.

Cameron is busy texting on his phone when we get back to the hotel. I peek at his screen and I think it's the girl we met earlier at the airport. Fuck, I need to get his attention. He's sitting up in bed, his back resting against the headboard, I'm sitting on the chair, mindlessly going in circles. I stop when I get dizzy. I don't want to come on too strong and freak him out, I have to start subtle. I stand from the chair and I get into bed. He doesn't look up from his phone, his fingers are flying over his phone screen. I creep my way closer to him until we're side by side, he doesn't acknowledge me yet. I take his phone and place it on the other side of me. Cameron looks at me, a confused expression on his face.

Elements - cash fan fiction -Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon