In The Land of Milk and Honey

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I'm jolted awake by my phone ringing, Cameron groans next to me and places a pillow over his head. I reach over him and pick my phone, squinting at the screen. It's Matt calling me. I'm hesitant to pick it up but I press the green button.

"Matthew." I rasp out and lie back in bed. I look over at Cameron, he pokes his head out when I say Matt's name and I smirk at him. He's such a nosy motherfucker.

"Hamilton Grier." Matthew says and I can already tell that this is not going to be a pleasant conversation. I wonder what Carter told him.

"So my best friend is upset and won't tell me why, only thing I know is he was fine when I left in the morning and when I get back to the hotel he's distraught and I know he went to see you because he told me he was going to. Explain." He says firmly and I rub my eyes. It's too early for drama, all I want to do is cuddle with my boyfriend and not worry about other people's problems.

"There's really no easy way to explain this. I'll just put it this way, Carter is jealous about something and I can't control that. End of story." I say plainly. Matthew sighs and we're quiet for a bit. Cameron gestures to me and I hand him my phone. I look at the time and realize that we have a meeting with my dad and some people from Aeropostale regarding our clothing line in a few hours.

"Matt, tell Carter to stop acting like a high school girl. He needs to accept that things are the way they are and there's nothing he can do to change it," Cameron tells him. He puts the phone on speaker so I can hear Matt's reply.

"Why the fuck is everyone talking so vaguely. Referencing something without exactly saying what it is. I fucking hate being out of the loop, like this is insane," Matt complains and I try not to laugh because he's right. We're all being vague because we don't want to bring it up directly. But Matt is one of my closest friends so I guess I can trust him with my relationship.

I raise an eyebrow at Cameron and he knows exactly what I asking. He shrugs and then nods. I take a moment to drink him in. His hair is tousled from sleeping, his lips are plump and pink and so kissable, I start to get distracted by him.

"What the fuck is going on?" Matt asks, he's getting annoyed. His voice snaps me out of it and Cameron smirks at me, he knows what I was doing.

"Uhm... well Cameron and I are in a relationship," I say nonchalantly.

"... the fuck?" Matt mutters into the phone. He's stunned, I can tell he is because he doesn't say anything else and it takes a lot to stun Matt into silence.

"I... uh... wow." Matt sputters out. "Congratulations?"

"Thanks, buddy!" I exclaim, laughing at his reaction. Cameron chuckles with me and pulls me close to him. I press a closed mouth kiss onto Cameron's lips, I don't want to kill him with my rank morning breath.

"So what the fuck does that have to do with Carter?" He asks, confused.

"Carter has feelings for Nash, he doesn't think I'm worthy of Nash. I mean I agree with him but I'm too selfish to actually give him up. I love him more than anything ," Cameron replies casually. my heart flutters at his statement and I cuddle close to him, so happy that I can call him mine.

"Fuck," Matt says and he's quiet again. He really did not see any of this coming, I kind of feel bad for him because it is a lot to take in.

"How is Carter?" I ask, I am worried about my friend I can't lie about that.

"Well... like I said he's distraught. I don't think he got any sleep last night and he kept looking at his phone like he was waiting for something. I've honestly never seen him behave this way it was so bizarre," Matt explains and I feel so guilty. Carter was probably waiting for a message from me and I obviously never sent him one, I was too wrapped up in Cam.

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