You Got Me Like...

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It's getting late and I'm still locked in my room. Cameron still hasn't knocked on my door or anything. While I didn't expect him to come right away, I thought he would come at some point.

He's driving me crazy with his mixed signals. It's like one minute he wants me and the next I'm barely a blip on his radar. I feel so frustrated right now and I'm second guessing my decision to pursue a relationship with my best friend. If things don't work out, our friendship will be changed forever. I had faith that no matter what happened, our friendship would survive. But now I'm not so sure.

I'm lying in bed on twitter posting random things and interacting with my fans. It's honestly the only thing that can lift my mood up right now, well apart from Cameron coming up and asking me what's wrong. My stomach is growling and I know I have to go down sooner or later. I wonder if he's still sitting on the couch. Maybe he wants to go grab something to eat. I change into something comfy and make my way down the steps. I'm surprised to find all the lights off and Cameron is nowhere in sight.

I frown as I head back upstairs and knock on Cameron's door. There's no answer and I open the door and poke my head in. He's not here. He left without asking me if I was okay. He left me alone on my first day in a new home, in a new city, it's litterally the first time I've lived outside of North Carolina and I'm away from my family. I feel 100 times more upset now. I can't believe he's doing this to me. I thought we were headed in a good direction. I don't understand how one make out session could freak him out so bad that he just blanks me for the rest of the day. This fucking sucks.

I head back down, feeling dejected and serve myself a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I sit at the island counter and slowly eat my cereal, I have my phone in my other hand and I'm scrolling through my twitter feed as always. I get a notification that Cameron just tweeted. I immediately click on his tweet and he's posted a picture with him and Audriana.

Is he for real? He's out with that bimbo? She's definitely the one that's been stealing his attention away from me. I thought I had made the right moves and prevented a relationship from occurring between the two of them but I guess I was wrong. I'm so angry I could cry right now. I lose my appetite and throw away the rest of the bowl.

What can I do to keep my mind off of Cameron? I text Carter to find out if he wants to play some Call of Duty on Xbox live with me. He immediately texts me back with a yes and I go upstairs to my room and connect my Xbox to the TV that's already set up there. I leave my door cracked so I know when Cameron gets home, if he even comes home tonight.

Time goes a little faster now that I'm having some fun with Carter, we're joking around as we play. I'm roasting him whenever he makes a bad move and he does the same to me. My mind is mostly off of Cameron now, as I enjoy the time I'm spending with Carter. I hear the apartment door open and slam shut. Cameron's home. I continue playing with Carter, not wanting to seem desperate by going downstairs right away. A few minutes later he makes his way up the stairs and I can tell he stops at my door. I pretend to be engrossed in the game I'm playing. I'm not going to engage him at all, he has to approach me, especially considering the fact that he's the one that started ignoring me and then left without even checking up on me. Yeah, I'm still bitter about that. I tend to hold grudges, consider it a character flaw.

I hear his footsteps enter my room and he sits down next to me on the floor.

"Carter behind yo-....oh you're already dead. Dude, how are you this bad at the game?" I ask teasing him. I ignore Cameron's presence next to me, it may seem kindergarten behavior but I don't care. He needs to feel bad for what he did today. He abruptly reaches forward and turns off my Xbox, I finally look at him.

"What the fuck, Cameron?" I spit out, pissed that he would just do that. I pick up my phone and quickly text Carter that Cameron turned off my console cause he's being an asshole. He takes my phone after I hit send and chucks it half way across the room, it hits the wall and I know that the screen is probably broken.

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