I've Got This Feeling...

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I groan as I adjust myself and go to open the door. I look through the peephole and see that it's Carter. Cam is going to be pissed, why didn't he text me first?

I press my head against the door and sigh softly before opening it.

"Carter, what's up?" I ask as I step aside and let Carter in.

"I've been calling and texting you but you never replied so I figured I'd just come over..." he says quietly. He seems off and I wonder if the things Cameron said got to him.

"I guess I left my phone in the my room. Cam and I were filming a video. Are you okay, or? Where's Matt?" I ask him as I close the door and lead him to the living room.

Cameron's face falls as he see's who was at the door.

"Didn't I just fucking get rid of you? Why are you here?" He asks harshly.

"Cam, chill. He was trying to text and call me but I didn't have my phone. He was just stopping by to see what's up." I explain softly, trying to calm Cam down.

Cameron opens his mouth to reply, I give him a pleading look so he just rolls his eyes and stands up from the couch.

"I'll be in my room. Let me know when asshole leaves so I can freely move about my own apartment." He replies and goes upstairs before I can say anything to him.

"I'm sorry, Carter..." I say trailing off, I'm not sure what else to say.

Carter sighs and takes a seat on the couch. I sit down too, I'm trying to think of a polite way to get rid of Carter, I really want to go join Cameron in his room.

"Matt already has some meetings scheduled and no one has even given me a call back." Carter complains quietly.

"Oh... uh... who have you contacted?" I ask, I feel awkward because I don't know what I should say.

Carter lists off various agencies and producers that he has contacted. I chew on my lip as he talks to me. His eyes drift down my lips and he loses track of what he's saying. He stops talking and just stares at my mouth.

"Uh, Carter?" I ask, snapping my finger in front of his face. He shakes his head a little bit.

"Sorry I was just thinking," he explains, his face is flushed.

He's acting very strange.

"Did you go through my dad as far as contacting people goes?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"So what's the point of having a manager if you're not going to use him, silly?" I reply teasingly. Carter's face gets even more red.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'll give your dad a call to see what's up." He tells me. I nod and we sit there in an awkward silence.

He needs to go.

"So... was there anything else you needed?" I ask, trying to prompt him to leave.

"Oh uh... I guess not? Want to play some COD?" He asks, a hopeful expression on his face.

Fuck no, I want to go make out with my boyfriend and maybe suck his dick, that's what I want.

"Uh..." I hedge trying to find a decent excuse to say no. I really have none, except edit my video but he'll brush that off by saying I can do it later. "Yeah... we can play some COD."

Maybe I can break my Xbox or something to get him out of here. I like Carter, he's a good friend, but he is cock blocking the hell out of me right now and I'm pissed. I need Cameron so bad.

We go upstairs and I set up the Xbox, we sit down in front of my TV and start playing. I'm so distracted and Carter starts to notice 30 minutes into our gameplay.

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