Domme! Saiko Intelli X Shrunken! Male! Reader

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(Here it is. After so damn long, here it is. A request by tyrese15o. This was fucking long overdue. A whole month really, and it barely had anything written for a long time, due to personal stuff in my life. This was suppose to come mid last week, that obviously didn't happen. So I dedicated a whole day to writing this

"Shit.". You were on your way home from a party you had with your friends, only problem was the time. Saiko, your girlfriend, had told you to be home by midnight, and it was almost 2 in the morning. Saiko's shift as a hero ends at about 1:30am so...yeah. Luckily, when you arrive home, all the lights are off, so you'd just assume she isn't home yet. You sigh with relief. How the hell could lose track of time? You clearly wasn't drunk, since you don't actually drink. Not that much anyway. Well, if there's anything you can't tell Saiko, it's that Momo...may or may not have forced herself upon you at the party. Though, you can't tell if she did it deliberately, or if she was too drunk to think straight. And you're not sure why you didn't try to stop her. Anyway, you enter the house, and the moment you close the door behind you, the lights mysteriously switch on, revealing Saiko sitting on a chair, crossed legs, in the middle of the room, looking at you with disappointed eyes. You're a little surprised to see her. "Um...Saiko!? Wait, why were--." She cuts you off. "So, what the hell took you so long, huh? You know I'm strict about punctuality." Saiko aggressively claims. So many excuses are flowing through your head...hard to pick one out since none of them are valid, and she'll probably see right through you, especially with her quirk. "Well, you because...I um..." You don't really know what to say. "What's with all the stutters? Come in a little closer, but crawl your way up to me." She demands somewhat calmly. You lower yourself into your knees and slowly crawl your way to Saiko's boots. You then descend head to make contact with the carpet floor. "Sorry. I didn't mean to, I only lost track of time." Hmm, 'only lost track of time'? You got physical with that Momo, didn't you?" Saiko questioned. You look up at her with a confused look, though, at first, you were just playing it off as if you had no idea what she was talking. "Y-Y-Yaomomo!?" You exclaim. Saiko sighs. "Don't act so surprised. I can smell her scent emitting from your clothing. I don't give that 'she forced herself upon me', cuz I know it's coming. She managed to kiss you 3 times on the neck. I don't care if she was drunk. All matters is I don't like her! And I definitely don't wanting her interacting with anything that belongs to me." Saiko snaps. You whimper and look down onto the floor. Saiko beams you a warm smile and lifts your head back up from your chin with two of her fingers. "Now, I have something for you." Saiko says before kissing you, tongue and all. You submit to her action in return. Though, you feel something strange in your throat. "Wh-What is...?" Saiko interrupts you once more. "Swallow it.". Without a second thought, you gulp down whatever is. Saiko wouldn't give you anything poisonous, right? With that in mind, you do start to feel a little dizzy and have the vision as of you were drunk. Saiko let's out a giggle, but voice sounds a little echoey now. She starts stroking your hair as fall into slumber. "There's a good boy. Rest your head on my lap." Saiko says soothingly.

Few hours later...

Your vision is blank. The left side of your neck feels sore. And your memory's somewhat blurry. You can tell your laying on some sort of soft surface and that something big and smooth is massaging your tummy. It feels kind of nice, but this probably means your not wearing any clothes. You can hear a familiar voice humming the "peace sign" song. You finally open your eyes and see a giant Saiko towering over you, looking on you with a seductive smile, completely naked, on the bed. Turns out it's the tip of her finger massaging your tummy. She giggles. "Hi, down there~" Saiko greets seductively. "S-Saiko..." You say tiredly. It takes you a while to process that your 2 inches tall. You attempt to sit up but Saiko's finger is preventing you from moving at all, and she knows it. The left side of your neck begins sting a little, causing you to wince your body. "Mmm. Oh, right, I marked the side of your neck to let everyone know who you belong to. Which I should've done a long time ago." Saiko explains  You finally process your current situation and shocked to see Saiko at the size that she is. "S-Saiko! Wait, no...wait, holy shit! Did you get bigger!? How did you get so big!? Hang on, we're in the bedroom? I'm I dreaming!?" You immediately put into panic. Saiko bites her bottom lip. "Aww, no need to panic, my sweet little boy toy❤️. You only got smaller. This is just part of your punishment." Saiko explains as she removes her finger off your tummy, allowing you to finally sit up. "My... smaller...?" Your lost in your thoughts and that's when you remember that strange thing Saiko made you swallow, from her mouth to yours. "I'm getting the indication you've put two and two together. Ya know--" Saiko pressures you into the bedsheets, a lot more than she did before. You start squirming and try to remove her finger, but it's futile. She like a thousand times stronger than you. Though, she knows to take an easy since she doesn't want to kill you. "--I kind of like you like this. I mean, you were powerless before, but this is even better, right, little boy toy❤️?" Saiko asks, even though it's best if you just agree. She ascends her finger off you. Because of how quick she did it, you're repelled into the air and land in the palm of Saiko's right hand. You're given a little bit of time to breath. Saiko softly bites her left forefinger. "Seeing you like this really does turn me. Especially, when it comes to this next part~❤️" Saiko excitedly exclaims. You whimper, get on your knees, and put your hands together in a begging manner. "Please, Saiko. I've already said sorry!" You yell. Saiko is so over this already. She rolls her eyes. "Stop that. There's no point begging now. You gotta take responsibility. You let Momo kiss you like your her sex doll or something. Only when you're around me can you act like weakling, you hear? Anyway, enough of that." Saiko gently manhandles the top half of your body, only exposing your ass and legs. "Wh-What are you doing!?" You shout while squirming your legs. Saiko licks her lips. "Why, I'm gonna give you a spanking." Saiko responds. You face turns bright red. At your size, wouldn't a single slap send you flying?. "A what!?" You shout. "Mmhmm~, you heard. And I want you to count each one up to ten! Go!" Saiko yells. You brace yourself. Saiko uses her thumb to the flick her middle finger full force into your right cheek. "!" You submissively yell. Saiko giggles. Your butt cheek already hurts massively, this may be the most intense punishment she's ever given you. Surely, it doesn't get worse than this. "Tell me something--" Saiko flicks your left cheek this time. "Tch! Two." You call. "--do you like Yaoyorozu?" Saiko whispers. Despite this being the reason you're being punished, you didn't expect this question out of nowhere. "Um.. well...just as a friend." You respond. "Nope!" Saiko exclaims as she flicks your right cheek, only much harder."Gah! Three!" You call. "Wrong answer! Try again! Do you like Yaoyorozu!?" Saiko yells. "" You reply. "Good. You should've like her, and I don't want to catch you taking to her. Now." Saiko continues to switch between your right cheek and your left 7 more times as you count them. 

Moments later...

Your cheeks are mega sore. No surprise to you, Saiko doesn't really hold back and is really good at putting you in your place. She releases you into the palm of her hand. You rub your butt. "Mmm, that really hurts. And my neck still stings." You complain. Saiko chuckles. "Don't worry, not much left now. Honestly, I wouldn't really say this one is punishment." Saiko claims. She then drops you onto the bed, and quite the height actually. Good thing it was a soft surface. "I'm not sure if you've not sure if you've noticed, but I'm horny as fuck. But first..." Saiko forces you you to lie down by gently poking you in the tummy. She chuckles. "Oh, wow. You're rock hard right now. Do you crave me that much?" That's so sweet boy toy." Saiko states as she stands up and towers over you. Seeing her from this view makes you a little dizzy. She used her first and second toe to sandwich your cock between them and massages it which feels soooo nice❤️. You begin moaning as this is nice change being spanked a lot to this wonderful feeling. "Hnn...ah❤️. Shit❤️" You definitely can't hold on much longer, and Saiko knows that very well. She then sits down, while continuing to make you feel good~❤️, and starts to finger herself and grab her left breast. "Aaah❤️. How does it feel? Having 0% power on when you decide to blow your load❤️. Am I being too cruel, letting you think that I'll let you cum eventually?" Saiko asks deviously. "Please...please just say it❤️. Hnn...I don't think I can hold on...much longer!💓" You yell. Saiko giggles. "I know. ❤️. Aaah. And, 💓if my calculations are correct...💓" Saiko realises that you've reached your limit...and actually, so has she, as you both 💓moans and cum💓 at the same time. "Ohh~. Oh wow. That was hardly a punishment by the end." You state. Saiko falls on her back and sighs with pleasure❤️, still keeping you trapped between her toes. "Ah, guess you're right, that wasn't actually suppose to a punishment. I was just heated. Now I want you to lick off my juices, then I'll clean you up myself." Saiko commands. You nod. "Yes, okay, Saiko." You submissively respond. Saiko departs her toes, freeing and making you slide down the top of her foot and land right in front of her dripping pussy.

Moments later...

You got done licking up Saiko's juices, as much as you could anyway. "Come here then❤️" Saiko picks you up from your torso and uses her tongue to lick you clean actually enjoyed very much. She then gives you quick kiss, causing you to turn red. "Love you, babe❤️" Saiko says affectionately. You cross your arms. "Oh, so I guess I'm not 'boy toy' anymore." You respond. Saiko frowns. "Well, you won't be a boy toy in the morning." Saiko answers. You widen your eyes. "Wait, really?" You question. Saiko starts laughing. "The look on your face! Of course not! You're mine! You're forever my boy toy!" Saiko responds half jokingly. You roll your eyes.

Next morning... 

You wake up as the light from the window beams over. Turns out you were sleeping next to Saiko on her pillow, though, from your point of view, she was a great distance away. She was already awake apparently and it looks like she's just been staring at you the entire time. "How am I still small?" You ask yourself while looking at your surroundings. "Heh, it wears off in 48 hours after it goes through your digestive system, meaning you should have about 34-36 hours left." Saiko answers. Is she being serious? You just assumed you would wake up and you'd be back to normal. "Can I ask, who even gave you that...thing that made me smaller?" You ask. "Oh, some crazy pink-haired bitch. She got good reviews so I assumed she could do what I ask. I might have to get a few more of those." Saiko says sneakily. Oh boy.

Hours later...

Saiko is fully-clothed in hero costume. All she needs to do now is put her boots on. She was actually a lot kinder than before, and now she's about to leave. You pout. "Hey now, what's with that face?" Saiko questions playfully. "Are you just gonna leave me here!?" You exclaim. Saiko sighs. "Yeah. You've already eaten, bathed, and I'll even leave the TV on!" Saiko yells. "Yeah but...8 hours though!?" You respond. Saiko inhales then exhales to lower her temper, then smiles. "Fine." Saiko snatches you up and dangles you above the entrance of her right boot. Should've just kept your mouth shut. "This is what you wanted don't blame me for what happens next." Saiko whispers as lowers you onto the insole of her boot. And incomes Saiko's foot to smother you throughout the day. Honestly, they're surprisingly soft, and Saiko did just have one of her favourite brands of tea so she'll be smart enough not to crush you. That doesn't mean you're fully enjoying this though. Saiko puts on her other boot. "Well, time greet and save the day." Saiko proudly says to herself as she exits the house.

(Phew, so glad I finally got this done. Hopefully I don't take as long with next one but, then again, a suck at keeping those things we call "promises". Either way, I hope y'all enjoyed this one, if you're not reading before the story)

MHA Girls X Shrunken! Reader (Scenarios) (18+) 🍋Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ