transmigrating how to allure a man

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Hello readers of your reading this I hope you can help me

Cause you know there is a novel titled "How to allure a man " it is about a woman named qingqing who lost her memories and was bound to the system to figure out who she was
And her mission was seducing the male lead and along the flow of the story there was pieces of information regarding her past

Don't get me wrong..I can tell you that the story is very good super good
There maybe some complicated things happening in each plot of the different world she goes to but it is still great

The plotline was wisely made and the author was very good in the details of every character
But the biggest mystery for me was who she was and why do the memories of her past which was only a piece of it was about a man .who will make her sad every time he tried to remember him

And just to let you know the male lead is the same person it was kinda pretty obvious but the system and the one who create the system knows who qingqing and sometimes they appear in the plotline to say something like "qingqing will someday remember everything"or something like"she decided this path and making her remember it will only bring pain" this kinda words already have hints but it is kinda a pain In that ass trying to figure out the story so if you readers somehow know or finish reading this story please let me know cause I'm so damned curious

And the male lead also lost his memories judging by the hints given in the story

There was a saying curiosity kils a cat ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

So readers if you know that the ending is very bad and it tells about the male lead cheated or misundertand the fl hope you won't tell me ಥ‿ಥ

You know I don't want to be disappointed

And plus the episode I've unlock in novel novel is up to 385 chapters only
And the chapters is about 575 and I can't unlock cause I don't have the patience to be online everyday to claim the reward to unlock an episode (。ノω\。)

And oops btw this story how to allure a man can be found in "Bobel novel"
The full title of the story is "Transmigration how to allure a man"
Author:San Qian Kuai
And for readers out there who want a very good plotline and story about Transmigrating I deeply recommend this novel to you

Bobel novel can be downloaded in Play store by android
And by the way the translation is kinda MTL
But much better or kinda similar ....I meannnnnnn its translation is slightly better I guess

In every world there are different plotline and stories
In each world the story could be sweet love story or enemies, lovers who misundertand s each other , the male lead love someone else ,hate the MC, but don't worry I can guarantee that the male lead will still fall for the MC on the end

There are two stories in the episode 1-385 that have bad ending well they don't really have a bad ending it's just that the female lead either die when she completed her mission in a world where she don't like the male lead
The don't like doesn't mean he hates him but the MC is gradually remembering some things and as a smart MC she is she knows something that I don't know te~hee>.<
Well actually I cans we that there are somethings that the Mc knows but her thoughts aren't really written the only thing the story gave me was hints (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Ahhh ahh ಠ_ಠ I hate mysteries cause it's troublesome to solve them (ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-■

I'm a lazy girl after all and also I won't use my ten million IQ for this [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡ಠ_ಠ)̲̅$̲̅]

In my own understanding of these story the ML is just like a character in a novel who has his own altitude but because he similar to the MC doesn't remember anything he believe that this world is real or he thinks that he is him

The him Is referring to the ML body who he will occupy and where the MC seduce him who is inside the body
This is so hard to explain ୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨

But you will get to understand my point when you read it

And I also have a tiny bit situation that the world the MC is always transmigrating is their previous life or a world that is a replica to what she or the ML was before they both lost their memories?? Or their future¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well I don't know but I hope it's the latter so I won't be sad cause if every world she's in right now is their previous life I'll cry(╥﹏╥)

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