Chapter 9

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Taylor's POV

                THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! Everybody seems so hyped that today's Friday. Well, everybody except Alex. She's been so quiet today and I don't know why. Usually we would both be talking about random things,  but right now She seems to be not in the mood. It's quite weird not hearing her talk and not being all sassy with Lauren and Selena or being all sweet and smiley with me and the others. I need to know what's bothering her right now. The sooner,the better.

             "It would be better if you would go and talk to her you know." Lauren said from my left side. She and our other friends were looking at Alex too.

             "Why is she so quiet today? I mean, she's not usually like that." I told them in a low voice so that Alex couldn't here me.

           "I know the feeling Tay. Believe me, it's giving me the chills already."  Normani said from her seat.

          "Does she have any problems that she's not sharing with us? "Camila asked while looking at Lauren , expecting answers from her  .  Lauren just sighed and looked at Selena and Ally with pleading eyes. Ally sighed before answering Camila.

          "I think it's better that she'll be the one to tell you guys rather than us." Ally stated.

          "I agree with Ally guys."Selena added with a nod.

          "Why can't you tell us yourselves? " Camila asked again.

          "Because we can't you little munchkin. " Lauren answered Camila while pinching her cheeks.

          "You owe me something. " Camilla said with a pout on her face while me and the others just looked at her and Lauren,amazed at what we're seeing.

         "Don't pout like that! You're so cute when you do that! " Lauren complained.

         "Will you two stop What you're doing and just date already? " Dinah said. Camila and Lauren blushed at the same time.

         "Shut up Dinah! " Camila threw her pen at Dinah which made the taller girl laugh even more.

          "You guys are so unbelievable! " Selena said.

          "Yeah, just like you right Selskie?" Lauren asked while giggling.  Selena glared at Lauren while I just giggled.

          "I'm gonna talk to her, if that's OK with you guys. " I asked them and they all nodded.

         "Good luck Taylor! " Selena playfully said but then became serious again when she saw Demi glaring at her. I turned to the other side to face Alex just to see her looking out at the window. I tapped her shoulder to catch her attention. She looked at me and I immediately saw sadness in her eyes. We looked at each other for a long time before I felt her hug me tightly. I was caught off guard at first but I returned the hug.

         "Is everything ok ?" I asked her softly. She just nodded her head and let go from our hug. She then gave me a small smile which I gladly returned before the bell started ringing.

        "Do you have your car with you right now? "I asked Alex. She just shook her head and I nodded. I was about to say something when Ally,Lauren and Selena hugged her tight.

         "They're really close with each other,aren't they? " Demi asked with a small smile on her face I just nodded my head and headed out of the room with my other friends. We all went to our lockers to pick up some books. After picking up our book we all went to the parking lot to get inside our own rides.

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